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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Cornette Bashes WWE Creative

    Yeah but he's actively involved in a company that's doing nothing more than being WWE-lite with and indy undercard. Bashing them is fine as long as your not partaking in the same thing with less success. The man makes a good point but he's not the one to be making it anymore.
  2. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Amalgamated EHME vs. Battlenuts

    If there's was two EHME's and they said "you're gay" 89 times it would of been a lot closer. Plus I was out in the sun yesterday so I'm officially blacker than the albino bitch.
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Just keeping lining up those excuses. Quoting people from FOX is usually the first sign of someone who really knows what they're talking about.
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Box Office Report 4-19-09

    Was I the only one hoping for a sequel to Crank? He's laying there with his eye open and we get a quick heart beat sound as they cut to black, I was waiting for them to show him standing again after the credits. It was like a live-action cartoon, if the sequel can achieve that I'm in.
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    So the Jazz put up a great fight and still lose by nearly twenty. They cut it to 9!? Are you serious, what fucking significance can you take out of them being able to get the lead down to 9!? Okur or not, they should be glad they scored 100. I can't wait to see how ridiculous these excuses get as this series goes on.
  6. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    I don't take kindly to folk who claim to be fair intelligent people and then ban anyone who disagrees with them. It was ok when I disagreed with EHME but the second I decided to call Milky on some shit suddenly it's fair game it edit accounts and ban me. Hmmm. Considering the kind of sad shit you guys did as mods and admins I think it's important that people understand the vast amount of suck this board is now without. And EHME is just the obvious example of you guys being perfectly fine with suck as long as it's suck that agrees with you, so I've made him my bitch. I don't know, maybe I secretly hate albino's.
  7. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB April 13-18

    He's a sinker-ball pitcher who injured the ankle he pushes off on. It's an injury people thought had a chance of ending his career the second it happened, and now his performances are confirming those worries.
  8. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MLB April 13-18

    Yeah he may be done. He was a question mark coming in after that injury and that question looks answered today. Well we got 6 innings left, let's score 14. :/
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Stanley Cup Playoffs

    Rangers up 2-0, not looking good for the Caps. I think someone told Henrik it's the olympics.
  10. Live Free or Battlenuts

    UFC 97: Redemption

    Silva needs to make up for that Cote fight. I want Silva by murder in pre-fight entrances.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Does he really wanna take credit for that? God you guys were so gay.
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Yeah it's amazing how a team with different players performing differently than they usually do would be better than they are now. We should talk about that a lot more. After that we can talk about how I'd be a millionaire if I shit out money instead of poo.
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Wanna be in a heavy metal band?

  14. Live Free or Battlenuts

    2009 Tea Parties

    Yet the republican's offered the most ridiculous counter plan ever heard of. If those people were so concerned they should of been voting for a smarter party the last 8-12 years. The people who may have a legitimate gripe are led by people who simply don't have any better idea's and now that they're in the minority they can suffer the idiots they put into office going along with a retard dog and pony show complete with Hilter/Obama references. If they're that concerned with the future, spend more time with your kids and less time making signs.
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Maybe since Horace is the leader of the Dharma he was still coming up with the plan to bring it to Chang while Miles was picking it up? You have a team of workers building something for you and something causes a filling in there head to shoot through their skull and kill them, that's something you would cover up and take care of as quick as possible if you're running the show. It's easy to assume they were responding as soon as possible without a real game plan on what to do, and in terms of lazy writing it really wasn't that bad at all. Eloise didn't seem to take Ben seriously, she didn't view him as a threat like Whidmore always appears to. I don't see her being involved in the same play for the island as Ben or Whidmore, but more of a mother figure who's doing what's right for the Island despite them, and seemingly without concern for them. The man delivering purchase orders and pictures of empty graves could be interpreted as surveillance but I thought it was confirming Whidmore had carried it out and what was being delivered to him was simply the corresponding paper work to the giant forgery. I can see her being responsible for it if it's not Whidmore or Ben who's supposed to lead but Locke, and he's supposed to lead the people who crashed with him as the new "others". Jack had to bring Locke's dead body in the place of his father because eventually Jack will have to have the faith to trust Locke in a way he was never able to with Christian. Of course it could of just been Ben's work, the man was killed because Ben knew he had that information. Thinking back on it I guess it was a little more open to interpretation than I first thought. But still, the importance of the freighter team being Island inhabitant descendants, what leads to them leaving the Island in the first place, and the fact that parental issues have been a theme of this show for almost every character since day one, made this far from a horrible episode. It touched on a little bit of everything and showed us Miles is in the same boat as the other characters. It was a nice way to not be overwhelmed for a 2nd week in a row without ditching the amount of progression we've been seeing.
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    You know, a focused Knicks could march right through these playoffs. If Robinson and Lee became better players over night, and Eddy Curry wasn't a fat waste of life, I'm sure D'Antoni could come up with a game plan to get through the east. Hey this pretend game is fun!
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Hahaha, I actually wouldn't mind that. Considering what kind of Star War's nerds are responsible for this show it might not be that far off either.
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE General Discussion - April 2009

    So basically, he can't wrestle, would be a shell of his former self, but TNA still thinks advertising him as a "former world champion" won't give people the wrong idea? When you say "former world champion coming to TNA" it really should be a guy who plans on wrestling. More authority figures in TNA, exactly what they needed.
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts

    For those who still have questions about this board

    Their, they're Retard Girl, don't go losing you're cool their.
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Yeah people do enjoy an idiot here. Thank for letting us know you are a troll.
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Damn Dandy you sure take internet tournaments seriously. Will you feel better if he throws you in there? Based on numbers alone you're sure to do better than 32 this time.
  22. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    And now you're just getting ridiculous again. Would have BUT WASN'T. The lakers would be 0-82 if they lost every game, but would be is irrelevant to what actually is. Stop falling back on would have been and start working with reality. The Celtics embarrassed LA because they scored at will in the paint when it mattered most. That comes down to toughness, and the Laker's are much tougher than they were last year. Of course they only faced the Celtics last year because THEY BEAT EVERYONE IN THE WEST. How is that not clicking, they ran through the west last year, and they're better this year. What the hell are you talking about? SECOND BEST PPG/A IN THE NBA. They're wins weren't so close, they were by a greater margin than every team in the NBA but the Cavs. If it was such a problem they would of lost a lot more games, by a lot more points. It's not, they didn't, the end. Because nothing you've said has more merit than a girl picking teams based on the color of their uniform. I already explained this. If they do this and if they do that and what you think DON'T MATTER. What's happened for 82 games this season does matter, and since you can't seem to acknowledge anything other than the imagined and you're own obviously useless opinion, there's really no more point discussing it. You can't back up what you're saying in anyway, you clearly don't believe it yourself since you weren't even willing to change you display name when I was willing to blow my dog on video in fairness. This is just becoming a joke.
  23. Live Free or Battlenuts

    SD! Spoilers 4-17-09

    I wanna see Gail Kim naked. And what the fuck was that finisher she just used!? Was that some kind of jaw breaker with a straight leg?
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    About as much as watching a 67-15 Dallas team in 2007 get blitzed by Golden State in the first round, mostly because of a coach that knew the blueprint defensively to beat them and followed it to near-perfection. And I am not the one who is being desperate enough to wager name changes and bans without the consent of the opposing party. All you've shown me is the record. I've watched the games. Have you? What did you see to make you think that they are going to go deep in the postseason. Just trying to have a discussion here. It's called backing up what you say. It's what people who actually believe the shit coming out of their mouth do. How about they went through the West last year without Bynum and a team that was no where near as tough as the one they have this year? The bench stat is absurd considering THEY BARELY NEED A BENCH, and there's no team in the west who's entire depth accounts for the talent and ability of LA's starting 5. Fisher is bound to be a big veteran force in the playoffs like he is every year, and comparing the folding chair that is the Dallas Mavericks to the Jackson/Kobe Lakers is just stupid. A discussion is one thing, saying Utah sweeping LA is almost certain is idiotic, and taking useless stats and examples from losses while completely writing off everything else that's led them to being 10 games better than everyone in the west, and damn near 20 games better than the team you think is gonna sweep them, is showing you're opinion is worth the same as some 14 year old girl picking teams based on the color of their Jersey. Shit you talk about giving up 100 and how that never works in the playoff's, you forget Utah ACTUALLY HAS given up over 100 a game, LA's at 99, and the only team with a better point dif than LA is Cleveland. So if you usually score 10 more points than your opponent, it's kind of irrelevant how many points your giving up.
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts

    NBA Offseason chatter

    Then how did they win 65 games!? They only played good teams 17 times? Do you understand math at all? If those problems were actually problems and not just the only small thing a desperate man making ridiculous claims could find, they wouldn't have won 65 games. No team that's as bad as you are saying the Laker's are win 65 games. That just doesn't happen.