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Posts posted by YourKock'sReallyGreat

  1. It really hasn't been mentioned on here but the finishers in the game are severly lacking. Supposedly you can only only choose from the 50 or so preset finisher chains in the game. Powerbombs, F-5, Razors Edge, Flying Elbow Drop, etc are nowhere to be seen.

  2. Test and Kelly had broken up a while ago, but were still friends.


    "You were my world my best friend the one i always ran to u were always there for me..what happened to our plan...Why did god take u away from me...my heart is always with u and u only..I know your in heaven watching over me now my angel..."



    That is from her myspace. Kind of hard for her to stick to the plan with her kissing Jericho behind his back.

  3. List of call names that are in the game. This info comes from a person who has the game and took pix of the game on Caws.ws.



    The Barbarian

    The Bruiser

    The Butcher

    The Cowboy

    The Crusher

    The Disaster

    The Dog

    The Dragon

    The Gangster

    The Giant


    The Horseman

    The King

    The Maniac

    The Matador

    The Model

    The Monster

    Mr. Amazing

    Mr. Macho

    The Natural

    The Professor

    The Rocker

    The Solider

    The Superstar

    The Tornado


    You cannot turn off over the top rope eliminations in Battle Royale.


    Ortons finisher chain is Backbreaker + Randy Orton Stomp + The RKO from SvR 09


    Kane's Finisher is Big Boot + Sidewalk Slam + Chokeslam


    Alternate attires can be imported


    Shawn Michaels has his Rockers outfit for Alternate Attire



    Undertakers Alternate Attire appears to be from his Lord of Darkness era




    So here are the Chain Finishers (From SvR 09 & LOW)



    3- Point Stance Clothesline

    450 Splash

    Air Africa

    Alabama Slam

    Anvil Flattener

    Back Stabber

    Backbreaker Side Slam

    Banzai Drop

    Barber's Chair

    Batista Bomb

    Big Splash 1 & 2

    Brain Buster

    Camel Clutch

    Celtic Cross

    Chokeslam 1 & 2


    Clothesline from Hell

    Cobra Clutch

    Complete Shot

    DDT 1-5

    Diving Clothesline

    Double High Knee Strike

    Elbow Drop

    Elbow Drop with Theatrics

    Figure 4 Leglock 1-3

    Finishing Leg Drop


    Frog Splash



    Hammer and Sickle



    Knee Trembler

    Million Dollar Dream

    Moonlight Drive

    Moonsault Attack

    Neckbreaker 1 & 2

    Oklahoma Slam

    Pedigree 1 & 2

    Perfect Plex



    Pumphandle Slam 1 & 2

    Reality Check

    Reverse DDT


    Rude Awakening

    Running STO

    Samoan Drop

    Samoan Spike


    Shake Rattle and Roll


    Sleeper Hold

    Sliced Bread No. 2


    Steam Roller

    Stunner 1 & 2


    Swanton Bomb 1 & 2

    Sweet Chin Music 1 & 2


    Texan Destroyer


    The People's Elbow


    Tombstone 1 & 2

    Trouble in Paradise

    Twist of Fate

    Vice Grip

    Walls of Jericho

    Wham-Bam Thank you Ma'am

    World Strongest Slam



    No you can't change championship belts color


    British Bulldogs Chain

    Military Press + Clothesline + Oklahoma Slam

  4. This game looks like it needs an extra month or so of production. This game doesn't have the little things that helps seperate wrestlers from eachother. Where is HTM's jumpsuit, Sgt Slaughter Hat, Undertakers Coat, Valentines Shinguard. How hard is it to program entrance entire? When Yukes cant even put in little things into the game it makes alot of people think that the whole game was produced half-assed. I can play MLB 09 The Show and they can have Dontrelle Willis having his hat turned on an angle but this game cant put in HTM"s jumpsuit. I also wished they put in more Legends instead of putting in the Smackdown 09 Roster. I rather have had 70 or so legends with 10 or so imports from Smackdown (Edge, Cena, Batista, Orton, Jericho, Mysterio, etc)

  5. One thing that should be pointed out about the Royal Rumble in the game is that you cannot do grapples only strikes. When you try to do a grapple it goes to a strike instead. This is based off of the guy who has the game and posting the videos on Youtube.


    That sounds so lame. Does this guy have the final build of the game?



    I am 99.999 percent sure it is a final build. He is a game reviewer and the game is already out in some parts of Europe and a person was able to buy the game on their military base early. The game comes out in a week.

  6. Brand New Videos


    Jimmy Snuka vs Rick Rude in a steel cage match at WM 9. You can either climb over the cage or go to the cage door and do a minigame to get it opened. Snuka does the top of the cage flying splash. The only problem is that each time he did it Rude got up within a second.






    6 Man Battle Royale



  7. The game is out in Germany according to Caws.ws. A person posted pix of them having the game and some screens. According to the person who has the game. The following wrestlers have their Outfits/Parts for CAL. There might be alot more than just this list but this is what is reported so far.


    Tito Santana


    Doink the Clown



    Macho King

    Owen Hart



    The person created a decent looking Vader. Just looked a little too slim juding by the pix.

  8. As a current Knicks fan, a league without the Indiana Pacers would suck. Sports is about rivalries and to see any team leave that you love to hate is never a good thing. I'd miss the Pacers.



    Knicks/Pacers rivalry has been dead for the last 9 years. It's amazing to think that the Knicks played the Pacers in 1993, 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999 and 2000 in the playoffs.

  9. Why did they feel the need to have to change up the control schemes so much? Couldn't they at least have made an alternate controls that are the same as Raw v. SD or something? That's what annoys me about the game, its hard to get used to them.



    It was said that in the Espn article that they did test groups who wanted a more arcade like game. The article provided a great laugh because THQ feels the need to cater to people who do not buy their games. The controls for this game are not simplistic and in some ways a bit more difficult than Smackdown. Smackdown is a very easy pick up and play kind of game. I can picture a 7 year old being frustrated by the controls in this game. Another thing that the article pointed out was that they wanted to cater to the older wrestling fans who would buy a legends game. If someone is going to buy a game because it has Jake the Snake, Rick Rude and Mr Perfect they are most likely going to be above the age of 21. Why do the feel the need to "dumb down" the controls? I kind of wished that they had an option for which controls you want to use.


    Another point from that Article was that THQ wants to cater to videogame fans who do not buy Smackdown because it is too much of a simulation. I always thought that wrestling videogame fans did not buy Smackdown because it was too arcadey and not No Mercy/WrestleMania 2000. THQ sure does love to shoot themselves in the foot. It's a wonder why their company is being flushed down the toilet.

  10. My understanding based off of cheapassgamer.com is that Gamestop released a list of games that were eligible and then cancelled some of the eligible games. This was due to a couple of the games being $10 dollars at Kmart.


    Well if that was the reason this dude was denied then it makes it all the more funny, as we don't have any Kmarts up here.


    I was only guessing. I remember reading about games being sold for $10 dollars at K Mart, Target etc that were on the list. I believe Blitz was one game that was going for $10 dollars that was on the list and taken off.
