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Everything posted by Papacita

  1. Papacita

    When did you start disliking HHH?

    Outside of a VERY brief period in 2000, and possibly in the early stages of DX, I've never really liked HHH for various reasons. Prior to DX, it was more of a "this guy's heel, I don't like him" kinda thing. Once DX started, I began to dislike him because he kept interfering in Shawn's matches and ended up getting him DQ'd. That dislike grew stronger when he kicked HBK out of DX...and stronger when I found out he was dating Chyna. And STRONGER once the push from hell set in, and they put him in that horrible feud with Vince McMahon in the latter part of 99 (not only was it boring as hell, but it stole a lot of TV time from more entertaining programs). Then came the McMahon/Helsmley "Fact-gime", the single WORST stable in the history of professional wrestling. Then came HHH going over Tazz and, in essence, ECW in Philly. KOTR 2000, where Vince McMahon was pinned in order to take the belt off of him. I started liking him as the love triangle with Angle went on, but they fucked up the blowoff completely, and I ended up hating him again. Then came him being revealed as the mastermind behind Austin's hit and run. Then came the death no-sell at Survivor Series, where he blatantly defied logic because he was afriad of losing his spot if he went off on the injured list. I was fairly indifferent to him in 2001, although I *HATED* how he always seemed to get the better of Taker leading into WMX-7 (although that was good booking in retrospect, because I was VERY hyped to see the match between those two). I liked the 2 man power trip, although I hated how Austin was made to look weak while HHH was made to look strong week after week. I also hate his post return stuff, and that's pretty much self-explanitory.
  2. Papacita

    Bruno / Brody, Pillman's final match, TIT, more

    I never really got that angle. How was Bulldog supposed to get heel heat by powerslamming a 200-pound woman who regularly wrestles men? I could see if he threatened to piledrive her or put her through a table or something, but a regular powerslam? That whole segment just fell flat with me, and the fact that HHH didn't seem to give a damn about it only made it come off worse. I also think that was the Raw where Rock told Jericho to get his "jerkoff dad" out of the ring.
  3. Yeah, I've got time to kill between classes so I figured I'd start a thread to try and bring this folder back to life a little. Suppose God/Jesus/Jehova/Allah/Vishnu/Buddah/Aton/Zeus/Jupiter/Foley/Benoit/Urkel/Scooby/La Parka gave you the power to go back in time and relive one year of your life, what year would it be and why? Would you do anything differently? For me...I would probably go back and relive 1992, back when I was about 8 years old. That was a fun year. No real worries...we had Ninja Turtles, Ric Flair and Ultimate Warrior in WWF, the first season of Martin, Kriss Kross, Charles Barkley with the Phoenix Suns (that was my team back in the day), I actually had a girlfriend for a week or two...just a good year. As for what I'd do differently...well, some of you may remember me rambling about this girl named Tierra that I had this big ass crush on that I really never got over...well it was around that time that I started liking her. And I remember one day when we were on the school bus, she jumped into my seat and said that she wouldn't leave unless I kissed her. And of course, instead of being happy and really trying to do something with her, I basically sat there for about a half hour pretending I didn't like her, gave her a (really bad) kiss (at least it was on the lips), and shoved her back into her own seat. WHAT THE FUCK WAS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!?!?! In my opinion, that was hands down the stupidest thing I've ever done in my entire life. 8 years old or not, that's not the kinda thing you pass up. Geez... Now your turn.
  4. Papacita

    Concerning NO MERCY...

    Brock didn't need the title when he got it. They could've done much better with him if they continued to run with the whole psychotic angle they had going with him. He taps once again in the Iron Man match to Angle, snaps, beats up and injures Kurt, injures Vince, starts randomly interfereing in matches, get everyone pissed at him, then have Taker get the first chance to attempt and slay the unstoppable monster. He'd have gotten over big if they'd done that. As for Cena/Angle...they would have to put the US title onto Cena in order for a World Title match to work. Cena couldn't have gone into a ME so soon after a loss to Eddie.
  5. Papacita

    The person above you thread!

    ^knows work is for suckas
  6. Papacita

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Semi-Finals

    Zack Malibu Ripper
  7. Papacita

    Old School TV format

    I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Which television style/format is best for WWE: the old school style (jobbers, vingettes, weekly feature matches, etc) or the current format (skit, match, long promo, skit, promo, match, bikini contest, necrophilia, etc.). Granted, today's style is probably the more entertaining of the two, and definitely brings about better matches, but a problem with the current style is that it limits the amount of variety you have in the federation. Every week, we'll basically get to see the same people...Jericho, Van Dam, HHH, Goldberg, and personally, I think it gets a little old seeing the same guys wrestle week after week. It makes it a lot harder for midcarders to get over, plus it cheapens PPV quality matches to an extent...I mean, what's so special about an Angle/Benoit/Guerrero PPV match when we just saw the same match on TV about a week or a month ago? Why should anyone feel inclined to order shows when we can get similar or better quality every week on TV. With the old school format, you didn't have a lot of these problems. It was a lot easier to put midcarders over, because all you had to do was throw them out there in a jobber match or a few vingettes and that allowed the crowd to connect with them better. Also, you had a lot more variety in matches, you could easily sell the show in control centers and what not, and even during the era of IYH, PPV's were a lot more special than they are today. The only real problem I see with the old school format was the jobber matches...no one wants to sit around and watch unknowns get their asses kicked every week. Also, the fact that the shows weren't live may have hurt them a bit. I dunno. The current crash TV type style is stale, IMO, and I think the WWE needs to change that before things really start to get better for them, and while I think completely reverting back to the old school style would probably do a lot more harm than good, I think a nice mix of the two styles would probably freshen things up a lot. What do you think?
  8. Papacita

    Would You Rather?

    Would you rather: fight Mike Tyson or talk like him? -Talk like him. You couldn't pay me to take a punch from that man. Would you rather: watch a porno movie with your parents or watch a porno movie starring your parents? -Watch with them. Would you rather: have the power to carbonate fluids or receive rousing standing ovations whenever you flatulate in public? -Um...carbonating fluids...that sounds cool. Would you rather: play footsie with Osama or play footsie with the pope? -Uh...coin toss says Osama. Would you rather: have your eyes and nipples change places or have your nose and your perineum (located between the genitals and the anus) change places? -Eyes and nipples. Would you rather: Shit your pants on a hot date, while you're dancing, and she notices, OR have a meaningless fling with a fat chick who pisses the bed that night from the booze, but no one finds out. -Fat chick Would you rather be a peep show janitor, or a scientist that artificially inseminates skunks? -Janitor would you rather slide down a bannister that suddenly and without warning turns into a razor blade OR cause the death of a thousand people on the other side of the world that you will never see -The other side of the world is overrated...I go with death.
  9. Well, Smackdown does tend to use canned heat every now and then, so that's not saying much. Both shows have their problems, but entertainment wise and wrestling wise, I still think SD is better. I don't think they intentionally go out to make Raw look bad...I think their main goal is to have Smackdown be the wrestling show and have Raw to be the entertainment show...apparently, they seem to have lost touch of exactly what's entertaining though, but I've enjoyed the last couple of Raws so...eh.
  10. Papacita

    The Best WWE Cruiserweight of 2003?

    I wish they had gone farther with Noble's inheritence angle. I liked that.
  11. Papacita

    The Best WWE Cruiserweight of 2003?

    What about Tajiri? Tag Team Title run, wins over guys like Rhyno, and now another Cruiser Title reign. I stand by the original statement. His Tag Title run with Eddie seemed more like a fluke or joke than anything else (to me anyway), and a win over Rhyno isn't saying too much these days. I'll wait and see how his CW reign goes before I make a judgment on it.
  12. Papacita

    Stone Cold Vs. The Rock Vs. HHH

    Well in early-to-mid-98 they were more over, but that wasn't the point CO was trying to make. That's interesting. I think it was a good thing Taker won that match though. If HHH beat him, that probably would've killed his credibility.
  13. HEY! Don't be dissin Urkel, boy! *shakes fist in anger* As for the match itself...I really didn't mind it, although the racial issue did cross my mind. I really don't think it was anything intentional though. What bothered me most about the segment was that Austin was allowed to re-enter the ring after buying a ticket. Since when did buying a ticket mean that you could suddenly hop the guardrail???
  14. Papacita

    Jericho's commentary last night.

    I thought Taz chose to stay in the announce booth instead of facing further injury? I'm not sure myself. I think he started saying that after he realized they weren't going to let him get over the bigger guys and that he'd end up being a jobber. I may be wrong but that's how I remember it. That's pretty much what Raven said in his shoot. I remember WWF.com putting up an article about a year ago where Tazz said he just didn't have the desire to wrestle anymore and he really enjoys announcing a lot more.
  15. Papacita

    The person above you thread!

    ^ should've taken <'s chemistry test earlier.
  16. Papacita

    The Snuggler

    I heard about this on the news yesterday, and as scary as that must've been for the women (they said something about a series of murders on a campus about a year or so that they're still trying to get over), I find the whole thing to be funny as hell. Just the fact that he ironed clothes and everything...people are strange.
  17. Papacita

    The Best WWE Cruiserweight of 2003?

    Rey's the only one on the list who's been made to look relatively strong throughout the year. No one other than Matt (who isn't even a Cruiser) did anything of note.
  18. Papacita

    The person above you thread!

    ^ mathematical genius < not
  19. Papacita

    President brute forces Do Not Call into law

    Err...admittedly, I haven't been paying too much attention to this issue, and I'm not totally sure how these things work, but did Bush just overule a Supreme Court decision? And if so, since when has the president had the power to do such a thing?
  20. Papacita

    Jericho's commentary last night.

    Yeah, I think that was the point of the joke. Jericho was great on commentary last night. I love how he found a way to work the Dick Butkus/XFL reference in there.
  21. Papacita

    What is the origin of everyone's forum user name?

    Purple monkey dishwasher.
  22. Papacita

    The person above you thread!

    as long as ^ keeps that Vaseline away from <
  23. Papacita

    The person above you thread!

    ^ certified rumpshaker
  24. Papacita

    TSM Poster Tournament II: Round IV

    Incandenza Ripper Youth N Asia Zack Malibu