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Everything posted by jericho4life

  1. jericho4life

    The Old School questions thread

    Did Scott Hall ever get his title shot after winning at World War 3?
  2. jericho4life

    UFC 2009

    Is Brock in this?
  3. jericho4life

    WWE Superstars 4/30

    One legged Shooting Star Press!
  4. jericho4life

    WWE Superstars 4/30

    I like the format - giving some different guys extended match time. I mean, this Bourne/Burchill match has *gasp* psychology.
  5. jericho4life

    What happened to DrVenkman?

    I'm seeing him as "Banned"...
  6. jericho4life

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Definitely supposed to happen. Nice make-up though by Shelton, he powerbombed the shit out of MVP to the outside.
  7. jericho4life

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    Large and in Charge this month. Looking forward to non-youtube Hogan/Yokozuna kOTR. Also Lesnar and Nash specials? Interesting.
  8. jericho4life

    Kane, what can he do next?

    HOF some day for Kane? Considering Koko B Ware, he should be a layup
  9. jericho4life

    WrestleMania Roundtable Part Five: 2005 to present

    Respectfully disagree. Batista/HHH isn't terrible, but I'd put Cena/JBL up there with the worst title matches in Wrestlemania history. And here's a re-post from that 'worst match ever' draft as to why, just 'cause. Agree with all of this. No idea who booked the flow of that match - it wasn't Pat Patterson right? After all the build, no interference, no near-fall screwjobs? And the crowd response for Cena afterwards and his over the top celebration is just :crickets: They actually put this on the Stars of WM DVD too (i think that was the name, its on 24/7 right now).
  10. jericho4life

    WWF WrestleMania X-7 (4/1/01)

    They even did this for Hogan/Slaughter WM7!
  11. jericho4life

    March PYBO: WrestleMania IV

    I loved Andre's interview with Uecker - he was awesome the whole event.
  12. jericho4life

    Botches that actually improved matches

    I remember watching this live and there was definitely a "was that legit?" feel, although seeing the Rock and HHH improvise outside the ring for a bit made me believe that was not part of the plan.
  13. jericho4life

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Wow, this has to be a first for a wrestling videogame right?
  14. jericho4life

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    It'd certainly be better than what they have now, plus Warrior looked okay in his comeback match last year, not great, but I'm sure he could work a simple 5-10 minute match with Jericho. He did find his way into the Legends of Wrestlemania game...
  15. jericho4life

    Do you watch all the stuff?

    Have they showed Summerslam 92 since then? I've actually never seen that one.
  16. jericho4life

    Total Non-Stop Action

    I'm at the exact same spot in career. Actually liking the $20 I spent on this one. LAX were a huge pain, but thanks to the randomness of their tag partner trying to help out, I managed to pin Hernandez with Eric and finally moved on. I think the part I like the most is how the story mode is structured with unlocking things like arenas and more importantly, wrestlers. Outside of past SvR's trying to get Legends, I like only having half of the roster available and you get a sense of mini accomplishment for each guy you open.
  17. jericho4life

    Monday Night Wars

    Yup there it is - I thought maybe I missed an episode or something in between. Great rant by Owen.
  18. jericho4life

    Legends of WrestleMania

    Certainly different, and still getting the controls down - fun though. My 2nd go around with Hogan/Giant was pretty competitive. Given the completely different control scheme, it's pretty cool you can import SvR09 guys
  19. jericho4life

    Monday Night Wars

    Starting RAW now, so they really just kind of gave that #1 contendership to Undertaker didn't they? The build was to Owen from the last RAW but that changed quick.
  20. jericho4life

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    Interesting that they are showing the matches you can play in the new Legends of Wrestlemania game. I'm talking the ones you don't think of off the top of your head - like Beefcake/Dibiase. Plus Rock part 5 and 6!
  21. jericho4life

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    So the heel uses the belt to get a cheap DQ on the show's top face and you think that's the blowoff? There's plenty of time for cena/show/edge to resolve itself to edge/cena again. The story (AGAIN) is the Cena chase to get another shot. Not thrilled with it, but seems like that's the jist for the next month.
  22. jericho4life

    Bash at the Beach 2000

    Listening to Tony describe the Vampiro/Demon action was hilarious. His mono "He was in a tree". Then the "You have to survive all elements" deadpan as those two are splashing around and dunking each other in the water. So bad, it was funny. Tony describing the word "Shoot" after Russo cracked me up as well. A must see - just fast forward through 90% of it.
  23. jericho4life

    Total Non-Stop Action

    This game is $19.99 NEW at Gamestop and Amazon.com now. Picked it up today finally. Mine came with the bonus disc, although I thought you originally had to send away for it. And you can still buy your 120 pt Petey Williams on XBL.
  24. jericho4life

    Legends of WrestleMania

    I thought Steamboat was a possible locked character - he definitely should be created if not. Santana and Martel are good ones, tks.
  25. jericho4life

    Legends of WrestleMania

    So from a CAW perspective: Macho Man Owen Hart Sid Diesel Razor Ramon Mankind Those seem like the most glaring omissions for multiple different reasons. Am I missing anyone from WM1-XV?