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Everything posted by YourKock'sReallyGreat

  1. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Edge looks like he is off the Roids.
  2. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Edge is the new champ.
  3. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Jeff Hardy looks fine to me.
  4. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    OOO Shit. Vicki Guerrero is out. Out comes Edge.
  5. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Why? It's fun to watch fans shit all over a match. Especially when Big Nose is in it. It's a real FU to Vince. But he doesn't care because he already got the fans money.
  6. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    We Want Hardy!!!!!
  7. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    JR making excuses for the match now.
  8. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Loud Boring chants now.
  9. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Is this what Jericho spoke about when he came to save the WWE??? This has to be it.
  10. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Cant have that. It would hurt Big Nose's ego.
  11. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Well Vince McMahon has stated before that he knows what his fans want more than they know themselves.
  12. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Are they chanting we want? What do they want?
  13. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Wow am I hearing Boring chants?
  14. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Thats a little too predictable booking. They have to throw us a curveball every now and than!
  15. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Nope, they said one on one. I pray that Jeff comes out to wrestle halfway in or so. Terra Ryzin vrs Ludvig Borga v 1.2
  16. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Jeff Hardy isn't wrestling tonight. Good job WWE!!!!!! Way to piss off the fans. Give us that ultimate dream matchup of Big Nose and the Russian.
  17. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Great now the IC Champ looks even more of a Jobber. I am sure Bob Barron is pissed.
  18. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Show beat the crap out of it. More like he tipped it over.
  19. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    It's the Gooker, hahahahahahahahaha.
  20. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    It's the return of Conan the Barbarian!!!!!!
  21. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Thank God that Match is over. Jesus Christ it was beyond brutal.
  22. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    WWE was thinking ahead of you with the new casket. They come prepared!
  23. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Looks like The Big Show is breaking it righ tnow and walking away.
  24. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Why was the big show acting like a moron and being afraid to close the lid? Was he afraid that The Undertaker was going to stop him?
  25. YourKock'sReallyGreat

    WWE Survivor Series - November 23, 2008

    Well they are going to have to space out the championship matches. Cant do them back to back.