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Everything posted by Papacita
http://youtube.com/watch?v=gd6pTsrJmq4&feature=related Old RVD/Sabu/Fonzie promos from ECW. Could've done without some of the shootish terms, but there's some good stuff to consider for folks who think RVD is a bad talker.
http://weblogs.newsday.com/sports/speciale...t_her_name.html ^Anybody ever see that^ Apparently it's a link to the blog of one of the old WWE writers. The link above is a story about Katie Vick (not much that hadn't really been out there before, but still kinda interesting), and there's another post in there talking about the original plan for the World Title when the belts were split in 02.
Whats the first pay per view you saw live?
Papacita replied to Frankie Williams's topic in General Wrestling
SummerSlam 91 and Slamboree 94. -
Rock Vs. HHH or HBK Vs. Hart, which Ironman match you think is better?
Papacita replied to Lt. Al Giardello's topic in General Wrestling
Out of the two, I probably prefer the HHH/Rock one (even though I hated the finish), I still like HBK/Bret. It wasn't perfect, but I think some of the criticisms are a bit unfair. I really don't see what's so bad/unbelieveable about Shawn or Bret going an hour without being beaten. While it wouldn't have hurt the match at all and in a few ways could've benefit it, at the end of the day I do agree with the notion that in a match between two guys who you're selling as the two best wrestlers in the company, with more than a month of build up stressing just how hard the two had been training, they really shouldn't have been getting a lot of falls over one another and I think it's perfectly acceptable for them to go distance without beating each other. I also don't get the hate for the overtime; it made perfect sense within the overall context of the story. Psychology gaps aside, the 60 minutes were more about strategy than anything else, and once the overtime was announced, Bret was pissed. At that point, it became less about trying to outwrestle Shawn and more about taking his frustration out on him, and that lapse in concentration led to him getting hit with the Superkick. I like it because it puts both guys over as equals, and even though the ending was a bit screwy, it was done in a way where neither guy could really be made to look bad and it left room for the fans to take sides leading up the the eventual rematch. I thought this was much better than the B.S. finish to the second one, which really didn't seem to help anybody IMO. -
Let's Talk About... The 1993 Survivor Series
Papacita replied to LivingLegendGaryColeman's topic in General Wrestling
Haven't seen this in ages but I still have vivid memories of the build up. I've said before that Tatanka's loss was damn near traumatizing to me as a child. -
http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/searc...wn-spears_sport OVW Ladder Match: Colt Cabana v. Shawn Spears
1. What was your favorite EC match? - Of the ones I've seen, the Batista one was my favorite. The first was good but I still don't like the "Shawn, Hunter, and everybody else" vibe it had; it made it really predictable, and the lame duck reign for Shawn just made the whole match seem meaningless to me at the end of the day. Even though the 05 version was mainly about the HHH/Batista storyline, the other players, the other players were (save Jericho) came in relatively strong as well so there was a lot more suspense to this one. The action here is good and I loved the story with Batista. I haven't seen any chamber matches since, so I really can't compare. 2. What was your favorite spot from an EC match? - RVD's Spiderman spot still stands out. 3. What spot have you thought of that would be great in the EC? - I dunno. 4. Should this match be done less often, more often, or as is? - I like the idea of doing it annually. I remember thinking they were going to do it every year at Survivor Series. I prefer that to one of the bs PPVs. 5. Should the match be reserved for title matches/contender matches? - Sure. Why not?
That's exactly what I had in mind.
Remember the old Batman show when the big "POW," "WHAM," "ZAP" screens would flash after every punch, etc? I'd like to see something like that, except listing the names of each move. Not really a gimmick for a fed, but I'd still like to see a wrestler that could freeze time in the middle of the match.
That Rock/Austin sing-off was just surreal watching it live. http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/searc...iam-regal_sport Bryan Danielson vs. William Regal circa 2001. http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/searc...vs-amdrag_sport Danielson vs. Noble from Velocity.
Really all depends on what you're watching for. Match-wise, I don't think anyone will dispute that the 00's are better. Having "good matches" just seemed to become more of a priority around 2000 or so when before that it wasn't that big of a deal. Story and angle-wise, I still prefer the 90's considering that we actually got something new every now and then. EDIT: missed the subtitle...but yeah.
I actually liked RTC when it first came out. I really wanted them to succeed on an ME level because after 2 years of the evil owner stuff they'd been doing, that'd have been something new. Fuck Bull and Goodfather getting the tag belts before T&A though. That still pisses me off.
Yeah Monsoon had a great run as brief as it was. I loved the fan friendly approach to signing matches, plus the whole angle with Vader was classic. For as much shit as she gets, I always dug Smackdown 6 era Steph...until she started feuding with Vince anyway.
Feuds where both guys turned..... and continued feuding
Papacita replied to Boxer's topic in General Wrestling
Why was that? According to RVD, Jericho tried to play politics against him. -
Feuds where both guys turned..... and continued feuding
Papacita replied to Boxer's topic in General Wrestling
Similarly, DX vs. Owen Hart and the Nation, although the focus eventually shifted from Owen here. -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDb_uFW4uP8 Raven vs. Jericho from Halloween Havoc 98. I had never seen this one before. This is GOOD!
The point was that a series of different schools headed by teachers who specialize in different styles makes for a better education. Or not. I mean I really don't see the problem with the WWE style. A wrestler learning different styles, so he can be a more well-rounded talent, doesn't make for a better education? Ok. Let say you a had a high flyer school, a technical school, a striking school, and a submission school. Than Khali walks in, does he really need to go to the high flyer school, the submission school, or the Technical school? All he needs to know is how to slam people and hit hard. I think one school is good enough, Cena, Batista, Orton, and Brock all went to one school, all are awesome, all are different, and they all work(ed) the WWE style. There's technically nothing wrong with learning only one style, but at the same time doing so limits your chances of success. Times and trends change, injuries do occur and what worked for you one year won't work the next. Also, when every batch of wrestlers come out learning the exact same way and doing the exact same thing in the ring, how does anyone really stand out and get over? Sure, they've had their successes with Brock and the like, but having a more varied system will only increase their star-making potential.
It was posted in the discussion thread in the WWE folder.
On the Rock/HBK/HHH situation, Rock had much more to gain from fighting HHH in 98-00 than he does fighting HBK now. Professionalism aside, considering how over DX was in 98, he'd have been stupid to pass on a feud with HHH over petty differences. Plus once he became the face of the company in 2000, he needed strong opposition to keep people interested, and he didn't have whole lot else to choose from; HHH was far and away the best option for him. Right now, Rock's secure enough in his career and status that there's no benefit to coming back just to face Michaels. It's probably not even the most marketable match they could offer and it's not like Shawn's got so much of a future that he's worth giving a rub to, so what's the point in doing it?
Matches that shouldn't have been on PPV
Papacita replied to King Kamala's topic in General Wrestling
Warrior's return shouldn't have been on PPV? For a lot of people, just his showing up was an automatic buy. For me, pretty much any of the pointless diva stuff where they're fighting over hairspray and stupid stuff like that. Everything else I'm fine with. -
The angle wasn't bad, and looking at it purely from a storyline standpoint, putting Chyna over Trish made sense. It's just that prior to that the belt had really been picking up steam with Jericho, Angle, Benoit, and even Rikishi and Val having fairly strong runs with it. All of a sudden Chyna gets a joke run by beating a non-wrestler. As weak as that run was, Eddie looked pretty weak as well going over her in that manner (keep in mind I'm not shitting on the angle at all). From there, the belt took a back seat to the Eddie/Chyna break-up, and before he could do something meaningful with it, he jobbed it to a heatless Billy Gunn. It might be a little strong to call it a burial, but it started a downhill slope that outside of a couple of brief periods I don't think the belt's ever recovered from, which is a shame since it was always my favorite.
I was a little more annoyed by him jobbing to Crash in a Hardcore Title match that week on Raw (don't think he was pinned, but still WTF?!). Mideon finding the Euro Title in the bag and defending it was pretty bad, as was Mark Henry just getting it handed to him from Jeff Jarrett. I haven't watched since 05, so things may have changed since, but Chyna beating Trish for the I-C Title more or less killed that belt for me. I love em both and I will defend Chyna's first reign til the death...but to me this killed all the credibility the belt had regained post-Russo and it's been pretty much a joke ever since.
Weren't you watching in 2000, Jingus? That may have been one of the greatest tag teams of all time! OF ALL TIME! Anyway, in between the Razor match and that whole...Joanie thing...ahem...I was a pretty big Waltman mark, but that heel turn and subsequent push in 99 just seemed to kill him. He was much better suited as a face (still think he could've gotten a brief title run before the turn) and everything after the fact just seemed so forced with him, from his character, to the GREATEST TAG TEAM OF ALL TIME to the fact that he'd constantly be put over people he had no business going over at the time. The Jericho program didn't help matters either, because Chris was on the verge of main eventing and that feud seemed to drag him down, which was pretty frustrating. As for X-Factor...that was just a waste of time. I wanted to like them, because I'm really a fan of all three guys, but they did absolutely nothing with them. X-Pac kept up the same stale act that had people hating him in the first place. I do think they could've tried a little more with Justin, because even with all the hate he at least had some buzz coming straight out of ECW. I could've seen Albert getting over here in a destructive bodyguard role, but really he never seemed to be in sync with other two. I will admit that the song was a guilty pleasure of mine, though.
Which reminds me, the shot of that one shocked fan's face after HHH taps cracks me up everytime I see it. HBK repeatedly flashing the nWo/Kliq sign during his WM13 entrance had me going crazy back in the day.
WWE General Discussion - January 2008
Papacita replied to Prophet of Mike Zagurski's topic in The WWE Folder
Interesting read otherwise. I have a hard time visualizing somebody having a casual conversation with Vis, though. Just seems odd for some reason.