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Everything posted by Papacita

  1. Papacita

    Malcolm X......

    Thing is, Hoover didn't have a single black agent working in the FBI. He was not exactly the most open-minded guy. -=Mike All the more reason he had to tear down these groups. Plus, you don't need to be a government agent in order to cooperate with them, and plenty of blacks did.
  2. Papacita

    What was the moment of truth?

    Can't say I wasn't pleased about that. He's got a point about Steph though. That would've put a lot of heat on the Mania match with HHH if he was banging her.
  3. Papacita

    Malcolm X......

    Malcolm never preached integration from what I can recall. He was a little more tolerent...tolerant...whatever, you know how it's spelled, but I think you're right. His main goal was the betterment of black people, not to bring blacks and whites together. And I wasn't gonna respond to this since you were all talking about the movie, but while I'm here I might as well get at this... Again, the Nation was highly infiltrated by the government. Considering that it was a black-only movement, how else would they have been able to infiltrate it than by using black people? There are more than a few documents floating around from J. Edgar Hoover and the like detailing their infiltration of black movements dating back to Garvey's UNIA back in the 30's and 40's.
  4. Papacita

    New School Question Thread

    Is that also when Vince bitchslapped the Rock to piss him off uberly and get a Rock Bottom in return? I'm not even sure I remember that. You may be thinking of Rock's faux face turn in late 98, when he beat Vince up after a match with Mark Henry to qualify for the World Title tourney at Survivor Series. The night Rock turned for real, Vince was in the middle of a face turn himself...the Ministry had kidnapped Stephanie at Backlash, so Vince handed all his power to Shane.
  5. Papacita

    Does anyone have this e-mail

    I remember when I first signed up here, I used to get all these weird ass e-mails from Dames's address. Like, when you opened it up, you'd get all this weird code and HTML and stuff. I figured it was either some board malfunction or Dames was stalking me. Anybody ever get an e-mail like that?
  6. Papacita

    Average price for good tickets

    $40 is probably for a house show or maybe a Raw event. PPV events tend to be higher...at least they are here.
  7. Papacita

    The OAO Raw Thread, 2/23/04

    You sure it was 99??? I stopped watching WCW in July 98 and I've actually seen that promo before.
  8. Papacita

    Busta Rhymes signs with Aftermath

    Yeah, it's basically all album sales. His last album didn't do too well, and Aftermath's arguably the hottest label out right now. With Dre's production and promotion, he'll probably sell a lot better. He's supposedly looking to drop another album this summer.
  9. Papacita

    Average price for good tickets

    At the Rumble and Unforgiven 00, it cost me about $70 for middle/lower level seats. I know that front row seats are usually somewhere in the hundreds.
  10. Papacita

    Busta Rhymes signs with Aftermath

    No word yet as far as I know.
  11. Papacita

    New School Question Thread

    Shane cost him the WWF title at Backlash. The next night, Rock came out on TV and called Shane a pile of monkey crap, Shane took offense, came out with the Corporation, and they jumped Rock.
  12. Papacita

    The Ballshot

    One of my last true markout moments. Chyna had another one in a match between HHH and Mankind in 97...it was at least a month or so before their KOTR match. Mankind had HHH in the Mandible Claw, when suddenly Chyna comes up from behind and kicks him low as hard as she could. The kick made a loud ass crack when it connected, and it seemed brutal at the time.
  13. Papacita

    One S.L.O.P.P.Y. Lita

    I can see the Frenchie shuffle becoming a hit at the clubs.
  14. Papacita

    What was the moment of truth?

    I disagree with that. At the time, the feud was easily the #2 program on Raw and gave Jericho a lot more TV time to get more over with the crowd. That, and Chyna's win didn't really mean shit, because the fans completely turned on her leading into it. I'd say the feud hurt Chyna a lot more than it did to hurt Jericho, because he came out of it all rivaling the Rock in terms of crowd heat. As for his "moment of truth"...I'll say the period from SummerSlam to No Mercy 2000. Triple H was in the middle of the transition period, Jericho was just starting to run out of steam as a face, and still had a score to settle with Hunter. I've always said that they should've had him steal Stephanie out from under HHH's and Angle's noses at SummerSlam. At Unforgiven, he'd face and beat HHH in a #1 contendership match, then go on to beat Rock for the belt at No Mercy (there's no way Angle should've gotten the belt before Chris). They probably could've had him revealed as the man who hit Austin and build to a Mania match between those two (or at least have Austin beat him for the title at No Way Out), but I dunno. WWF 2000 would've been much more enjoyable for me if they went that route with Jericho. For RVD, I agree that he should've gone over Taker for the belt at SummerSlam. Either then, or he should've gone over HHH for the belt at Survivor Series. Booker's moment of truth was SummerSlam 01. Once he jobbed to the Rock, he was dead in the water. Benoit...I dunno. The neck injury did more to hurt his standing than booking did. They did fuck up his post-Rumble momentum last year by having him sit around and do nothing for 10 months. For Angle...other than his first title reign (way too early, IMO) and their overreliance on comedy feuds as far as he's concerned, I have no problem with how Kurt's been used.
  15. I've been saying this for a while now. Only thing is, whenever people win matches with sleepers, spinebusters, or even DDTs *ON A METAL STAGE*, people start bitching about how the person who lost is either buried or being made to look weak. I'm all for having matches end on non-finishing moves. Doing so would make near-falls mean something again, and would probably make live crowds a little bit hotter.
  16. Papacita

    One S.L.O.P.P.Y. Lita

    I've never liked Lita. She's always been sloppy as hell and she's too slow to be wrestling the high flying style she tries to wrestle. I never thought she was terrible in the looks department though.
  17. Papacita

    To DrTom:

    Nigeria didn't exist til the 1800s, so nope.
  18. Papacita

    The OAO Raw Thread, 2/23/04

    I feel asleep halfway during the show, and just watched some of the stuff I missed. I know it's not a real match or anything, but McMahon's offense against Bischoff bugged the hell out of me. Would it have killed him to sell a little for Bischoff? It's not like anyone watching the show buys Vince as some sort of tough guy or anything. The last segment was the only thing I actually took the time to watch that bugged me. I really enjoyed the Evolution/Benoit/Shawn segment (is it just me, or have HHH's mic skills improved in the last few weeks?), as well as Benoit/Batista. I still say they need to give Benoit some kinda hype video to build him up stronger going into Wrestlemania, since they still haven't gotten his whole story across to the Raw fans. Foley's promo was great, and I enjoyed the Trish/Christian thing. I also wish that Molly had kept the Women's belt til Mania...or at least had her lose it one on one. At least we'd have had a better match. Overall, Raw was ok.
  19. Papacita

    The OAO Raw Thread, 2/23/04

    I'm saddened by this development.
  20. I can see both sides of the issue. As much as I used to joke about it here at TSM, the main reason I would never commit suicide is because I know how it'd effect my family. However, I have a problem with people calling it the easy way out. I dunno about the rest of you, but speaking for myself, the concept of death isn't an easy one for me. When you factor in the uncertainty of what happens after you die, and the fact that there's no coming back from it, death can be a scary thing, and the way I look at it, for someone to voluntarily subject himself to that, he *must* have been going through some serious shit. To me, that's a tough decision to make, and if Crash was at the point where he felt that death was the only way out...I won't say I respect the decision, but I'm not sure that I can fault him for it either. It's already been said, but I do feel for his wife and his daughter.
  21. Papacita

    Malcolm X......

    The fingers been pointing for 39 years. So far the Nation of Islam hasn't been charged with anything. I'd say the CIA really didn't care that the NOI killed Malcom X. It's possible. One reason I tend to disagree with it though is the level of influence that the Nation had in black communities. Elijah especially would have to know that to kill Malcolm would be a huge blow to the Nation and turn a lot of blacks away. I can't see him sacrificing his community influence over a petty grudge. He cared about how the community perceived him, which is evidenced by his suspending Malcolm after he made his "chickens come to roost" comment following Kennedy's assassination. Also, I believe his health was beginning to fail around this time, so he might not have even had the faculties to order the hit. I'm not totally sure about that last one, so don't quote me on that. I'm a lot less sure about Farrakhan though. One thing a lot of historians point to is Farrakhan's publicly saying "Malcolm should die" for betraying Elijah shortly before the assassination. Some see it as evidence of his involvement, while others say that it gave the government the out they needed to hit Malcolm. I tend to believe the latter, simply given the political climate of the country in the time period, but I dunno. I do find it a little suspicious that he came into so much money between then and the Nation's revival in the 80's. Anything's possible.
  22. Papacita

    Malcolm X......

    A lot of evidence points to the CIA being in on the murder. I doubt that Elijah and Farrahkhan themselves were in on the murder, because the finger would've been (and was) pointed squarely at them as soon as he was assassinated. There were a lot of corrupt people in the Nation who were jealous of Malcolm, and the group was highly infiltrated by the government in the civil rights era, so it's really open debate there.
  23. Papacita

    What does your name mean?

    Apparently "Wise" and/or "All-knowing".
  24. Papacita

    Chyna and X-Pac back together after breakup

    Must you people keep torturing me with this news??? http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=50619