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Everything posted by Papacita

  1. Papacita

    Goldberg angry again...

    That's fucked up. I don't care how much money he makes, if I was Mark Henry, I'd be pissed off after that one.
  2. Papacita

    The person above you thread!

    ^ still a killa, b. < driven that joke into the ground.
  3. Papacita

    The person above you thread!

    ^ used to have Tiger Mask (I think) in his avatar < used to have Monica in his avatar. Remember Monica?!
  4. Papacita

    WWF/E Matches of the year

    2003 - Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit - Rumble 2002 - Los Guerreros vs. Chris Benoit/Kurt Angle - Tag Title tourney (I liked that one better than the No Mercy match) 2001 - Steve Austin vs. The Rock - Wrestlemania 2000 - HHH and Rock - Judgment Day 1999 - Hardy Boyz Vs E&C-No Mercy 1998 - Honestly, aside from HIAC, no matches in 98 stand out to me. The casket match at the Rumble was pretty good though. 1997 - Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart - Wrestlemania 1996 - Shawn Michaels Vs Mankind-Mind Games 1995 - Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Jarrett-IYH II 1994 - Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart - Wrestlemania 1993 - Michaels vs Jannetty-5/17 or the Perfect/Flair career match 1992 - Macho vs. Flair-WM8 1991 - Bret Hart vs. Curt Hennig - Summerslam 1990 - Hogan vs. Warrior-WM6
  5. Papacita

    The Dames' Diatribe on WWE No Mercy 2003

    I dunno if that's funny because of the way Dames put it, or if it's funny because that's actually what the writers were thinking. And...just to nit pick Well, the McMahons ran in first. Taker just came out to stop them. Good read, as usual.
  6. Papacita

    Scott Keith Ten Years Ago

    I think SK can be overly negative sometimes, but I enjoy his rants for the most part, and still read them regularly.
  7. Styles is too much of a cynic to work well in WWE's corporate environment. Cyrus would be alright, but not Joey. I'd probably mark for HBK and Flair, but they'd probably take too much attention away of the wrestlers. I loved McMahon and Lawler back in the day, but it wouldn't work now. Cole and Tazz are good on SD...and I really don't like Coach all that much. So I'd say JR and Heenan.
  8. Papacita

    Jyndrak and Cade

    If I knew that it wouldn't lead to a bunch of "entertaining" initiation/hazing skits, I'd suggest that they be teamed up with Nowinski as a part of some midcard fraternity. Have them wheel a keg to the ring for all their matches...or something. I dunno. As for the question, I don't mind Jindrak and Cade. As long as they're pushed in moderation, I have no complaint. They do need to establish some sort of personality though.
  9. Papacita

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    *hits Sturgis with a big ass Xerox machine then puts the boots to him*
  10. Papacita

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    *does victory dance*
  11. Papacita

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    *Boots Tazz out of the match and makes it Papacita vs Chyna...loser must sleep with the winner* Now that's a match.
  12. Papacita

    Nash's carrer in jeopardy!

    It was right before SummerSlam. They're saying Nash was injured in another #1 contendership match with Jericho in May.
  13. Papacita

    The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

    *Joins the alteration trend by booking the Chyna/Tazz Wrestlemania ME he's been predicting for the last 4 years*
  14. Papacita

    10 Retarded Lawsuits

    That one brings back bad memories. I remember once when I was like about 8 or 9, I put some Pop Tarts in the toaster and left the room to watch Animaniacs...then when I came back the kitchen was on fire. For another stupid law suit, in my freshman Criminal Justice class, our teacher told us a story about a guy who, after committing a crime, decided to sue Satan for forcing him to do evil. If I remember right, the case was thrown out because the courts were unclear as to who would have jurisdiction over Hell.
  15. Papacita

    RVD shoots..............again!!!

    Maybe so, but I thought they did a pretty good job at weaving RVD's style in with the old school style, and Rob didn't come out looking bad at all, IMO.
  16. Papacita

    RVD shoots..............again!!!

    I think the Wrestlemania complaints had more to do with the fact that RVD is one of the most over guys on the roster as opposed to being one of the most talented. Personally, I didn't have a problem with the DDT loss (let somebody DDT you on a piece of steel and see how fast you get up), but a lot of people saw that as a blatant attempt by HHH to protect his spot by killing off someone else's credibility. And no matter what your opinion of RVD is, there's no way you can justify leaving him off the biggest card of the year to make room for catfight girls. I've been hearing this for months. Exactly how did HHH make RVD look bad? Personally, I liked the match and thought it came off well.
  17. Papacita

    Freckled Wrestlers

    Chyna has a few freckles on her chest... What?
  18. Papacita


    I just saw on some site listing dead wrestlers that Chief Jay Strongbow died. I'm thinking that maybe they're wrong, because he's the only one up there that doesn't have the date of his death listed, and I honestly don't remember hearing of his death. Granted, I haven't seen or heard from him since his little stint as Tatanka's mentor in 94, but still...maybe they've got him confused with Wahoo McDaniel. I remember that one... Anybody know?
  19. I don't think anyone expects the album to be a success. My thing is that if you're gonna knock Cena for something, knock him for something substantial, because you really can't get him for his flow.
  20. Papacita

    Some No Mercy Notes

    I said that Shinqua's heat would never rival Chyna's due to that fact, on a SD! thread a few weeks back Boo- Useful for once It probably wouldn't have gotten as much heat anyway. Once Austin stunned Chyna for the first time, that pretty much opened the flood gates as far as men beating up women on WWF TV, and now it's at the point where it's really not that big a deal anymore. Plus you can't duplicate Chyna. I know, I've been trying for years...
  21. Papacita

    name correction

    BUMP BUMP BUMP! Ok, dood. That's pretty shameless. Why not make your own topic so people might actually, you know. NOTICE~! Well, the request didn't really warrant its own topic. This one was fresh when I made my first post, the request was along the same lines as OSW's, and above all, posting in here would take up less space. There's no need to have about 5 or 6 "name correction" threads cluttering up the folder. To whomever got me, thanks for fixing me up.
  22. Papacita

    Some No Mercy Notes

    Damn, she really is turning into Chyna.
  23. Papacita

    RAW or Smackdown?

    Ugh...hit the wrong button, but I meant Smackdown, not Raw.