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Everything posted by Papacita
Well, primarily, tall people were never persecuted because of their height like blacks were because of skin color, so that's a sensitive area. Also, insulting someone because they're black implies that the black race is inferior, and implies all of the negative stereotypes traditionally associated with the race (being lazy, dumb, sex-crazed, etc.), so the connotation isn't the same as if you'd insult someone for having a big nose or whatever.
Definitely Timberlake. "Cry Me a River" is THE song. I also like that Dream song..."Crazy"
Austin had beaten Rock before and would have thought he would have won, especially with the stunner which had put Rock away before, once Rock gets past this Austin starts to question himself That's enough to warrant Austin "selling his soul"? Really, if they wanted to play up Austin's desperation, they should've just gone with the chair finish and left it at that. They should've saved the McMahon turn for the rematch.
But there was never really any indication that he couldn't win it. From his return at Unforgiven to Wrestlemania, Austin was pretty much always booked to look strong. There was no losing streak or anything, and when he did lose to HHH, they completely downplayed it in the storylines. Given the way they built to the match, you'd have to make a pretty big jump in logic to adequately explain why Austin would call for McMahon's assistance. IN the match, Austin tried everything he could to beat Rock, and nothing worked. THEN he accepted McMahon's help. Yeah, but he would have had to approach Vince before the match in order to get his help, and Vince never would've agreed unless he knew that he could control Austin. Why would Austin give up his freedom for Vince's help against an opponent he'd never lost to when he was doing just fine on his own? Mcmahon indicates to Austin pre match that he'll offer help if needed knowing how much Austin wants the belt, Austin tells him where to stick it but Vince waits till Austin looks desperate and comes out anyway, Austin then decides to accept Vince's offer and calls for a chair Simple That scenario really doesn't make much sense to me. If Austin was proud enough to turn Vince down before the match, wouldn't he have ignored Vince and went for the chair himself? It's not like Vince can throw a better chairshot than Austin or anything. And accepting Vince's help would still require Austin to obey Vince. Nothing happened in that in that match that would justify Austin spontaneously jumping to that decision.
I liked last year's a lot, and although the tournament was pretty boring, I'd say the angle development at the 98 SS made that show passable. '98 was fucking god awful. IMO, it is one of the most uneventful and boring wrestling shows I've ever seen. Not that anything on it was negative five stars or anything, it just bored the living piss out of me. The stuff with Shane in the Austin/Mankind match and Rock's turn pretty much made the show for me. The rest of the stuff was garbage.
But there was never really any indication that he couldn't win it. From his return at Unforgiven to Wrestlemania, Austin was pretty much always booked to look strong. There was no losing streak or anything, and when he did lose to HHH, they completely downplayed it in the storylines. Given the way they built to the match, you'd have to make a pretty big jump in logic to adequately explain why Austin would call for McMahon's assistance. IN the match, Austin tried everything he could to beat Rock, and nothing worked. THEN he accepted McMahon's help. Yeah, but he would have had to approach Vince before the match in order to get his help, and Vince never would've agreed unless he knew that he could control Austin. Why would Austin give up his freedom for Vince's help against an opponent he'd never lost to when he was doing just fine on his own?
But there was never really any indication that he couldn't win it. From his return at Unforgiven to Wrestlemania, Austin was pretty much always booked to look strong. There was no losing streak or anything, and when he did lose to HHH, they completely downplayed it in the storylines. Given the way they built to the match, you'd have to make a pretty big jump in logic to adequately explain why Austin would call for McMahon's assistance.
It was still salvagable. The thing was, SummerSlam was probably their best opportunity to show everybody that the WCW guys were serious threats, and they blew it.
They never gave an adequate reason for why the hell Austin was so desperate to win the belt in the first place. I mean, he'd beaten Rock everytime they'd faced one another, and he even outlasted him in the 2001 Rumble, so he had already proven himself after the injury. And from what I can remember, you never really got the sense that Rock had Austin's number anytime during the build towards the match. I dunno. The chair is somewhat understandable, but I don't see any reason why McMahon should've been involved in that finish.
Eh...I didn't hate SS 01, but yeah, the booking sucked. I was actually one of the few people that didn't mind that Angle/Austin finish (it was understandable given the storyline and the fact that they were trying to extend their feud), but having Booker drop the belt to Rocky was inexcusable. Had Booker gone over Rocky that night, not only would it have done a lot for Booker, but it would've made the Alliance a lot more credible. I agree that this show pretty much killed any hopes of a successful Invasion.
The connotation there is hardly as demeaning or offensive as the judge's portrayal. Depends on your interpretation of it. if the white judge here is saying that all black people are criminals, my hypothetical black judge could be saying that all white people are inbred hicks with no teeth that watch NASCAR. I find that very offensive. I don't see how you can say the two images are on par with each other. As Bruiser said, that inbred hick stereotype doesn't define your race. There are so many positive images of whites in society that even the most segregated black person would have a hard time buying into that stereotype. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for blacks, as our presentation in media is limited and tends to be a lot more negative than positive. These negative stereotypes do follow us around, and have more impact on our lives on a day-to-day basis than a redneck label ever could. Also, this case is made worse by the fact that this guy is a judge. There's already a perception among African Americans that the criminal justice system is biased against them, so when you've got a judge walking around presenting racist images, I hope you can understand why there would be more of an uproar in this instance than there would be if the situation were reversed.
I've said a bunch of times that I just do not get the love for SummerSlam 98. I don't hate it, but the result doesn't justify the hype going in. X-7 really didn't do all that much for me either to tell the truth, although some of that had to do with the circumstances surrounding my viewing of the show (I didn't have cable at the time, so I had my brother tape it for me...and he did, but it took him a whole week to see the show, and by that time, Austin's heel turn had already been revealed to me [no surprise though], and the tape actually cut off the Hardcore match and the Taker/HHH match [which I *really* wanted to see]). TLC 2 was very overrated (the first one was mind blowing, but I just wasn't feeling the second), Austin/Rock was ok, but I could never get into it, and the finish didn't really sit well with me. Chyna and Ivory...no need to elaborate on that, and when I actually got to see it, I wasn't impressed at all by the HHH/Taker match. As for shows I like but others hate...Rumble 95 (I've never heard anything good about that show, and I loved it so much) as well as Rumble 96, Rumble 93 (partially because that was my first Rumble), Wrestlemania 12...that's pretty much all I can think of right now. Edit: Forgot my beloved Judgment Day 2001 (CHYNA VS LITA!!!!! YAY!!!!)
The connotation there is hardly as demeaning or offensive as the judge's portrayal.
I liked last year's a lot, and although the tournament was pretty boring, I'd say the angle development at the 98 SS made that show passable.
I'd laugh if it turned out to be somebody like Bunkhouse Buck.
I fail to see how hitting that chair with the sledgehammer would've done that much damage.
Storyline wise, technically, isn't D-Von half white anyway? And damn, I forgot all about Goldberg/Batista. D-von is adapted? From what I remember about ECW, D-Von was conceived when Big Daddy Dudley was messing around on the south side of Dudleyville.
Storyline wise, technically, isn't D-Von half white anyway? And damn, I forgot all about Goldberg/Batista.
I still remember. *scoffs* If they really wanted to get revenge on Booker, they should've sent him one of those anthrax letters,
This angle is pathetic. Just to be funny, they should have some stupid fan run up and ask Kane for an autograph.
Shut up and stab him with the fork, bitch.
Maybe Shane's gonna slip some poison into his food.
LOL at JR.
So we're getting bra and panties tonight? And what's wrong with them weighting 310 pounds?
Why are they trying to drive this CLB thing into the ground?