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Everything posted by YourKock'sReallyGreat

  1. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Black Friday 2008/Holiday Video Game Deals

    Toys R Us are doing a buy 2 get 1 free deal on December 6th. Are their sales store only or can you do it online?
  2. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    You mean get beat up to a pulp to the Red Sox.
  3. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Oooooo Dear God no. People along the likes of Hillbilly Jim, Koko B Ware, Bushwackers should be nowhere near being in this game. They were opening acts, never champions, had very little WrestleMania experience and never will be Legends. I want this game to contain upper midcarders , tag team champions and main eventers only. Especially when it has been stated that there are only going to be 40 wrestlers.
  4. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Legends of WrestleMania

    It is only be announced for importing Smackdown superstars into Legends of WrestleMania.
  5. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I know I was reaching at the End. I put him on the list because he is a former Champ. I rather see him make it than Dino Bravo of the bushwackers. Who else is there? The Genius? Koko B Ware?
  6. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Legends of WrestleMania

    What has Ron Simmons ever done at a WrestleMania? I put Lesnar on the list because he is a former WWE champ and was in the main event at 19 and one of the top matches at 20. I didn't put Ric Flair on the list because he is in Smackdown 2009 and you can import wrestlers into Legends. With that being said, I should take Lesnar off the list. He is under UFC contract. I would replace him with Psycho Sid another former heavyweight champion who main evented a WrestleMania.
  7. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Thats also due to bad publicity. Citibank is cutting thousands of jobs and they were keeping the naming rights for Citifield. I would be pretty pissed if I got layed off during these times but my previous employer found 20 million every year to pay the Mets for naming rights to a baseball field.
  8. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Legends of WrestleMania

    That is a very valid point. I am sure it would be the 40 who are willing to sign deals and that the WWE approved of. Meaning no Macho Man or The Ultimate Warrior. Like I previously stated I didn't put anybody on my list that are in TNA or were in Smackdown 2009 since you can import them. The Wrestlers that I put on my list were former Heavyweight, IC and tag team champions throughout the years that Wrestlemania covered. Adding to that list I included wrestlers such as Piper and Ordorff who were apart of the Main Events and some of the more recognized matches. I feel that this game should let the game player be able to relive, reenact and rewrite all of the main events, top feuds and matches that were apart of WrestleMania. I think they should have a RTWM mode like in Smackdown, tag team matches, Royal Rumble, Battle Royales, blue bar old school WWF steel cage matches, Survivor Series 4 on 4.
  9. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Here is my list of the 40 wrestlers and managers who should appear in the game. I did not put in anybody who is under a TNA contract or is in Smackdown 2009 since you can import superstars. 1. Hulk Hogan 2. Macho Man Randy Savage 3. The Ultimate Warrior 4. Sgt Slaughter 5. Yokozuna 6. Stone Cold Steve Austin 7. The Rock 8. Roddy Piper 9. Mr. Perfect 10. Ravishing Rick Rude 11. Jake the Snake Roberts 12. Bret Hart 13. Jim the Anvil Neidhart 14. Ax 15. Smash 16. Davey Boy Smith 17. Dynamite Kid 18. Animal 19. Hawk 20. Eddie Guerrero 21. RVD 22. Ricky the Dragon Steamboat 23. Ted Dibiase 24. Honky Tonk Man 25. Greg the Hammer Valentine 26. Brutus the Barber Beefcake 27. Tito Santana 28. Rick Martel 29. Paul Orndorff 30. King Kong Bundy 31. Big Boss Man 32. Brock Lesnar 33. Goldberg 34. Cowboy Bob Orton 35. Superfly Jimmy Snuka 36. Mr. T 37. Junkyard Dog 38. Andre the Giant 39. Nikolai Volkoff 40. Iron Sheik Managers 1. Mr Fuji 2. Cindi Lauper 3. Slick 4. Classy Freddie Blassie 5. Captain Lou Albano 6. Bobby the Brain Heenan 7. Miss Elizabeth 8. Jimmy Hart 9. Virgil I would like to get the opinions of others on who should be and who shouldn't be in the game. This is going to be a definate purchase for me.
  10. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Prison Break

    Dammmnnnnnnnnnnnn. I just caught the last episode now. That was the ultimate heel turn. I wish the WWE could have a turn like that.
  11. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Rumor going around is that the Angles have matched the Yankees offer to CC Sabathia.
  12. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 12

    What are your touchdown rituals?
  13. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    This week in the NBA

    The Knicks to Clippers trade for Zach Randolph has hit a snag. Cutino Mobley has failed his physical.
  14. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    NFL Week 12

    I am just curious, how are the Packers fans on this board dealing with Favre being in first place for the Jets while Aaron has the team 5-6? Are you guys rooting for Bret? I believe the better the Jets do in the playoffs the better the draft pick the Packers get from them. Am I correct?
  15. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    True Blood

    I dont know about you guys, but I always had a bad vibe about Renee. During the scene when he proposes I thought he was going to kill her. It was dark out and the car just stopped. They need to find a way to bring back Liz Caplan though.
  16. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Not a complete heel turn, but one where he starts snapping at fans who heckle him, maybe making demands on management for special treatment given all he does for the wwe and maybe starts cheating to win big matches to stay in the ME scene (but will feel guilty about it). It's wouldn't be a conscious heel turn, but more one out of doubt/depression and the demands of the business while being scared to hurting himself. It could have culminated at WM25 where Cena says he can't keep living like he is and if he can't win the title cleanly at WM he'll retire and move on. HBK could even be involved in the storyline, building off of his Flair match from last year. But that would require thought, something the writers don't have. Really, Vince needs to hire some of the people from this board instead of Hollywood sitcom writers. You forgot Hollywood actors as well. You should be blaming Freddie Prinze Jr for this one.
  17. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    This week in the NBA

    I feel sorry for Wizards fans. Ed Tapscott is the same genius who drafted Frederic Weis over Ron Artest back in 1999. Weis turned into a bust who got dunked over the head by Vince Carter. Artest turned into a headcase but one of the better players in the league who can score 20 ppg and play defense. Lets not forget that Artest was the local hometown product from St Johns while Weis was some big white stiff from France.
  18. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    Let's Talk About...No Holds Barred

    The TC didn't mention that Bill Eadie (Axe of Demolotion) was in the movie. He wrestled against Rip in the opening match. Also, for Dexter fans, Hulk's brother in the movie is the same actor who played Rits's ex husband in the first two seasons.
  19. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    It makes more sense to do a three way dance at Survivor Series.
  20. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Well the mutual feeling on several message boards I frequent is that the show sucked and 90 percent of the people hated the ending. I can understand why Cena is champ again. I just wished the WWE had more logical booking. Was the Smackdown main event supposed to be no dq? I dont recall ever hearing anything about that.
  21. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Tell Cena to get a more credible finisher.
  22. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Proof you have to earn it! Edge and Cena both deserve their positions with the company. They deserve to be in the main event scene but not to win the Championship the first night back in 4-5 months. WWE needs to stop having a title change 2-3 weeks. Having Batista hold it for a week a month ago was absolutely pointless. This main event was so cookie cutter. I thought I was watching a Hulk Hogan matchup with the way they treat Cena. Cena really need to get a new finisher. It looks impressive against The Big Show but not against Jericho and it has the impact of a body slam.
  23. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    F Cena. F the WWE. That stupid move is by far the least credible finisher since Hogans Leg Drop. Lastly, what was the point of Having Jericho win the championship to hold the belt for 2 months, lose it to Batista to win it back in a week and then lose it Cena 2 weeks later? I hate this fucking booking. I hope Cena tears a quad.
  24. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Why did the Champ come out first? Is Jericho the next Savage to Cena being the next Hogan circa WM 5?
  25. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Which is bs anyways. They could put the title on him. If he fucks up, they can use him for one more match and job him out. Than Vince can point and say to whoever questions the wellness program that he fired his champion.