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Everything posted by Papacita
Perhaps it all just happened too fast. Plus there was still some level of kayfabe at the time, so they had to make sure it looked real...somewhat real, anyway. I don't think marks would've bought the referee going blind right before the 3 count.
You know, if Torrie was a guy, she'd be one of those dudes I'd just love to slap the hell out of. Hard and often. Hell, I'd even buy one of those giant Cena hands to do it, too. Just...WHAM! I'm surprised the girls in the Smackdown locker room haven't taken up the practice of Torrie-slapping yet. They could probably make a good sport out of it.
Well, I'm no authority, since I've had very limited exposure to both, but ROH tends to run in the northeast (Philly, NY, Jersey, Boston), and I'm pretty sure that the TNA Asylum is in Nashville...or at least somewhere in Tennessee.
I also liked Patterson beating Brisco for the belt. You know, when they were backstage celebrating, then all of a sudden, Pat hit him in the head with the champagne bottle. Wasn't it in the 10 minute Hardcore title match where Viscera slipped and fell?
The fun house thing was my favorite. For what it's worth, I also got a kick out of Christian's beating Molly for the belt at WM 18.
I don't really like the idea of bringing ECW back, but if they do it, I'd like to see Paul Heyman start pirating Raw and Smackdown broadcasts in order to promote it. Like, in the middle of an Orton/Booker match, the screen suddenly snows out and cuts to footage of Paul Heyman sitting in a small, dark control room talking about how the ECW revolution is starting up, and will run WWE into the ground or whatever. That'd be pretty cool.
I think he was All-State in High School or something. I read that somewhere.
Ronnie used the Indian Deathlock IIRC. You've also got the Iron Shiek (Camel Clutch), Slaughter (Cobra Clutch), and I *think* Backlund used the Chicken Wing back in the day (I remember hearing something about him behind made to use the Atomic Drop instead though...not totally sure since it was WAY before my time).
Summerslam 1999 Pre-Show. This was HHH's infamous promo where he ripped the Office for the incident and how he got held down and now it was HIS TIME. I remember that (and wasn't that Fully Loaded 99? I remember Rock making fun of his whining before their #1 contender's match), but did they ever try and work that into the feud with Shawn, either in 2002 or the recent one building to the Rumble?
It was solid enough for a Raw match. The one thing I don't like about the HHH switch though isn't the fear that he'll bury Eddie (as long as Vince feels the need to pander to the Latino audience, Eddie's fairly safe), but his wrestling style and conditioning seems to clash with the typical Smackdown style. He really seems out of place on Smackdown.
As long as I got the Spiderman and Terminator questions right, I'm happy.
Um...that wasn't a question, Jobber.
So Train picks up the Mark Henry push? When's Mark supposed to come back anyway?
I agree that he should've remained face (he could've easily been a challenger for the World Belt, especially with HHH as Champion), but what really did his heat in was that boring tag team with Road Dogg in early 2000. It didn't help that DX were made HHH's lackeys during the McMahon-Helmsley Era. I always found it funny that in later years, people complained that X-Pac was only pushed because of his relationship with HHH when HHH's push in 99 probably did more to harm his career than anything else.
I'm not getting the hate for tonight's draft. Outside of the Tajiri/Spike switch and maybe the Rene Dupree draft, I'd say the choices this time were a lot smarter than in 02.
No. (to clarify) Yeah, his stint as Syxx in WCW and the first couple of years of his X-Pac run were easily more successful for Waltman than anything during his 1-2-3 Kid run.
To send the crowd home happy? It was the first match, IIRC. The last was Bret going over Vader clean. Yeah, but Shawn vs. Sid was advertised, and they didn't want the fans to feel cheated, so they gave them the I-C Title change to compensate. Well, Ahmed/Faarooq was scheduled for Mania, and since he was HHH's original opponent, I'd imagine that Goldust/HHH at Mania would've been a title match.
There will be graphics for all of the AM matches, so when you guys get the chance, send me a PM letting me know who you're using to represent your character. I have a lot of you from Anglepalooza and Zero Hour, but I just wanna make sure that I've got everything right and there are no mix-ups.
Not sure if you're just talking World Title matches, but Rocky Maivia's first I-C win at Thursday Raw Thursday happened because HBK lost his smile and they needed something to send the crowd home happy.
Probably not since Bull made his debut about 2 weeks before the show. I can barely remember, but when Bull debuted, didn't he run in to attack the Godfather and/or D'Lo?
I dunno about big, but that was his first match after his injury.
Eagan handled himself the wrong way after his banning. Whether or not he was liked by Dames is irrelevant. If he felt he was banned unjustly, he could've easily contacted Dames or one of the mods (their e-mails and AIM names aren't hard to find) and discussed things privately and civily, and he may have been allowed back. Instead, he came right back to the board under another name and tried to continue his argument with APO, essentially underminding the mods and killing any hope he had of being let back in. Personally, I never minded Eagan and thought his original banning was harsh, but once he came back, he did himself in.
I think that one had a little bit of build to it. Tazz had just started on a mini "Path of Rage", running in people's matches and attacking people. This drew Foley's ire, they had some kind of face to face confrontation, and that led to Foley signing the match with Snow for Fully Loaded. Tazz then locked a Tazzmission on Snow. It wasn't anything major, since they were building up Tazz and Rikishi at the time, but the match wasn't just thrown out there with no build to it.
I've got a pretty good recollection of what went down in that period. I find it funny though that I can remember older stuff so well yet I can barely remember who the current US and I-C Champions are.