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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl


    nah, he was pritty way before all this "emo" shit. i'm just really happy that he's gotten over to the point he has. not bad for a tiny kid from Michigan. but enough about Jimmy. this thread is all about me!
  2. Retard Girl

    Ike Turner Dead

    it was a travesty of the original
  3. Retard Girl


    it's because he's pritty.
  4. Retard Girl


    Jimmy Jacobs, and NOT Necro. mmmm Robotussen
  5. Retard Girl


    ^ thx man. over on livejournal, the wrestling communities and such i'm in, are pretty much split 50/50 boys/girls. it's only the message boards where i seem to be the only girl. i dunno why. and i'm prone to the occasional fangirling over who's cute and who's tights are smaller, but for the most part, i am a serious fangirl. i swear.
  6. Retard Girl

    Merry Christmas, you bastards

    that's got to piss off some christians somewhere.
  7. Retard Girl


    whoa, a girl on a wrestling board tanks! hell, you've never seen Taiga Star XD
  8. Retard Girl

    Nine men gang rape a 10 year old girl

    i'm not a hater, but this is stiill funny as fuck.
  9. Retard Girl

    Weird call

    people just keep getting stupider and stupider.
  10. Retard Girl

    Undertaker in London

    thanx for bumping this awesome piece of wording!
  11. Retard Girl

    Right Said Thread/I'm Board Da Ba Dee Da Ba Di

    ^ i remember that now!
  12. Retard Girl

    Right Said Thread/I'm Board Da Ba Dee Da Ba Di

    i remember that. that was about the same time swing was popular, for about the same amount of time.
  13. don't get me wrong, tats are awesome. but... *shudders*
  14. she needs to eat a sandwich once in a while.
  15. Retard Girl

    Nine men gang rape a 10 year old girl

  16. Retard Girl


    i was agreeing with the statement. there's no denying that it's a violent country.
  17. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Ride the Lightning is my new favourite song.
  18. Retard Girl


    well, the US does have a higher murder rate than most of the 'developed' world. i'm paraphrasing George Carlin here when i say "America was populated from those that were castoffs and misfits from their home countries." so it's pretty much a bad stock to begin with XD
  19. Retard Girl

    Nine men gang rape a 10 year old girl

    because ten year olds are just so sexy....
  20. Retard Girl


    Smarks Board Name: TaigaStar Wrestlers Name: Taiga Star Height: 5'5" Weight: "one hundred and none of your damn business" pounds (fifteen pounds shy of 200, but still) Hometown: Helltown - Haverhill, Massachusetts. Age: 26 Face/Heel: face with heel-ish tendencies. Stable: I'm a loner Ring Escort: Don't need a damn escort. Weapon(s): chair, hubcap Quote: "Today is not that day", "So it is said, so it is done" Looks: (Mickie Knuckles-ish) black tank top, camouflage cargo pants cut off at the knees, big clunky black boots, black kneepads, black wrist guards. Ring Entrance: Be a Man by Hole (listen). Slapping hands with the fans, some waving, nothing fancy. Stats: ¯¯¯¯¯ Strength: 4 Speed: 4 Vitality: 7 Charisma: 5 Style: Slow and methodical. Power moves with a bit of mat work and a side of hardcore. Very, very rarely does anything high-spotty. Can give and take a great deal of pain and punishment. Will pass out before tapping out. Very strong, willing to take on any man. Signature moves: stretch muffler surfboard stretch mafia kick/big boot to the face dragon screw leg whip swinging neckbreaker torture rack corner boot facewash headbutts. a lot of headbutts. note: Taiga has a tendency to make up submissions as she goes along, randomly tying up limbs as she sees fit. When asked about the name of any particular submission used, her reply is likely to be, "I'm not exactly sure what I did. A fuji-gatta-doodah-mae?" Common moves: dropkicks to the knee, back, and head belly-to-belly suplex t-bone suplex snap suplex hard chops to the chest back chops straight slap to the face straight kicks to the back and head forarm throws/elbow shots backbreaker over the knee cravate knee to the face choking out with the boot in the corner Rare moves: fat girl frog splash Finishers: texas cloverleaf top rope double stomp Notes: Taiga is a very no nonsense, down to earth, straightforward, and honest kind of woman. She looks down on other women as being catty and using their sex to get them ahead. She is tough and fearless, taking on any opponent, no matter what size. Won't go out of her way to cause any problems; but if someone picks a fight with her, she won't back down. Is occasionally seen driving her big black Dodge pickup. Will do anything to win a fight, even if it is a little dirty or underhanded. Is out to prove herself as viable as any man in the wrestling business. Has a habit of bringing adult novelties into hardcore matches. Bio: Taiga grew up on the streets on her own from her preteens. Her fighting skills have been honed over years of fighting to survive. Early on, she learned there were two ways to get what she needed: using sex, or her fists. She chose her fists. She got into wrestling when she was 16 and hasn't left. Works hard to prove she is more than just a 'girl', in all aspects of her life.
  21. Retard Girl


    The first part of your post is absolutely retarded. Guns are efficient killing tools, and if used properly, will wield the results the handler is looking for. I don't see how they are exactly considered cowardly. I'm assuming you mean in any/all circumstances, which is ridiculous. What are the troops supposed to use, their fists and feet? I do think it's cowardly for someone to use a gun in a normal, every day situations though. Like when someone is mugging you, and they have a gun, yeah, that's easily considered cowardly. I disagree with the notion that guns "aren't the problem, the people are". Both parties are equally responsible. Guns are made for one purpose, that's to kill. Making guns available to civilians is one of the biggest fuck ups our Constitution has ever made. People, by nature, are greedy/corrupt, as they were back in the 1700's. To bad our founding fathers couldn't think that far into the future. okay, let me clairfy. some situations may call for a firearm. wars and shit, self defence. i hate the idea though of "i need a gun because he has a gun". i'm aware that this is somewhat true, but i like to live in my own little world where guns aren't a problem. i still personally hate guns though. if someone mugged me with a gun, i'd take pride in knocking him senceless. hopefully before the fucker has a chance to shoot me. the guns aren't going to go away. it's the society that's fucked up. it's so easy to just blame things on "society" though. so... yeah. that's all i got.
  22. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Weird Al is awesomener XD
  23. Retard Girl


    i don't like guns. they're dangerous and cowardly. if you're going to kill someone, you should do it face to face. on the other hand, i'm not going to go around and tell other people that they can't have guns. it's not the guns that is the problem, it's the people who use them. there's a cliche of sorts that i think is totally true, 'if we blame guns for killing people, then we can blame pencils for mispelled words' or something like that.
  24. Retard Girl

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    those gifs were full of lulz. duh.