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Everything posted by Papacita
As far as Albert's inability to get over, I agree that was more WWF's fault than his, because whenever they do push him, it's always quick and sudden with no real build up instead of slow and gradual, and as a result comes off looking forced. Of course people aren't gonna react well to him injuring Rey when the man was just sitting on Velocity for 6-8 months just prior to this. Same with his I-C Title run, which was probably the most half-assed attempt at a push I've ever seen. In about a two-month span, the belt went from HHH, one of the most over guys in the company at that point, to Albert, who prior to this worked about 5 or 6 months as X-Pac's bodyguard. How can you blame Albert for that not going over well? That's like if Funaki came out tonight and beat Brock Lesnar for the title. It'd get a pop, but most likely, it'd bomb, because Funaki hasn't been built as a credible threat. But you wouldn't blame Funaki for his inability to get over, you would (and should) blame management for putting him in such a position. I honestly think if Albert was given more time to establish himself on shows before being thrown into upper card situations, his pushes would go over a lot better.
Oh God...he wrote Claude's Crib. I fucking hated that show.
I don't think that's fair, because no one person is gonna cause ratings to go through the roof. That has more to do with the overall quality of the programming than anything else.
Yeah, his match with Bret, the Kliq tag from Action Zone, the 4-Way from No Way Out, and his series with Kidman were all good. My favorite from the Kidman series was the one they had here in Philly where X-Pac unified the Cruiserweight belts. He busted out a lot of his old 1-2-3 Kid offense (I marked out for the somersault plancha) and finished with an X-Factor off the top...I really liked that match. I liked his series with D'Lo over the Euro title in 98, and for what it was, the match with Shane at XV was great. In 95, he had some good matches with Hakushi too.
Stolen from 411: Man, I'm sure somebody's gonna have a field day with this one.
Could be, but I don't understand why out of all of the people riding the buses and trains, they always seem to come right to me...every time. It's weird really.
^^ wants a name change ^ possibly anonymous right now
^^ still Jeff Hardy ^ has a shorter username than ^ did a month ago < no longer subscribed to this thread... < wondering when the hell < was subscribed to this thread < wondering who the hell's been fucking with <'s account. < eating a sandwich.
He wouldn't have gotten in trouble anyway. Honest to God if the guy came up to me right now I couldn't even point him out.
Ok, we had a one question quiz in Chemistry today and...well...depending on how you look at it, I kinda cheated. Ok, I was ready for the quiz and everything, had reviewd the material and all so I wasn't worried about it coming in...the thing was that we had to find the density using the mathematical formula (d=m/V) and I had accidetally left my calculator at home. Now I've never been a mathematical genius to say the least, so it took me a while to work the problem out and by the time he'd called for the papers, I was nowhere near being finished. Desperate to put something down, I asked the guy sitting next to me for a calculator...and he hands me his cell phone (motherfucker), which has a calculator on it, but he really didn't explain to me how to use the thing, and while I was stumbling around with the thing, the teacher became more adament that we hand in our papers. So at this point, the guy just blatantly tells me the answer and tells me to give it to him...and I'm like "ok", and I did it. This has been bugging the hell outta me for the last hour for various reasons because one, despite what I posted in the Person Above You thread yesterday, *I DON'T CHEAT*, if only because of my ego...if I can't do it on my own, I'd rather not do it at all. And secondly, I know that math was wrong, and what I was working out on the test paper doesn't add up to the answer the guy gave me, so I'm almost sure that the teacher's gonna question me about this. Now most likely, I'm blowing this whole thing out of proportion, but to make a long story short, I don't wanna get in trouble over some bullshit ass quiz. So I was thinking about just doing one or two things...either wait until he questions me about it and tell him that I was rushing, used a calculator and didn't have time to correct what I had written down, or just approach him before he looks at the quiz, tell the truth and hope that he really doesn't give a damn. Or if he questions me, I could always pull the whole *points* "OMG LOOK AT THAT!!!!!", then when he turns to look, punch the shit outta him and run. It's worked before. So what do you think? Am I buggin' or what?
I know we've had top 5/10/15/48 favorite wrestler lists dozens of times, but I can't recall us ever doing a least favorite wrestler list. Well here we go...ready? Huh? Ready? HERE WE GO!!!!! My top 5 least favorite wrestlers: 1. BILLY FUCKIN' GUNN: I cannot describe how deeply my hatred runs for this man. Since I was about 10 or 11 years old, Billy has been doing things that just make me despise him! It all started with the Smokin' Gunns...I couldn't stand them. I hated their wrestling...I hated their hats...I hated their blatant disregard for ringside fans by firing guns inside the arena. I just HATED them! And I hated how the night after Rumble 95, after I had bragged and bragged to my friends about predicting that the Kid and Bob Holly would win the tag title tournament, the Gunns came right out and beat them for the belts! As if I didn't hate Billy Gunn enough after that night...he somehow managed to make me hate him even more when he and Bart beat Yokozuna and Owen Hart to regain the belts the night after IYH 3...not because of the blatant cheating displayed by the no good bastards during the match, but because the belts RIGHTFULLY belonged to my favorite tag team, Shawn Michaels and Diesel...who, incidentally were promised a tag title rematch in the future...and that match never happened...grrr! Then there was the Rockabilly gimmick...ugh...I don't think I need to explain my dislike for that, but I was ALMOST beginning to like him in the New Age Outlaws, but then he went and joined DX the night Shawn Michaels got kicked out, so I had to hate him by default. I hate his cheesy ass promos! I hate his wrestling! I hate how the WWF repeatedly tries to push this man, despite him failing EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!! I hate the fact that Chyna likes him...I wanted to break my damn TV when they were an on-screen couple! In closing...I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM, I HATE HIM...GOOD GOD I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *deep, rapid breaths* 2. Hulk Hogan: I was never a big Hogan fan, but I turned on him in 93 after I found out that he had refused to work with Bret Hart. And I will contend to my dying day that Hulk Hogan ruined WCW. I began watching on a regular basis in 93 and was really into it...I loved Flair, loved the Blondes, Regal, Steamboat, Vader, Sting...hell...I even liked the damn Guardian Angel...then in comes Hogan, suddenly he's the World Champ, Duggan's beating Austin for the U.S. belt, and suddenly all my favorites are pushed into the background to make way for his buddies. 3. HHH: Outside of a brief period in 2000 (towards the end of the love triangle angle), I've never liked HHH, for various reasons. Aside from the most OBVIOUS reason, I hated him for kicking Shawn out of DX and in the latter stage of my markish period, getting Shawn thrown through that windsheild by the Corporation. Then came the push from hell, which resulted in that mind blowing feud with Vince McMahon in the latter part of 99.... I didn't like how he was put over Benoit (who was pretty much billed as the WCW Champion upon his arrival) and Tazz (while he was ECW Champ...and in Philly no less), basically making him seem like the best wrestler in the World...and the booking and writing since 2000 has more or less made him look unbeatable (like him losing the title to Rock without being pinned). And I don't even have to go through the current situation with him on Raw...bottom line, I hate the man. 4. Lex Luger: I've always seemed to dislike him for one reason or another. Just a bad wrestler who always seemed to be pushed as something special. 5. Vince McMahon: I know he's not a wrestler (though he might as well be with the kind of TV time he gets), but honest to God, I dislike Vince in so many ways it's not funny. Yes, Austin Vs McMahon was a groundbreaking angle! Yes, it helped the WWF's popularity skyrocket in 98-99...but Vince McMahon's involvement in storylines should've ended at Fully Loaded 99...possibly even Wrestlemania XV. Vince constantly puts himself over his wrestlers, takes up valuable TV time, ruins matches, can't wrestle, and cannot seem to grasp that fans don't pay to see him or ANYONE in his family. And they don't even try to explain his evil owner shtick anymore...we at least knew why he hated Austin, but nowadays he seems to hate everyone that's face and support all heels...there's no shades of gray...nothing remotely dynamic or entertaining about his on-screen character anymore, yet he shows up on my TV WEEK AFTER WEEK...WHY???!?!
Well, I just got back from the class a little while ago...aside from a little rant on Mickey Mouse and complaining about people sleeping in his class, he said nothing of note. Also, he said the quizzes don't really count against you, they're just for extra points, so that leads me to believe he wouldn't have said anything even if he did notice. And I got my quarters ready for nothing...dang.
1. In 99/00, Rock lost a lot more than a match every two months. 2. While I won't sit here and act like HHH lost no matches during this time period, losses to three non-wrestlers over the span of a year is hardly what I'd consider putting tons of people over.
Let's see...nothing really interesting going on in WWE or other wrestling related folders, GC's been pretty dead, I pretty much assassinated my love life about a month ago so LSD's of no use to me, I don't follow current events close enough to enjoy CE, I've pretty much grown out of video games, don't trade tapes, don't watch much TV, don't read comics, don't shop, can't eat...much, the music folder isn't that interesting, I've been graphically challenged for months now so not much interest there... ...nope, this place hasn't been too much fun for me lately...but I've got nothing better to do...oh well.
^ defines sanguinaceous
^ smokes em if he's got em
All depends on the music. If it's something fast-paced with a nice beat, not really, but if it's something soft and smooth,like R&B or something like that, then yeah I can work pretty well.
Haven't heard the album, but I also think Dre is the better of the two. I don't get the hate here.
Well, I think she used to sing in a band when she was younger...I dunno. Anyway, I found more info. Basically, she's playing drums and singing background for Benjamin. They've got a sample of one of the songs she sings on right here. Supposedly, the female voice in the background is Joanie... I dunno, I like jazz to a degree, but I'm not feeling this song. Edit: You know, the more I listen to that song the worse it gets. Especially the background vocals...geez.
Ok...now I know that as the #1 Chyna mark on this board...hell, the ONLY Chyna mark on this board, it's my job to be keeping up with this stuff, but this one just came outta left field on me. Now...I just clicked on some link on a web site, and apparently Joanie "Chynna Doll" Laurer has some kinda album coming out next month with this guy Reggie Benjamin. This is my first time hearing of this, and I have no clue who this Benjamin character is, but apparently, it was reported months ago, so does anyone have any info on this...like what exactly she'll be doing on the album. Is she singing? I need answers here.
Innocent until proven guilty.
I'll see what I can do.