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Posts posted by lee_hero

  1. from the ROH Board




    1) Ninja Blue defeats Shawn Shultz with a sunset flip.


    2) Boogie Woogie Boy Gary Valient defeats Ernie Osiris with a Cutter out of the corner.



    Main Show


    1) The Briscoes & Kenny Omega defeat Kenny King, Sal Rinuaro, & Rhett Titus when Sal is pinned following an electric chair german.


    ~Daizee Haze is out to confront Rhett Titus. Rhett looks to attack, but Necro makes the save. Daizee & Necro force Rhett to tell everyone the truth. That he is in fact, a virgin! Daizee kicks Rhett in the nuts and leaves.


    2) Delirious defeats Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne with Shadows Over Hell.


    3) Sara Del Rey defeats Ashley Lane, Daizee Haze, & Serena Deeb with the Royal Butterfly on Lane.


    4) Brent Albright & Erick Stevens defeat Davey Richards & Larry Sweeney when Sweeney accidentally hits Davey with a chair and Albright gets the pin. It was originally Richards and Dempsey, but Sweeney kicked Bobby out of the match at the last second.


    ~Crowd estimated at 600 or so.








    5) Grizzley Redwood & Bushwhacker Luke defeat Irish Airborne with the battering ram.


    6) The Necro Butcher & Austin Aries vs. Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black ends in a double count out. Really good match until the finish.


    7) Bryan Danielson defeats Claudio Castagnoli in a no disqualification match using a belt to execute the Triangle Choke. At one point Dragon attempted a dive to the outside and Claudio nailed him with a chair busting him open.


    8) ROH World Championship: Nigel McGuinness defeats Jerry Lynn to retain the Championship. Jerry had Nigel in the Cradle Piledriver, but Nigel kicked him in the head, fell back in to a pin and grabbed the ropes.


    My notes on the show.


    Pre-show matches were horrendous. Shawn Schultz is a great worker, but it's hard to pull off anything wrestling Ninja Blue. As for the second pre-show match and the Boogie Woogie Boy, all I can say is UGH.


    Briscoes & Kenny Omega VS Kenny King, Sal Rinauro & Rhett Titus - Briscoes entered to a huge pop. The first 4 minutes or so of this match were hot with everyone brawling outside the ring. After that though it was pretty tame. The Briscoes didn't hit hardly any of their spots leading me to think they were probably banged up from the night before. Kenny Omega hit the suicide dive of the night though and garnered a huge pop. After the match the Haze came out and confronted Rhett Titus once again. Titus continued to claim that he and the Haze "Got it on" until the Necro Butcher came down to the ring [to a huge pop]. Titus then admitted that he in fact did not get it on with the Haze and further admitted that he was in fact a virgin, which elicited the predictable "You're a Virgin" chant.


    Delirious VS Alex "Sugarfoot" Payne - Delirous coming out with Jimmy Jacobs got hardly any heat or any reaction at all. Jacobs however received a good amount of emo and huss chants. Ol Sugarfoot got a pretty good reaction. The match was so-so. Some fan up in the bleachers continuously yelled out "[insert random action verb here] him Retardo". That got rather annoying pretty quick. Over the course of the match the Nashville crowd warmed up to Delirious and his odd antics. Shadows over hell looked rather impressive.


    Ashley Lane VS Serena Deeb VS Daizee Haze VS Sara Del Ray - Deeb and The Haze got pretty good pops as expected. Del Ray and Deeb opened the match and whenever these two were in the ring together it was pretty awesome. They work each other very well. The Haze had hardly any ring time in this match and poor Ashley Lane took some nasty bumps to the head. At one point toward the end Del Ray was attempting to pin Lane and The Haze flew off the top rope with a dropkick to Del Ray's face, landing on Ashley Lane's head. Immediately following this, Del Ray hit Lane with the Royal Butterfly with Lane again taking a bad head bump. Del Ray immediately covered Lane for the victory. Lane was laid out in the ring for a few before being carried to the back.


    Davey Richards & Larry Sweeney VS Erick Stevens & Brent Albright - Sweet and Sour entered to a pretty decent Bobby Dempsey chant. All managers/seconds were barred from ringside in this one so when they tried to run Sweeney off he instead took this as a chance to further humiliate Bobby Dempsey. He pretty much told him he was worthless and sent him to the back. Pretty good match with Richards and Stevens spending the majority of the time in the ring. Sweeney hardly broke a sweat. Richards was holding Albright for Sweeney to nail him with a chair, but at the last second Albright ducked and Richard's took the shot. Albright covered him for the pin. On a side note, the aforementioned guy that kept calling Delirious Retardo, kept calling Sweeney Sheila in this match.


    Grizzly Redwood & Bushwhacker Luke VS Irish Airborne - Of course the faces got a pretty good pop. Pretty dismal match with nothing really exciting happening. All of our pain and suffering were ended when Grizzly Redwood put Luke in a headlock and performed the ol Bushwhacker battering ram.


    Austin Aries and Necro Butcher VS Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black - Both Aries and Black received pretty good chants during their entrances and at various time during the match. Back and forth match with Black taking a pretty sick pair of knees to the face from Aries when he attempted to kip up from the headscissors with his patented dropkick. The match just broke down and ended up with a lot of brawling outside the ring. Necro hit his moonsault from the top rope to the outside before the ref counted both teams out.


    Bryan Danielson VS Claudio Castagnoli - AmDrag got huge pops while Claudio got the predictable "Hey". This match was really good. AmDrag hit like 3 suicide dives to the outside in a row before Claudio picked up a chair on the final one and hit Danielson in the head. The chair busted Danielson open pretty good as within seconds he was drenched in blood. Claudio then took the belt off the ref and whipped Danielson with it. Match was very back and forth with Claudio hitting the backdrop into the European and a Ricola Bomb and Danielson hitting Claudio with the MMA Strikes and getting him in the Cattle Mutilation. Match finally ended when AmDrag took the belt and wrapped it around Claudio's neck before putting him in the Triangle. Pretty hot match that got the crowd really going.


    ROH World Championship - Nigel McGuiness VS Jerry Lynn - Pop of the night went to Jerry Lynn. This may have been the best match of Jerry Lynn's career. It was back and forth throughout with lots of near falls and lots of sick high impact moves for both men. Lynn attempted a suicide dive but it looked like he powerbombed himself on the floor from where I was sitting. Match finally ended when Nigel got out of the second cradle piledriver, rolled up Lynn and put his feet on the ropes for the 3 count. I cannot wait for the dvd of this show so I can watch this match again. After the match Nigel told Jerry Lynn that he was a never was. He also told him that no one in the back wanted to wrestle him because they were afraid they'd put him in the hospital for the rest of his life.


    Overall it was an awesome show. The crowd looked to be between 600-700, which I was thinking was pretty good for their first ever visit to Nashville. The crowd was sort of blah at the start of the show, but they warmed up to the ROH style. Hopefully, ROH will be back in Nashville as we drove 4 hours to go and that's the closest they've ever came to here.



  2. DiBiase and Rhodes' faction should have an epic name kinda like Evolution. Maybe Legacy?


    It seems weird to me how WWE TV never really played up to the fact that Carlito was Carlos Colon's son until now. They mentioned it maybe all of 3 times on air before Primo came along.


    Pretty soon the whole E is gonna be nothing but 2nd and 3rd generation grapplers.

    I mean how many are they up to now, 9 I think on tv now. With at least 3 more in developmental.

  3. Miz and Morrison will not re remembered as anything as a tag team because they didn't have anybody to feud with. It's a crying shame the wwe doesn't push tag wrestling. They don't even give out team names anymore because it hurts the identity of the individual wrestlers - it's Miz and Morrison, Jesse and Festus, Hawkins and Ryder, Primo and Carlito, Rhodes and Dibiase, Cade and Murdoch, Deuce and Domino, London and Kendrick...


    Good point.

    I can only recall Cryme Time, The Highlanders and the Spirit Squad from recent memory.


    And look where all of them, except for Cryme Time are now.


  4. I think Mizorrison are definitely up there, but they have yet to reach the heights of teams like The Hart Foundation, Edge and Christian, The Hardys, Road Warriors, Freebirds, etc.


    But in this era of wrestling, I don't see the E keeping a team together long enough for a truly historic tag team dynasty to ever happen again. London and Kendrick came close.


    As far as singles wrestlers go, I think Morrison can pretty much do whatever from now on. Heel, Face, doesn't matter. I think the guy has the tools for both, which is pretty amazing because 2 years ago I didn't think he'd ever amount to anything. Miz on the other hand, just doesn't seem to get over either way on his own.
