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Everything posted by Papacita

  1. Papacita


  2. I'm looking at the end of GB/Brock on the WM replay... I wondering whether or not Austin would've stunned Goldberg if the fans had cheered him and now booed him...and if so, how the hell would they have explained that? The accidental spear from a while back?
  3. Papacita

    Should Molly quit the company?

    How so? Well, because she could have quit WITHOUT looking like a retarded butch lesbian. Now she would be quitting while already looking like a retarded butch lesbian. No point in it now, it's over. I really don't see the point you're getting at. Assuming that she was getting shaved anyway regardless, why not work it into the storyline? It doesn't really hurt her and (in theory) helps Victoria out.
  4. Papacita

    New School Question Thread

    Steiner used his to get he and Test a tag title shot. I'm not too sure what Orton's was, but it may have been the I-C Title shot at Armageddon.
  5. Papacita

    Should Molly quit the company?

    Well Nora's her name. There's no law saying that we can call her by her real name, no matter how pretentious it may look. I just find it strange. It's not like actors, who play 10-20 or more different characters (in name that is) where someone is comfortable calling them their real name. But honestly, calling Undertaker "Mark Callous" seems too weird even if it is his real name. BTW, isn't his last name "Calloway"? I always thought Callous was his gimmick name. I could be totally off here, but I vaguely remember Molly (or someone) saying in an interview that she really didn't care much about her outward appearance...citing some kind of religious reasoning. If anybody can verify this, help me out. I did just read something about her wanting to work with patients after she retires, so I wouldn't be too surprised if the cancer patient explanation was accurate.
  6. Papacita

    Should Molly quit the company?

    Well Nora's her name. There's no law saying that we can call her by her real name, no matter how pretentious it may look.
  7. Papacita

    The New Undertaker

    I was thinking the same thing. They should've gave him the old make-up job too to really make him look dead.
  8. Papacita

    Should Molly quit the company?

    She really didn't look terrible with her head shaved. Plus she can always throw on a hat or something. Until I hear Molly complaining about it, I've got no problem with it.
  9. Papacita

    Feed me...

    Bah. I'll just threw this one in my sig together and I'll use that one for now. I really don't feel like bothering with the other anymore. Thanks for the feedback.
  10. Papacita

    Feed me...

    Ok, this is a banner for my OAOAST character Panther...I really don't like how it came out. Like, I had a specific design in mind, and somehow got way off track. Just posting it here to see what you guys think...is there anything I should add, what could I change/take out to make it look better?
  11. Hopefully they allow you to create an entrance on the next game.
  12. Papacita

    Feed me...

    Well, I think the font is fine for what I'm going for, and I'm trying to limit the color scheme to red and black. I took those edges out as well, because I really didn't like those myself. As far as layers, I agree that I need something else in the background, but I'm not sure what it should be. Everything I try looks out of place because of the radar thing, and I really don't wanna get rid of that.
  13. Papacita

    Damn I missed "The Mania"

    I disagree. I think it came off very well.
  14. Papacita

    How will they explain Brock's leave on Smackdown?

    I saw this one coming a mile away.
  15. Papacita

    OAO "WrestleMania: The Movie" Thread

  16. Papacita

    OAO "WrestleMania: The Movie" Thread

    I agree, I'd say out of all the burials from Trips, Booker got it the worst. Umm....I don't remember Booker T being accused of being a Necrophilaiac. NOTHING is worst then that. That really wasn't that bad, because they didn't really leave you with the sense that Kane was actually a necrophiliac...it was just something HHH was saying to get under Kane's skin. With Booker though, the Wrestlemania loss and his subsequent burial pretty much makes it look like all his career and all his years of hard work were meaningless. In the end, he was basically made out to look like a failure, and personally, I think that's a lot more damaging than anything that happened in the Katie Vick angle.
  17. Papacita

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Put Me Down"-Donell Jones f/ Styles P. and Lady May Just switched to "Tainted" by Slum Villiage
  18. Papacita

    OAO "WrestleMania: The Movie" Thread

    Probably because of that whole "HHH says black people can't be champion then wins clean" thing. That, plus the story of his years of struggle and everything are pretty much negated by his loss. Nobody wants to hear a story about a guy who worked to overcome all these obstacles only to fail in the end.
  19. Papacita

    Important Announcement

    ::looks up...sees Inc's avatar go right over his head::
  20. Papacita

    New School Question Thread

    If I remember right, in storylines, they couldn't get a clear view of Rock's feet touching. If they did play it up, I'd imagine it'd be like Austin's win at Rumble 97, where Monsoon let it stand because the referee's decision is "always" final. Not sure exactly what you mean, but I think I remember her fucking up the finish. She was supposed to (IIRC) get back dropped onto the apron and then knocked off by Victoria leading into the final sequence with Victoria and Trish (or at least that's what it looked like to me), but she missed the apron and landed on the floor. Vikki ended up having to reach through the ropes to punch Jazz and she stayed down for the rest of the match.
  21. Me and Chyna. It'll happen. Also, I plan on suing K-Mart (or Walmart...whatever) at least once before I die.
  22. Papacita

    Feedback for the 3/11 HD

    It was fine Adam. I liked it alright. I'll second that. I thought you handled the Bryte match perfectly, and the AJ/Lyne segment was cool too. I've got nothing bad to say about this show. Everything was solid, as usual.
  23. They should call it "Smackdown: Lie, Cheat and Steal". And watch me laugh my ass off when kids take the name to heart and actually start stealing copies of the game from stores.
  24. Papacita

    Vince McMahon Speaks On WM, The Rock, WCW, More

    I'm glad he said this. Hopefully this'll put that bullshit excuse to bed once and for all.