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Everything posted by Papacita

  1. Papacita

    Feed-back for the 8/5 HD~!

    Yeah, sorry about that. I probably would've had the match be a lot shorter, but since I'm still trying to figure out Bryte's style, I decided to go through with the full match just so I have a better idea of how to handle their eventual rematch. The match was pretty long though, and it probably would've been a lot longer but I cut out a lot of Panther's comeback in the end to get it in on time. As for my feedback (all late), I was really feeling the show all the way through. The stuff with Hoff and Chris Stevens was awesome, I loved Axel's promo, and the tag title match was great. And even though I was hoping The Boss would turn out to be a talking goldfish (DAMN YOU!), Rick's segment was probably my favorite on the show (close between that and the Hoff/Stevens match). The fight scene was well done, I'll be damned if I didn't mark for Father's robot. It was so over the top, but it worked well. Great show.
  2. Papacita

    AngleSlam booking thread

  3. Papacita

    Paul E On Live Wire

    Yeah, that one was my favorite. I loved when he went into his little story about wrestling Bret in the Dungeon. He said something like, "I went up to Calgary and faced Bret in his own Dungeon, and for 60 minutes I beat his ass. I stretched him all over the place, then all of a sudden Stu Hart comes down and starts whining and crying! 'Please, Stone Cold, please! Don't hurt my boy!' SO I BEAT STU'S ASS!" That had me rolling.
  4. Papacita

    Booking for the 8/12 HD~! from Vancouver,BC

    Bryte's got some explaining to do. He's asked that *JACKIE GAYDA* handle the interview, and despite her adamant protest, she's been assigned the job. What will Bryte have to say? What does he want with Jackie? What role (if any) will Panther play in all this? Hmmm...
  5. Papacita

    AngleSlam booking thread

    Cage Match: Panther vs Chris Bryte ^^^DOOOOON'T READ THAT^^^ I'm looking at you Adam! *wags finger*
  6. Papacita

    More inconsistencies with Kane

    Yep, I missed that skit. I'm not totally sure they ever mentioned it on TV, but WWF magazine was throwing the surgery idea around in the summer of 99. He was off TV for a bit in the spring/summer of 2000, and was talking without the voice box after that, so I assume that's when the surgery would've taken place. And while we're on inconsistencies, how come Kane can't shoot lightning anymore?
  7. Papacita

    Best Summerslam

    02 was probably my all-time favorite, followed closely by 91 (my first PPV) and 95. I never really cared for 98, though. It had (IMO) the best all around PPV build ever, but that just made for an underwhelming show by the time it actually rolled around. I mean, it was a pretty good show, but the way they hyped it up, I was expecting something mindblowing and what we got disappointed the hell outta me.
  8. Papacita

    Graphics Stuff...

    Ok, first... http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling/panthersway/angleslam.gif That's the link to the logo I've started on for Angleslam. Copy and paste the address to see it, since Angelfire doesn't allow direct linking and Photobucket is just being a big stupidhead right about now...yeah, that's right! I said the "S" word! Don't make me repeat it! Anyway, I was wondering what you guys think about it, is their anything you think I should add to it, etc. I was thinking of actually typing out the word "ANGLESLAM" underneath the phone thing just so that it's a little more clear, but I dunno. Also, for graphics, Tony brought up the idea of using logos instead of pics for the PPV match graphics (kinda like how they used to do for Saturday Night's Main Event). I kinda prefer the normal format myself, but logos would make it easier for those of you who can't figure out what pic you want to represent your character. So which method would you all prefer?
  9. Papacita

    Booking for the 8/5 HD~! from Fresno,CA!

    Barring any unforeseen circumstances... Panther vs. Chris Bryte *GASP*
  10. Papacita

    Eugene going over HHH at Summerslam?

    Actually the Rock's career mirrors this exactly as well. Right down to getting the World Title before he was ready for it. Scary, no? I think Rock was ready for the belt when he got it. Not only was he over as hell, but from SummerSlam to Survivor Series, he was built up as a ME player so that when he got the belt, it wasn't really a stretch. While Orton may be as popular as Rock was in the summer of 98, he hasn't really been built as an ME player. They just snatched him up out of the I-C division (WAY too soon, IMO) and are tossing him in the ME off the bat.
  11. Papacita

    Ric Flair agrees with me

    Are you sure he was talking about the SS 02 match? The link you posted doesn't specify.
  12. Papacita

    Anyone know the ratings for this Raw Diva crap?

    I may be mistaken, but I think the last week's segment where they destroyed Bischoff's office got a 4.0.
  13. Papacita

    July - LTP: This Ain't Oz

    Non-sanctioned:Panther vs. THE HAND~! ^^Don't read that^^
  14. Papacita

    Booking for the 7/29 HD~!

    Jackie Gayda will conduct an interview with Chris Bryte and The Hand, who, supposedly, will make a public apology for the situation with J-Dogg.
  15. Papacita

    Feedback for the 7/22 HeldDown~!

    I've got that covered. There'll be an explanation next week that, hopefully, ties everything up. Anyway, thanks for the feedback on the angle. I was a little bit hesitant to do it (since WWE'd probably be crucified if they even thought about running such an angle), but I went on through with it and hoped that it didn't come off too cheesy in the end. Overall, I thought the show was great all around (as usual). I echo the sentiments about the Drek/Sly stuff. The set up was well done, and the match itself was great. The build towards Drek/Cappa was handled well too, and I enjoyed the little brawl at the end of Drek's match. I was seriously feeling the Crystal/Gunner/Hoff/Zack match, so props to whomever wrote that. I usually don't like the whole "singles match turned tag match" thing, but I think this was handled well and the transition flowed nicely. I kinda marked for the ending too, as I was expecting Crystal to make a comeback and win, and the botched spear caught me off guard. I always enjoy Northstar's stuff, and this week was no exception. KID's promo was a fun read, and the production scene had me dying. The tag team stuff was nice too, and I was especially feeling Cornette's and NNMX's promo.
  16. Am I the only one who doesn't get this? I was gonna ask about that earlier. I can't see why they'd take it. The shirt seems kinda inspiring...gets me right here. *pounds chest*
  17. Papacita

    RAW Rating

    Obviously it sucked if you were there live, it might of brought in a few more viewers flipping channels on TV though. That doesn't necessarily mean that people liked it. It's likely that people flipping through just saw something different on the show and decided to stick around to see just what it was.
  18. Papacita

    Too late for RVD and Booker T?

    It seemed as if they had something when Book initially made the switch to Smackdown, but they blew that by throwing him into the program with Taker. I don't think Booker's gonna be able to come back from this, which is a shame because they had so many chances to make something out of him, it's not even funny. As for RVD, until he changes his attitude, I don't see him getting any kind of push, and even if they do push him, I can't see it working because he's been buried for so long, it'd be hard to get people to care about him like they did in 01-02.
  19. At the height of my infatuation with Chyna, I bought a bootleg "I'd Rather be in Chyna" shirt. Today, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that shirt...and even then, I wouldn't wear it without a jacket.
  20. I think that weekly TV in 99 was a little better than it is now. The shows were a lot more unpredictable and even the weaker shows were more entertaining. There was also a little more variety in the shows, as Russo would put more focus on the midcard. Today, if the ME angle isn't working, the whole show is dragged down, but back then, you really wouldn't have that problem, because the undercard was so well-developed that you could almost always find something on the show that entertained you. Wrestling-wise, though, today is much better. 99 also loses points because of bad booking and the fact that all the belts were devalued under Russo's run. Things are a lot more structured today.
  21. Papacita

    OMG, what a KO!!!

    I think Bart's last two wins were fixed (he even had a storyline building towards he and Godfather in the semis), so I don't think they expected Bradshaw to win. Either way, they had been hyping the hell out of Gunn following the KO on Williams, and he pretty much became the center of attention for Brawl for All, so I can't see them being upset with him going over in the end.
  22. Papacita

    Dave Meltzer's Vengeance Review

    Ok, admittedly, I'm not the best judge of psychology, but is that really a bad thing? I mean, you've got Edge, who recently returned from a neck injury, and Orton whose finisher works the head/neck area, so it'd make sense for him to target Edge's neck during the match. If it didn't play into the finish, couldn't you just say Orton's strategy didn't pay off in the end? I've seen this complaint before (about body work not playing into the finish), but in this case especially, I don't see how it makes the psychology any less sound.
  23. Papacita

    The Old School questions thread

    From a review of the 5/7/01 Raw:
  24. Papacita

    Booking for the 7/22 HD~!

    As was set up in my LATE segment from this past HD (thanks again to Northstar for editing that in), The Hand and Chris Bryte vs J-Dogg and...well...some bum. Also, we've yet to hear Panther's answer to Bryte's challenge. Will we get it this week? Huh? Will we?
  25. Papacita

    Best comedy segment ever?

    Didnt the piss end up being green? Yeah. And that was Regal, BTW.