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Everything posted by Papacita

  1. Papacita

    AM III feedback

    The finish is now edited in.
  2. Papacita

    Media post: Mr. Perfect Vs. Shawn Michaels from

    Was it hyped that way on TV leading into the PPV? Outside of hearing Vince say it during the match, I'd never heard it. Also, if Perfect's back was bothering him, they probably just threw that out there banking on the possibility of a rematch between the two. Also, is it just me, or does Shawn look unusually big in that match? That's the heaviest I've ever seen him.
  3. Papacita

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    They're in costums if I'm not mistaken.
  4. Papacita

    AM III feedback

    I'm happy to say, with 100% certainty I had nothing to do with that one. I think... *cries*
  5. Papacita

    The Tony Schiavone thread

    We've had threads dedicated to silly quotes from JR, McMahon, Lawler and a host of others. Nothing wrong with a Schiavone thread.
  6. Papacita

    Media post: Mr. Perfect Vs. Shawn Michaels from

    Thanks for the post, Deon. Aside from a couple of blown spots early on, the match really wasn't as bad as I'd heard (though Perfect probably could've sold the back a little more towards the end). About 5-10 more minutes and a clean finish and this match could've been a classic. Of course, seeing this match only makes me even more disappointed that they didn't get to do that World Title program in 96.
  7. Papacita

    Val Venis

    Well, Kat got fired after No Way Out 2001 and they worked Wrestlemania and a few shows afterwards, but following the Right to Nudity angle, they really didn't do anything noteworthy.
  8. Papacita

    Val Venis

    They broke up not too long after SummerSlam 2001 (I think?) which led up the atrocious Undertaker-Kane / Kronik match at Unforgiven. I think RTC broke up back in April 2001. At a Smackdown I went to, I remember them breaking out in a brawl after an Ivory/Chyna Women's title match (last time I saw Chyna in person...*sniffles* ). They got back together for the next Raw, but then ended up fighting again. Stevie blamed Undertaker for it somehow. How different do you think WWE would've been had they given RTC a run as top heel group in 2000? It probably would've freshened things up a bit (getting away from the wrestler vs owner storylines) and I think RTC had the heat to pull it off.
  9. Papacita

    Val Venis

    You seem to forget who "T" was. Bah. T&A was my team. Once they got used to working together, they were great. There's no reason they shouldn't have gotten a tag title run...at least they were better than Bull and the Goodfather.
  10. Papacita

    New School Question Thread

    It would've been a lot more effective had HHH actually sold Austin's attack at Survivor Series and waited until that moment to make his return. That was when HHH really started working my nerves...from a smark's perspective anyway.
  11. Papacita

    Val Venis

    When he joined up with Trish in 2000. For some reason, I marked like hell for Trish's stable back then. I-C Champ Val and T&A with the tag belts would've been great.
  12. Papacita

    Val Venis

    I liked Val's I-C Title reign in 2000. He was coming along fine before they inexplicably put the belt on Chyna at SummerSlam. He was also getting pretty good heat in RTC for a while before he was faded into the background for whatever reason. Val could've been really big had they given him a strong push and stuck with it.
  13. Papacita

    My banner is totally out of date

    I agree. That Nash/Jericho match is gonna be something else though. I can't wait.
  14. Papacita

    Steve Austin arrested again

    Most people are saying it wouldn't matter if she did. Don't be trite. I don't see a single post suggesting that the woman was at fault. I think that's what he was getting at.
  15. Papacita

    Steve Austin arrested again

    Could've been. I didn't cast judgment in the Debra situation and I won't here, since it happened behind closed doors and you really don't know the whole story.
  16. Papacita

    Steve Austin arrested again

    I guess she didn't like beer.
  17. Papacita

    My banner is totally out of date

    I'd be happy to take this for you but I'll warn you now you'd be in for a wait.
  18. Papacita

    Good/bad vignettes

    I dunno how I forgot the Perfect vingettes. I can't tell you how many times I tried to throw a long bomb to myself after seeing his football one.
  19. Papacita

    The Old School questions thread

    The ladies used (the Rosetti sisters were their names, I think) were friends of the McMahon family or something. They had a feature in WWF Mag on one of the girls when she died a few years back. Anybody know what was up with the Taker/Warrior feud back in 91? Thinking back, that was too high profile a feud for them not to have a match at SummerSlam 91...at MSG of all places. Did Warrior refuse to job or something?
  20. Papacita

    Good/bad vignettes

    I liked Val Venis' debut promos. I always liked Goldust's promo vingettes too. How the gold glitter used to blow away and highlight his name and everything. Mankind's debut promos with he and the rat, and the piano and all that stuff. I liked Dean Douglas' stuff as well.
  21. Papacita

    New School Question Thread

    He first became the Game in a promo before the #1 contender's match with the Rock at Fully Loaded 99. He says something like "For years, people have said that I'm a student of the game...well now I AM THE GAME!" He used the Motorhead theme for the first time the night he cost Austin the World Title in a match against Kurt Angle. The night he stood up posing on the commentator's desk while JR pointed at him and yelled "DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU HHH! YA SCREWED AUSTIN YA SONUVABITCH!!! DAMN YOUR SOUL!!!!!!!!!"
  22. Papacita

    Most Disgusting Personality

    I second that. He was a straight up pussy.
  23. Papacita

    Favorite video package?

    Michaels and Bret for Survivor Series 97 is the first that comes to mind. That one had big match feel all over it. Rock/Austin from X-7. The Elimination Chambre hype video from SS02 (though I'm not sure whether which I like more, the video or the song). That Undertaker music video they made in the summer of 96...with the cross in front of the full moon and everything, and starts out with "The spirit of the Undertaker lives within the souls of all mankind..." I'm probably the ONLY person on the face of this earth who even remembers that, but DAMN that was a nice video. Also, HBK's "Tell me a Lie" video and Foley's post No Way Out 2000 video both had me choked up.
  24. Papacita

    Booking for the April fools' show

    Bryte's got something planned. Hopefully, not as half-assed as this week's segment.
  25. Papacita

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Just curious as to what's the longest game anyone has ever played in EWR. With my created UWA fed, I'm going 2 years right now and managed to pass WWE and reach 100% global status. I've started up a bunch of little side games (ROH, WWE, ECW) that only last maybe a month or two before I just forget about them.