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Everything posted by Papacita

  1. Papacita

    Which would you rather see?

    All depends on what the dogs are wearing.
  2. Papacita

    What year did WWE start to lose their edge?

    I voted 99, since WWF really began to work my nerves around the time that Smackdown debuted. Other than that, I look at the period between Fully Loaded and SummerSlam 2000 as the start of the downfall.
  3. Papacita

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    How's Arn gonna be involved in this when his boy just got beat down?
  4. Papacita

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    Those "Welcome Back Triple H...NOT!" signs made me laugh.
  5. "How must I prepare? You must ask yourself: "Should I jump off the tallest building in the world?! Should I lay on the lawn and let him run over me with lawnmowers?! Should I got to Africa and let him trample me...with RAGING ELEPHANTS?!?!?!" That's gotta be the best wrestling quote ever. Seriously, nothing else tops that.
  6. Papacita

    Flash pop-ups

    All the processes appear normal, and the microsoft thing hasn't worked so far.
  7. Papacita

    Flash pop-ups

    Ok, there's some kinda spyware installed on my machine that's causing all these pop-ups to randomly appear. The weird thing about it as that the pop-ups don't seem to be associated with IE at all--they're all Macromedia Flash items. I've used spybot, HiJack this, searched on google, and searched all over my computer to find the source of these pop-ups and so far I've found nothing. The one thing I do know is that the source is searc-h.com. So can anybody help me get rid of this spyware, or do I hafta choke a bitch?
  8. Papacita

    Summerslam DVD extras

    Has anybody heard anything about the extras on the Summerslam DVD? Main reason I'm asking because I heard that on PPV DVDs (I've never bought one so I'm not sure) they usually have build-up segments in the extras section, and I'm trying to get my hands on some of the HBK/Hogan stuff.
  9. Papacita

    Summerslam DVD extras

    I see. I'll pass then. Thanks.
  10. Papacita

    Just in case

    Stay safe, man. Hope everything works out for you and your family.
  11. Papacita

    No More Hassan

    First off, I'm a little unsure of your point, so I apologize in advance if I'm misreading you, but from what I can gather, you're arguing that cheap heat is good as long as it encourages fans to pay to see a wrestler get beaten up. Is that right? If so, I agree with this logic. If pulling an angle such as Hassan's brings more money into WWE's pocket, more power to them. But generally, cheap heat angles don't work in today's environment because nowadays just about everyone can see through the product and everybody knows that wrestling's "fake." People don't boo guys like Hassan because they legitimately hate him; they boo him because they're supposed to, and while it's nice to have some fan response as opposed to having none at all, until they round out his character and give fans something more to attach themselves to instead of the basic "USA, USA" stuff, these kinds of characters are always gonna fall flat. And shock angles like the terrorist deal are bad ideas anyway because they do more to put heat on the promotion than on an individual wrestler. Sending a guy out on TV and having him use "the n-word" won't make people hate him, it'll make people angry at WWE for "crossing the line", and while I'd probably pay good money if it meant a chance to see WWE creative get beaten up, people would be more likely to turn on the product rather than paying for the new show, which is--obviously--counterproductive. Basically, cheap heat isn't bad, but it's not what you should be looking for if your goal is to make money. As for the Hassan situation, I think it's a shame since I was one of the few people who actually liked him when he was around. I didn't so much care for his gimmick (the basic premise was interesting, but it was all wrong in execution), I did like how they were able to keep him relatively strong in the beginning of the year without necessarily shoving him down our throats like they did in the past. I liked his program with Shawn for what it was (I marked for the Davari win) and I'd have loved to see a major I-C program between him and Shelton. It sucks that the terrorist thing basically ended his career, especially since it was so unnecessary in relation to his character.
  12. Papacita

    What do you do when you get mad at a video game?

    I remember me and my friends group-stomping my NES when we couldn't get a code to work on Turtles 2. Good times. Nowadays I just cuss a lot. Then again, I cuss a lot when I'm winning too, so...
  13. I think the actual size of the SD logo is the worst part of that poster. I mean, the tattoo idea is pretty creative, but with the fact that the SD's logo's displayed more prominently makes it appear as if they're advertising a Sunday night Smackdown rather than a PPV. Anyway, I hate how everytime WWE does a gimmick match they advertise it a "the most dangerous match in the history of our sport." I remember one year I swore they gave the same spiel for every other PPV. "The cage match is the most dangerous match in the history of our sport!" "Hell in a Cell is the most destructive force in wrestling history!" "The stretcher match is the most dangerous match ever!" "The Elimination chamber is where careers go to die!!" I'm just waiting for them to pull that sell on something like a bra and panties match.
  14. Papacita

    PPVs and your moneys worth

    You know, if we're talking non-WWE/F shows, I've gotta throw Wrestlepalooza 98 down there. I was a huge ECW mark going in and that was the first PPV of theirs I got the chance to see...and it was horrible. It just killed their whole aura for me, and as much as I loved the promotion, I don't think my faith in them ever fully recovered after seeing that show.
  15. Papacita

    PPVs and your moneys worth

    The only show I can honestly remember ordering and thinking "this is a waste of money" is Bad Blood 03, largely because of that dumb ass Redneck Triathalon or whatever the hell they were calling it. I remember being disappointed by Summerslam 98, not so much because it was a bad show but because I don't think it lived up to the hype going in.
  16. Papacita

    Warrior DVD Trailer

    That thing is ridiculously slanted. "The man who self-destructed under the pressure of superstardom...never to be seen again." Wow. I dunno who looks worse here, Warrior or WWE for going to such obvious lengths to bury the man.
  17. Papacita

    What is your WWE match of the 3/4 year?

    Any love for Angle/Eddie from the Smackdown title tourney following Mania? Typical stuff for them for the most part, but I remember enjoying that match a lot...actually more than the Michaels match at Mania. Other than that, Michaels/Angle and Michaels/Shelton are pretty much givens, and I seem to recall a pretty good Jericho/Shelton match from Backlash, although it's been a while since I actually sat down to watch it. I liked Benoit/Regal, but I dunno if I liked it enough to call it a MOTYC though.
  18. Papacita

    Your ROH MOTY

    World Title Classic, Punk Vs Joe II and All Star Extravaganza...all in 04.
  19. Papacita

    WWE Legal Battles

    On Rhino, IIRC his name's already been copyrighted by Marvel, hence WWE's adding the "y" after he joined.
  20. Papacita

    CM Punk & Nigel McGuiness OVW sighting

    Does Nigel have a developmental deal as well, or was he just wrestling on the show?
  21. Does Marty Jannetty count? I also liked IRS, Dean Douglas, Double J back when he had the Roadie with him, The BodyDonnas, Horowitz, The Berserker, Max Moon and Jean-Pierre Laffitte.
  22. Papacita

    Hurricane Katrina

    ^That's honestly the first time one of those things actually made me laugh.
  23. Papacita

    Hurricane Katrina

    That's not even the issue with you. My main problem with your argument is that you're blasting blacks for thinking collectively while at the same time grouping Kanye in with a black stereotype. It's either one way or the other...how you define "us" is completely irrelevant to me. And there is no innate respect between all black people. Some people feel that way, others don't. There's no universal character trait in any group of people, end of story.
  24. Papacita

    Hurricane Katrina

    Yeah, but that word by its strictest definition means "white nigger." Which group of people in this country is the word "nigger" associated with?
  25. Papacita

    What would you change in WWE today

    Here's the problem: unless they lowered ticket prices by a good amount, I doubt there'd a lot of people coming to watch Heat live without the promise of seeing main event stars. Though cheaper tickets could be a solution. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Keep in mind that there would be no Smackdown! or Velocity any more. There'd be a few main event stars on Heat, but they'd mostly be wrestling mid-carders. For example, one night you might see Kurt Angle put on a great match with someone lower down the card--thus making that wrestler seem more credible. You could literally watch wrestlers become stars on Heat. You'd also have the classic squash match, vignettes, and dark matches. I see no reason that ticket prices couldn't be lowered, though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They had a live Heat taping here in Philly back in 98 (this was when Heat was still kinda popular, mind you...and the business was still hot) and it sold pretty well (I think it sold out actually...not sure) with the promise of a Taker/Mankind/Austin/Rock 4-way after the televised portion of the show. I think it could work well again if the promise of big matches like this for the live crowd and also if there were more significant storyline developments on the show.