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Posts posted by lee_hero

  1. would be nice to see the pic.

    at the Nashville show on December 2nd, a guy was at the end of the entrance in the crowd when Aries was going back to the locker room. They ended up getting into a major confrontation and had to be separated. The guy didn't get thrown out, but as soon as the incident was over he went to the bleacher area and sat with a bunch of people that looked to be there in some other capacity than to watch the show.


    The whole incident just seemed like a work to me then. And now with another Aries fan incident happening. I just wonder if it was the same guy?

  2. I always heard that Austin just flat-out never liked the new eagle belt and wanted the old winged eagle back. When Vince told him no, he got the smoking skull made. I never heard the "he got cut so he wanted a new belt" story.



    Don't really know if this is when Austin was cut or not, but it could be another factor in Austin wanting another belt made.

    This is an excerpt from a Joe Marshall interview in WWE Magazine.


    One time in Columbus, Ohio, Stone Cold chucked his title belt into the ring from about 30 feet away. The front plate broke off and a piece flew out into the audience.

  3. If traditionalist/son-in-law of company owner Triple freaking H will wear that thing as champion, you can better believe Undertaker would suck it up and deal with it.


    If the belt at least said "CHAMPION" instead of "CHAMP" and it didn't still have "MON NITE RAW" on the one side, I don't think it would be quite as annoying. I'll say this much for that belt: It doesn't look cheap. Gaudy and ridiculous? Maybe, but not cheap.


    According to WWE Magazine's The Complete History of Champions Special Edition from 2007, here are some of the facts regarding the "Making of the Spinner Belt"


    8 Plates on the belt [main plate, 4 side plates, the spinner, the eagle and the champ banner], most belts have only 5 plates.


    $8,000 - cost of the computer software used to design the belt


    90 - days it took to construct the belt


    4,000 stones painstakingly attached by hand to the title


    $60 - cost of the special Japanese skateboard bearings used to formerly make the belt spin

  4. Here's a couple of upcoming releases


    January 6 - Bound For Glory 2008

    April 14 - Jeff Jarrett: King of the Mountain


    and for those of you who collect, the recent Cross The Line 3-pack including Victory Road 2008, Hard Justice 2008 and No Surrender 2008 has 3 different covers.


    Booker T Cover - available at FYE stores {the local FYE has this thing on sale for $14.99]

    AJ Styles Cover - Best Buy only

    Christian Cage Cover - all other outlets

  5. I never liked the spinner belt.


    but however, I think the new ECW belt is pretty sweet. And ECW doesn't have a big enough roster to support another title. Maybe they could have a hardcore title to span across all 3 shows. Like have a tourney or something to declare the inagural champ, then make it where any wrestler who wins like say 3 hardcore/no dq/extreme matches in a row could challenge for the belt. If it meant they were gonna bring back the stupid 24/7 rule, I would totally be against the hardcore belt coming back. That whole tirade was a cluster-fuck of epic proportions. You couldn't keep up with who the champ was.

  6. My Survivor Series 08 dvd should be arriving via mail from deepdiscount.com maybe tom. Any extras on it?


    You get 2 extras....


    1] Great Khali and Ranjin talk with Shawn Michaels about their Survivor Series win.

    2] Jeff Hardy VS Undertaker Extreme Rules Match from November 14 Smackdown

  7. Jericho book is amazing. My favorite wrestling book to date.

    Haven't gotten a chance to read Hitman's new one.


    I got some pretty cool wrestling related gifts. [to get back on topic]


    new CM Punk "Fists" t-shirt pack with the hat and dog-tags

    CM Punk "Ribs" t-shirt

    Edge Decade of Decadence set

    Survivor Series 2008

    Definitive Ric Flair Collection

    Most Powerful Families in Wrestling


    Pretty good haul. All my friends and family know I love wrestling, so that's what they always get me.

  8. In regards to the bonus tribute shows packed in the Eddie sets, all Benoit appearances and mentions are cut out.


    I just watched the both of them the other night.


    On another note, while watching the Kane dvd, there's a match with X-Pac & Kane VS Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett for the tag straps from Raw that seems to have the audio edited. Sounds kinda like they tried to edit the crowd chants of "You're a nugget".


    Anyone else notice this?

  9. Elijah may indeed be TNA bound....


    Elijah Burke posted photos of himself kissing TNA Knockout SoCal Val on his Myspace page. He released the following statement regarding the photos. "Well, since some of you have heard, asked, or seen the pics in the tagged photos section (and who knows where else), I have only this to say, 'I love Val, she is my friend, and whatever happened between her and I, will stay between us.'"

  10. From Wrestling Edge


    WWE taped this week's edition of SmackDown from the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, Maryland.


    * A WrestleMania XXIV video package is shown.


    * The top section of the arena is tarped off.


    Dark Match:

    * Lawrence Knight (Stu Bennett from FCW) b. Kung Fu Naki


    SmackDown: (Airing Friday)

    * SmackDown starts off with the new WWE Champion Jeff Hardy being introduced. He comes out to a huge pop with a spectacular pyro and confetti. He talks about finally being champion. Edge comes out to interrupt. He tells Jeff it takes more than just a day or two to be a true champion and that he stole the title from him. Edge then says Vickie has announced two matches for tonight: Matt Hardy vs. Edge and Jeff Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov.


    Jeff then asks Edge if he's done and hits twist of fate.


    * Hurricane Helms & R-Truth b. Shelton Benjamin & MVP

    - Helms get the win via pinfall on Shelton.


    * John Morrison b. Festus

    - Morrison gets the win the moonlight drive after The Miz hit Jesse with the bell making Festus comatose again.


    * Matt Hardy cuts a promo before his match with Edge. He's receiving a huge pop from the live audience.


    * Edge b. Matt Hardy

    - Hardy comes out to a huge pop while Edge comes out to big heat. Edge gets the clean win after hitting Hardy with a spear.


    * Ezekiel Jackson b. Carlito

    - Ezekiel gets the win via pinfall. Both The Brian Kendrick and Primo Colon are at ringside during the match.


    * Maryse b. Maria

    - The winner will get a future match for the Divas Championship. Michelle McCool is at ringside. Maria slaps Maryse to start the match. Maryse gets the win via pinfall after hitting a DDT. She taunts Michelle who is sitting with Jim Ross and Tazz.


    * Ken Kennedy promo with MVP promoting his Behind Enemy Lines DVD movie.


    * The Great Khali is interviewed. Rajin Singh says Mae Young is Khali's soul mate.


    * The main event is up next. Vladimiz Kozlov comes out to big heat while Jeff Hardy comes out to another huge pop.


    * WWE Champion Jeff Hardy b. Vladimir Kozlov

    - Hardy gets the win after Edge interferes. Kozlov and Edge double team Hardy until Triple H comes to the rescue. Kozlov runs away when Hunter gets his the sledge hammer. This concludes SmackDown.

  11. Hey Mos Def, why are you not so partial to Old School Memphis? Just wondering, as that is considered one of the greatest periods/eras in wrestling history.


    For the most part Memphis is just low-rent and so deeply southern-fried that it could only be tolerated in small doses.


    It was racial. Outside of Lawler the wrestling wasnt great. They had some of the stupidest, lamest gimmicks ever conceived and they had this horrible penchant for siphoning all the talent out of their heels so that they were all cookie-cutter bastard types that had to rely on cheating to win. The glass ceiling was built into their infrastructure. Memphis was either for washouts and local rednecks or for guys who were up and coming and would leave before they arrived because the conditions were so bad. Its sad to hear over and over that guys were just starving there.


    Bill Dundee and Dutch Mantell say otherwise. Also Koko B Ware was awesome as was the RNR Express, Ricky Gibson, Eddie Gilbert, Tommy Rich(before he got fat), Buddy Landell etc etc. But yeah it's not for everybody.


    Anyone have the Fuller Shoot?


    Being a local, I grew up on Memphis wrestling and am very saddened to see it become what it has under the Cory Maclin regime.

    I have to agree with you on all of those great names out of Memphis except for Dundee. I never cared for that guy and every dealing I've ever had with him was bad. Eddie Gilbert is probably the greatest talent to ever come out of the territory, arguably. You left out the one guy I always thought was the best though, Austin Idol. That guy could get a crowd riled up like no one I've ever seen.


    And on the Koko B. Ware note, I was watching the 1991 Royal Rumble the other day and during his match with The Mountie, Koko hit what I think to be the best swinging neckbreaker I've ever seen. Never been a fan of this move as it pretty much always looks like shit, but somehow Koko nailed the perfect one. I was just wondering why he never used that move more often.

  12. 1/13/09 - XPW - Cold Day In Hell


    1/13/09 - XPW - Cold Day In Hell [blu-Ray Edition]


    1/20/09 - Before They Were Stars - Matt Sydal: Bourne is Born


    1/27/09 - CZW - Violent Outbreak


    1/27/09 - NWA Pro-Wrestling - Luchamania [4 disc Box Set]


    1/27/09 - WEW - Mat Divas


    2/10/09 - Necro Butcher - Choose Death: Inside The Mind of a Wrestling Madman


    2/24/09 - CZW - Scarred


    2/24/09 - WEW - Uncut & Uncensored

    3/10/09 - Heroes of World Class Wrestling


    3/10/09 - Heroes of World Class Wrestling [Deluxe Blu-Ray Edition]



    I'll add more to this list as I find it.

  13. Few new WWE DVD Release Dates


    1/20/09 - WWE Armageddon 2008

    1/27/09 - WWE Legends of Wrestling [3 discs]

    2/3/09 - WWE Tagged Classics - No Mercy 2003 & Survivor Series 2003

    2/3/09 - WWE Tagged Classics - Armageddon 2003 & Royal Rumble 2004

    2/24/09 - WWE Royal Rumble 2009


    I love those Tagged Classics sets. The local K-Mart always has them for $11 each.


    and looks like Best Buy is gonna have a special edition of the Edge set.


    It'll probably be like the one they did for the HBK set last year. Wish it was like the Eddie Tin though.


    And here's the cover for WWE Legends of Wrestling


  14. I have a vague recollection of a tag match between the Islanders and the Young Stallions from the first Royal Rumble. I remember Haku hitting Paul Roma with a move so vicious that they was an extended intermission between the 1st and 2nd falls of the match. Then to end the next fall Haku delivered a stiff knee off the top rope to Roma's mid-section.


    He was a tough guy.

  15. Kane hasn't been a threat for a really long time. They should have put the mask back on him at the blow-off for the Rey feud. Maybe that could have sparked some interest in him. After finally completing watch the new Kane dvd set, I found the whole collection of matches rather odd, he loses about 75% of them. It's a good set though, I recommend it.


    And on the subject of Kelly Kelly having something that Kane wants...


    I think she has something every male with a pulse wants,

    probably females too.
