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Everything posted by BruteSquad_BRODY

  1. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    but...it's a gimmick...it's not true... Wait your doubting my alcoholism? See me in my Thread we need to talk
  2. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Pictures I Like

    Who da fuck is Shawn Johnson?
  3. BruteSquad_BRODY

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I have to give them credit, I enjoyed the Dutt/Lethal brawl segment and uhhhhh there was something else but I have since forgotten
  4. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    I was drunk browsing/posting just now and I suddenly realized I was touching my helmut through a hole in my pink panther boxers
  5. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Old School questions thread

    Thanks a lot!!! Must have been a classic! I can't fathom that match in my head at that point and time Oh well
  6. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    For those keeping track of my impotency- I achieved partial orgasm (oops I meant to type erection )while half buzzed and huggging my "friend" Ashley.... Ok she's my best non male friend and I struggle to seperate sexual lust with love for a good friend. Oye Serious Freudian slip in that 1st sentence
  7. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Pictures I Like

    I am drunk. Camel Toe makes sense. House does not = humor Explain
  8. BruteSquad_BRODY

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    No Impact thread? Angle's "I'm a Gold Medalist - you think I drink?" Line had to be a rib on the DUI arrest.
  9. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Kamala At The Book Vol.1 Part One...AWA 1989

    I read it all I want cookie
  10. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Find pictures of Amy Winehouse that aren't disgusting.

    It was 8 months ago.... I have drank dozens upon dozens of gallons of booze since then. Me brain broke. ----- This story from a few days ago was tremendous though Amy Winehouse Takes 12 Year Old Clubbing Amy Winehouse proved what a responsible godparent she can be by taking her 12 year old goddaughter Dionne Bromfield out clubbing with her in London. A source tells British newspaper The Daily Mirror, "Amy was in a right state, slurring her words and falling all over the place. "It was sad to see a young girl being left to babysit her - it should be the other way around." At one point Amy fell down drunkenly to the floor, which shocked the little girl. But in true Amy style, she got back up and continued partying. The real question is, who in their right mind would trust their kid with Amy Winehouse??
  11. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    http://i21.tinypic.com/2i1edle.gif Someone explain this to me
  12. BruteSquad_BRODY

    5 Year Anniversary of the Great TSM Crash

    I wish the yellow board hadn't disappered into cyber space hell. I'd like to go back and read about us mocking Judas for his Scott Keith Love. And me calling Loss4Words a fag and getting into a **** bitch fight with him about my repressed homosexuality. Witty Banter and his gang hated me as well. Good times. Oh yeah and the fake suicide thread.
  13. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    I think sending a few crappy posters to the Gulag at once could be great entertainment
  14. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WWE SummerSlam 2008

    Scott Keith gave HHH/Khali *** IIRC Bryan Alverez gave it * 1/2 I agree w/ BA's assessment
  15. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I laughed:
  16. BruteSquad_BRODY

    Pictures I Like

  17. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    *slaps head*
  18. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Old School questions thread

    Wasn't there a JYD machine too?
  19. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Old School questions thread

    Heenan was retired by June 91 - not even a manager - neck was fucked
  20. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Youtube Thread

    Actually if you watch "Savage - Behind the Madness" Docu on Youtube. WCW ran the same angle w/ Sting getting turned on by Savage 2 years in a row. I think Savage lost 2 Hogan two years in a row due to Nash's interference - Something like that.
  21. BruteSquad_BRODY

    The Youtube thread

    Norm McDonald being awesome
  22. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Drained from what? Seeing the heavily pushed Stars before Punk came out? Shouldn't he get a big reaction for making his 1st in arena appearance? You think Austin or Rock or who ever would get a luke warm response if they had a backstage promo before hand? Always killed the Rock's pops right?
  23. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Potential PPV main event given away. 20 mins left... I smell an angle
  24. BruteSquad_BRODY

    WWE Raw (8/18/2008)

    Slow day in history?