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Posts posted by YourKock'sReallyGreat

  1. Care to elaborate why Tom Rothman is a dirty word?


    He's the classic Meddling Executive and has ruined many a movie by his insistance on them being PG and having a run time of 90 minutes. It has gotten to the point where many high profile directors simply refuse to work with FOX anymore. Dragonball Evolution and Wolverine are his latest in a long line of atrocities.




    What were the others?

  2. Tom Renney was just fired. He brought respectability back to the Rangers and he's a HELL of a coach but its quite obvious the team has just quit on him.


    John Tortorella is the rumor of the new head coach taking over. Didn't he coach the Rangers for a brief time after Colin Cambell?


    He was the assistant coach for the Rangers. Anyways he can't be hired for the remainder of the season because he is still under contract with the Tampa Bay Lightning, however he will be available to coach for them if the Rangers will pick up his contract from the Lightning if he joins the team for the duration. (Or Tampa can terminate his contract too).



    I was right technically. Tortorella took over as the head coach for the last 4 games in 2000 when John Muckler was fired.

  3. Tom Renney was just fired. He brought respectability back to the Rangers and he's a HELL of a coach but its quite obvious the team has just quit on him.


    John Tortorella is the rumor of the new head coach taking over. Didn't he coach the Rangers for a brief time after Colin Cambell?

  4. Freddie Prinze Jr is no longer a member of the creative team. I bet Buffy is pissed to have him back at home since she isn't really doing anything either.


    Where is this from, by the by? WON mentioned that he "hasn't been around" and his name doesn't come up, but more towards the "he's there and can contribute, but his interest in marking out for being on the writing team is over".


    I heard about it from a friend and I just saw this tidbit on another site.



    PWInsider.com is reporting that actor Freddie Prinze Jr has indeed left WWE's creative team. We reported a few days ago that there had been little to no use of Prinze's creative input on Smackdown within the last several months, and sources have now confirmed that he has left the company. Although Prinze had not been to a Smackdown taping in nearly two months, it should be noted that he was very well liked by the wrestlers as well as most people backstage as he was a very avid pro wrestling fan and has been a follower of the WWE product for many years. Prinze was hired by WWE back in July of 2008 and worked solely on the Smackdown brand.


  5. If the Knicks come up empty in 2010, it'll be at least another 5 years before they'd be relevant.


    I wouldn't go that far. The Knicks will be under the cap and have Fat Eddie and JJ coming off the books in 2011 unless they are able to get rid of them sooner. It would be a miracle. The fact is that the Knicks will have a chance in getting some worth wild and if that doesn't hapen they are still under the cap for the next year or the year after. I rather see the team have a payroll of 40 million and go 41-41 instead of a payroll of 120 million and go 31-51 like they have done the last several years.


    They're banking everything on picking up someone from the LeBron, Wade, Bosh, Amare grouping. If they don't manage to get one of them, I don't know who they'll be able to get in 2011. I'm not saying they'll be terrible until 2015, but it's going to take a while to put together a team without one (or two) of those guys simply because they'll probably have traded away every other decent piece they had or let them walk to save cap room. If they don't have any of those franchise guys and also lose out on re-signing Lee or Nate because they needed the cap room what would be the draw for a fan to go see the team?


    The fan hasn't had a reason to watch the Knicks since 2000/2001. They could put out a squad of NBA D leaguers and rookies if they are unable to sign anybody. That team would still be better than any team from 2001 to 2008 for the Knicks.

