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Everything posted by BruteSquad_BRODY

  1. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Starcade 86 UPDATE. Fat Tony lists Ronnie Garvin and Dusty as the 2 men in consideration to Face Ric Flair. Apparently Nikita swooped in as a dark horse. Also features a "drunk" Jimmy Valient talking about being in 'NAM like the Ragin Bull
  2. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Campaign 2008

    Andrew -- Ask your Boss. Ask your Professor. Take Election Day off and volunteer to make history. This election will be decided by what this grassroots movement can accomplish on Election Day. We have volunteer shifts to fill throughout the day -- make calls, knock on doors, and make sure your fellow voters get to the polls. No previous experience is required. Sign up now to take the day off and make history on November 4th: http://my.barackobama.com/takethedayoff Thanks, Jon Jon Carson National Field Director Obama for America
  3. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The TSM Market Research Thread

    1. How often do you visit TSM? How long are you here on a typical visit? How many minutes, or hours, do you spend here daily? 4 times a day ... usually about 30 mins each visit 2. Which folders do you spend the most time in? Why? Which ones do you skip over? I "view new posts" and pick and choose. Wrestling when something big is going on, Socket when the mayhem is going on 3. Who are your favorite posters? What makes a poster "good"? Milky - The pizza cutter cock picture made me a life long fan 4. Who are your least favorite? Why? I enjoy the bad posters, they actually can provide tremendous humor .....Fuck it . Leena. 5. Who is your favorite mod? Can you actually name the mods we have? None and no- Ok Venkman is over wrasslin' 6. What brought you to TSM in the first place? Do you still come for the same reasons? Do you still watch wrestling? Scott Keith rants and the 1st batch of lovable assholes who made the board entertaining. Now its fun and a habit. 7. When was the board at its best? Memories always make the past seem better. Watching Keith's head explode from Scott Hitler pics being posted were a high..... many others 8. What is the one thing, above all else, that keeps you coming back here? Its on my Favorites link...good variety. 9. If you could change one thing about TSM, what would it be? The Gulag concept should've been used as it was designed. 10. How much longer will TSM be around? Til the next guy "buys" it and accidently deletes the board
  4. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Raw 10.27.08

    Yeah the old fucks are gonna bury the Hot young heelz next week!
  5. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Is it just me or...

    January 2006 our main page is stuck at.... Would there be a way to just have Forums link directly at the smart marks.com at least?
  6. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Old School questions thread

    Yeah, he was WCW Sat Night regular at least until Russo and Eric B took over in April He wrestled for the TV title in the Sat main event one week IIRC
  7. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Is it just me or...

    Yup she's deleted and they sent me a PM saying "Sharpie on flesh photos are above our PG level board"
  8. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Yo, ChrisLAtimer.....

    I saw your a new member, and since we are on a new member inititive here, I'm curious as to what drew you to the board? How'd you find us? Thoughts so far? Isn't Marvin _________?
  9. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Find Cheech a New Name!

  10. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Campaign 2008

    Apparently Obama is the AntiChrist Who knew?
  11. BruteSquad_BRODY

    What do you drive?

    99 Trailblazer Oddest bump in a while.
  12. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Pictures I Like

    World's Fattest Man was driven to his wedding this weekend:
  13. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Halloween Candy

    I just ate a bag of mini (fun size) snickers and a bag of fun size Pay Days. Then tomorrow I'll complain my large sized shirts are too tight. Damn dryer shrinking my clothes!
  14. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Campaign 2008

    I wish to lay odds on Olbermann using McCain's struggle to remember the 5 former Secretary of States or whatever who are supporting him as a counterpoint to Powell on meet the press. Oh yeah defending palin's dwindling support by saying "eh, we have lots of people on our side!" (paraphased oh course) Then they showed the picture of McCain being shot down 41 years ago yesterday (Sunday) and he's on his back in the water being dragged by like 10-15 Vietnamese. A chill went down my spine. Still ain't voting for him.
  15. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Pictures I Like

  16. BruteSquad_BRODY

    In Honor of Halloween

    This is one of the most famous ghost photos ever taken. Taken in 1936, it shows the "Brown Lady" ghost at Raynham Hall in England. As the story goes, two photographers from Country Life magazine were capturing the old Hall when one of the men came upon the ghost. A photograph was quickly taken seconds before the figure disappeared. When developed, it showed a faint figure gliding down a staircase.
  17. BruteSquad_BRODY

    In Honor of Halloween

    THE FACES OF BELMEZ On August 23rd, 1971, in the small Spanish village of Bélmez, a startling and unusual event began to take place. In the home of Maria Gõmez Pereira an apparition was forming on the kitchen floor. It was a human face.
  18. BruteSquad_BRODY

    In Honor of Halloween

    Should've added a lil blurb when I posted these earlier. The Ghost Car This one has police chasing a car for a bit, they follow the car until the car seemingly passes through a fence without disturbing it. The Police have no choice but to stop. Ghosts fight back A ghost hunting team are attacked after pissing a ghost off
  19. BruteSquad_BRODY

    In Honor of Halloween

    The Cumbrian Spaceman On Sunday, May 24, 1964, English fireman Jim Templeton, of the Cumbrian Fire Service, in Carlisle, Cumberland, took his wife and five-year-old daughter Elizabeth on a picnic. He selected a nearby popular nature resort called the Burgh Marsh. Aside from the three of them, the only other people in sight that day were two elderly women in a car about 400 yards away from their picnic spot. When Elizabeth had gathered some flowers, Jim took the above photo of his smiling daughter. Several days later, when Jim picked his film up from the local drugstore, the owner said "It's a shame. Someone just ran into your best picture." "That's impossible," said Jim. "No one was there that afternoon." However, upon inspection, one photo of his daughter clearly revealed a tall figure standing a short distance behind the five-year-old wearing what appears to be a white space suit and helmet. Jim showed the picture to friends, co-workers, the police and finally Kodak. No one could explain it but Kodak asked permission to use it in an advertisement offering anyone who solved the mystery a lifelong supply of free film. No one had the solution. Tampering was ruled out as well after the negative was examined and proved not to be a double-exposure or some other image manipulation. That same year, in Woomera, Australia, England began launching its new "Blue Streak Rockets." During one of the launches, a strange event occurred. One of the technicians, while following launch preparations on a monitor, noticed two tall men in white spacesuits close to the launch tower. The countdown was immediately stopped and security searched the entire area but the two mystery figures were never found. The Australian press, however, had recently published Jim Templeton's photo of "The Cumbrian Spaceman," the Australian technician had seen it, recognized a dramatic similarity and commented that "he looks like the boys I saw on the monitor."
  20. BruteSquad_BRODY

    In Honor of Halloween

    The 2000 Democratic Prez Canidate Debate's CNN feed caught an unwanted guest Not a good picture, but this man was in the valleys of Germany or something (mind is slipping) but a UFO landed, he walked up to it, and it released a firey emission and took off. His clothes caught fire and he was burned in a strange dotted pattern on his chest. IIRC He also suffered radiation poisoning.
  21. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Major Shakeup In ROH

    I'm gonna get flamed for incorrect answers, (consider the rest IIRC) but ROH travels across the US, and has run 2 or 3 Japan tours. They run a Friday and Saturday show most weeks I think. Chicago and NYC are the only 2 cities drawing well at this point.
  22. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Is it just me or...

    Let's see what the Bigfoot Research Forum has to say about my pitch: http://www.bigfootforums.com/index.php?showtopic=24034 I'm guessing it's deleted by morning....
  23. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Is it just me or...

    If by Merge, you mean invade.....
  24. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Major Shakeup In ROH

    Bushwacker Luke may be replacing the WON's 4 year Top Booker Champion. I love it.