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Posts posted by jackmcmanus21

  1. courtesy of MMAJunkie:


    * Rashad Evans vs. Chuck Liddell

    * Rich Franklin vs. Matt Hamill

    * Dan Henderson vs. Rousimar Palhares

    * Karo Parisyan vs. Yoshiyuki Yoshida

    * Tim Boetsch vs. James Lee

    * Roan Carneiro vs. Ryo Chonan

    * Matt Brown vs. Dong Hyun Kim


    looks like a pretty sick card, lot of star power. Evans, Liddell, Franklin, Henderson, Parisyan on one card looks good to me. Carneiro vs. Chonan will be an submission clinic

  2. If Michaels left, Bret Hart would have stayed and had the ladder match with Razor Ramon. If anyone read Hart's autobiography, they would know that Hart is the one who introduced the Ladder Match idea to Vince. He was supposed to have the first ladder match, but Vince gave it to HBK. My guess is that Vince would have made the Hart Foundation faction up like DX. How successful this would have been, I have no idea.

  3. sounds like a pretty solid show...I'll have to tune in for this. It would be really nice to see Smackdown take care of guys like Shannon Moore, Brian Kendrick, Jeff Hardy and Kennedy. I think Shannon Moore is really underrated....his 3 count gimmick with WCW was one of the best things that they had in a horrible promotion near the end.

  4. I like all of those old time guys like Duggan, DiBiase, Slaughter etc. The fact that people still talk about them speaks volumes for them. I personally always hated Scotty Too Hotty. One thing in wrestling that I can't stand are all these gimmicky ground attacks. You have The Peoples Elbow, The Worm, The 5 Knuckle Shuffle, the Road Dogg knee drop thing and now Kofi Kingston has one..ugh.
