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Everything posted by YourKock'sReallyGreat

  1. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Well the Cowboys so far are able to do the same things that the Eagles were doing last week against the Giants.
  2. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Armageddon 2008

    Can someone please give an explanation to what happened between JBL and Shawn.
  3. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Uh, no. He wasn't stopping him from running at all. Plus the ball was uncatchable. I was joking because that was Al Michael's explanation.
  4. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Cause it's an armbar.
  5. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Chase Blackburn is an idiot. I swear he gets a stupid penalty every game.
  6. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Wow the Giants got lucky on that fumble. Jesus Christ.
  7. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Fans boo loudly as Owens dropped a huge pass.
  8. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    I am hoping that the Jets/Pats and Dolphins end up in a 3 way tie for the AFC East.
  9. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Yes, I am bitching and crying about the whole fucking game. But the call was bullshit too. Oh well. Steelers will hopefully choke in the playoffs again. Ok well your team beat themselves and the call wasn't bullshit.
  10. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    For the Raven fans who want to bitch and cry. You should bitch and cry about your offense not scoring a touchdown all game. You should bitch and cry about your defense who let the Steelers march down the field 92 yards in 2 and a half minutes. You should bitch and cry about your offense fumbling the ball and putting the Ravens out of field goal range in the 4th quarter.
  11. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Interception, game over!
  12. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

  13. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    If it is not a touchdown do you go for it on 4th down?
  14. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Wow that is a close call. Why is Ben spiking the ball on first down for?
  15. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Armageddon 2008

    I was hoping it would be Christian.
  16. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Panthers got screwed over on the first set of downs for the Broncos. Cutler had a fumble and they called it the tuck rule.
  17. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Thats the last thing I would want as a Jets fan. Chad having the chance to come back and stick it to them.
  18. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    God, the Jets almost got another interception.
  19. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    OT for the Bucs/Falcons.
  20. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    The guy on justin.tv is going even more crazy after that pick. He is shouting Superbowl Superbowl.
  21. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Bucs are beyond shooting themselves in the foot. 10 yard holding penalty now when they are driving against the Falcons.
  22. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    The guy on the Jets/Bills page on Justin.tv is going crazy.
  23. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Bootleg quality but it's free http://www.justin.tv/hac532
  24. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Bucs block the Falcons punt and get the all on the Falcons 22. First down on the 11 now.
  25. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 15

    Bucs are shooting themselves in the foot. They had 3rd and inches on the Falcons 31 and had a false start to move them back 5 yards. Now the Bucs just barely missed a tying fg due to that false start.