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Everything posted by Papacita

  1. Papacita

    3/23 Feedback

    Only had a chance to skim the show, but I just wanted to point out that I really dug Drek's segment. Good shit. If time permits, I'll try to squeeze in some detailed feedback sometime before 2008.
  2. Papacita

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    Did it really bother you that much, Dam(o)? I watched the street fight a second time, and I still say that aside from the fact that a McMahon was fighting AT ALL, there was nothing to get up in arms about. Really, if you watch the match, the only times that Shane takes control of the match is when Vince is running interference, the one exception being a reversed Irish whip into the post at the start of the match, which is more or less your equivalent to a lucky punch. I could maybe see someone taking issue with his using the surfboard to work the back, but even that is somewhat passable as Shane has had some wrestling experience in the past. Could they have gone about it a better way? Definitely, but I just don't see how someone could watch that and say that Shawn came off looking weak. It's not like he was facing Kane or somebody.
  3. Papacita

    Was SNME a flop??? Ratings are in...

    Just out of curiosity, anybody know how the show fared in comparison to what NBC usually pulls in for that time slot?
  4. Papacita

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    Shawn Michaels is a four time world champion. Shane should have had ONE offensive move. A punch that was no sold. The angle of the match could have been "If this is what Shawn will do to Tubby, what will he do to Vince?" Instead, we can add Shawn Michaels to the list of people that Shane McMahon dominated. He is so far past out of control that its not even funny anymore. Thing about Shawn though is that while he is a four time Champion, he's not exactly a notorious tough guy, so in his case it's not all that unbelievable for Shane to get some offense on him, especially in a street fight. If it was a straight up match and he had been wrestling circles around him, yeah that'd be a problem, but as is I really don't see anything so bad about it.
  5. Papacita

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    Eh, this was the first wrestling show (not counting tapes and a handful of Velocity matches) I've seen since January, and for what it was I thought it was enjoyable. I thought the opening match was pretty well done, the only criticism being that Angle came off as too much of an after thought to me (in fact, Smackdown came off as an after thought throughout the show, but that's not all that surprising I guess). I enjoyed the JBL/Austin thing way more than I should have (they had pretty good chemistry tonight), though if they're trying to build to a match with Benoit, they should've featured him a little more prominently. Candace was looking nice as hell tonight, and the Mickie turn was ok, if a little predictable (I'm a little surprised she's just turning NOW though...they've dragged this thing out way too long). The Foley/Edge and Taker/Henry segments both came off weak to me, although they get some cool points for that sick casket bump from Divari. And I did like the street fight aside from the ending...I really didn't have a problem with Shane controlling, especially with Vince being out there to run interference. And the Van Terminator and Superplex spots were pretty cool. Edit: Didn't sell me on WM at all though.
  6. Papacita

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    I thought that happened. Taker/Shawn maybe??? I recall it vaguely. maybe it was just on a RAW where Taker pulled someone in to pound him... It's happened twice that I can remember, in Taker/Shawn and Taker/Kama back in the day. Like NYU and others have said, the match just kept going.
  7. How did they blow that one off anyway? I didn't have cable at the time and missed a lot of stuff around that period.
  8. Papacita

    Vince Russo Raw days

    Only real gripe I had with him in WWF (didn't see his WCW run either) was the fact that he devalued the titles. Plus he tended to make a lot of unexplained/stupid swerves for the sake of remaining unpredictable (i.e. spending months building Road Dogg and Billy Gunn up for Hardcore and I-C Title matches respectively, then having them switch places about a week before WMXV).
  9. Papacita

    World Title

    Are you referring to the time he beat Windham for the belt at Beach Blast 93 (which, IIRC, WCW at the time counted as his 10th reign).
  10. Just watched the video...wasn't as bad as I was expecting and I can actually see some logic in it in the fact that it put Cena over as a guy who may not be the best skilled, but always finds a way to win. That's not gonna do much good when the majority of the crowd fucking hates him, but still... That said, if they'd let Cena cut loose on the mic, I may actually be interested enough to buy the damn PPV.
  11. Second theme thing 1. Wrestlemania 2. XFL theme/Brawl for All Remix 3. Rob Conway 4. Christian 5. ???? 6. ???? 7. HHH circa 99 8. Dean Malenko 9. Old School Owen/High Energy 10. Old School Hart Foundation 11. The Hollys 12. Hurricane Helms? Edit: Shit, 7 was DDP's WWE theme wasn't it?
  12. Wasn't Eddie Guerrero presentend as a jobber against Terry Funk back in 89?
  13. Papacita


    Whatever happened to this?
  14. Papacita

    OAOAST Zero Hour Booking Thread

    Just to let everybody know, I'm running a little late on the match graphics, but I should have them in soon.
  15. Papacita

    Iconic video game music.

    Sonic 3, Hydro Zone (I think) Act 2 is the best video game music I've ever heard. I used to play the game just to hear that song, and after I beat that stage, I'd turn it off. Also, despite not having played the game in over a decade, the song that plays after you beat Sonic 2 (when Sonic is falling from the sky and Tails shows up with the plane to rescue him) has stuck in my head for years.
  16. 1-??? 2-Kenzo 3-Mark Jindrak 4-Luther Reigns (I think) 5-??? 6-??? 7-Rhyno 8-CHRISTY HEMME~! 9-AJ Styles 10-Jeff Jarrett 11-Hunter Hearst Helsmley 12-??? 13-Jake Roberts 14-Wolfpac 15-Owen Hart 16-Brian Pillman 17-HORSEMEN~! 18-Radicalz 19-Shamrock 20-Sandman
  17. Papacita

    Warrior's writing online again

    I love Warrior. Seriously, his insane rants are just about all I look forward to in wrestling anymore
  18. Papacita

    It's that time of year again!

    Bunch of reasons really, but mostly a lack of time and energy (and I stress energy). Also, I've been fedding in some capacity for pretty much the last DECADE (August 05 would've been 10 years). I think was about time for me to step away.
  19. It's time for Papacita to annoy you all by pimping stuff from his old e-fed days. Nah, I was just looking through my files and stumbled on a couple of long-forgotten roleplays I did as my J-Dogg character (the one The Hand killed, for anyone that actually remembers that Chris Bryte storyline) back in 2001. I figured someone might find them interesting. www.angelfire.com/wrestling/panthersway/jdoggjoker.html www.angelfire.com/wrestling/panthersway/jdoggrp.html
  20. Papacita

    OAOAST Zero Hour Booking Thread

    Updated logo: Basically the same as before, but I was thinking that the color would fit the war theme a little better than the red one. Up to y'all which one you wanna use.
  21. Cuz Stacy's actually over? :shrugs:
  22. Papacita

    Awesome video

    I laugh because I'd probably have reacted the same way when I was his age. Hell, I'd probably react the same way today to be honest.
  23. Papacita

    College Major

    I actually had her my final semester. She was nice as hell. I don't see why she's on that list. Edit: Googled the Most Dangerous Prof. In America thing...yeah that makes sense.
  24. Papacita

    356 Million Dollar Powerball this weekend

    I'd get robbed. Or come up with an elaborate plot to fake my own death. Haven't decided yet.