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Live Free or Battlenuts

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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts

  1. Live Free or Battlenuts


    More Miles backstory, probably the most interesting addition to this show with his sixth sense and how that can work on the island. A lot of dead people, a lot of people who should be dead but aren't, should be good stuff. I hear in terms of important this episode is up there with every other episode this season. So anyone expecting a breather this week, forget it.
  2. Live Free or Battlenuts

    100 Posts of Solitude

    Some people are white, some people are colored, Obama's both! And muslim! He's like a giant unity meatball.
  3. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Squash Matches

    There's no such thing as a "proper squash match". A squash match is a just a squash match and that's the bigger guy totally dominating the smaller guy in only a few minutes. And if a wrestler has trouble looking good while taking a lost, that's not the WWE's fault, that's the wrestler's fault. So by that logic, Rey vs Big Show, with Rey destroying Big Show with rights and lefts until Big Show pulls a sunset flip out of his ass to beat Rey, that would be a squash match? No. The goal is always to make both guys look credible, even if one is going to be destroyed. Giving guys 30 seconds and ZERO offense and telling him it's his fault if he doesn't look good is retarded. You have to highlight what difference is creating the squash, this is supposed to be a high level of competition, everyone should be bringing SOMETHING to the table. If a guy can't manage any offense at all people will wonder what the hell there even doing on TV.
  4. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    So no tag teams made it through the draft, other than Legacy?
  5. Live Free or Battlenuts

    For those who still have questions about this board

    Fucking fisherman.
  6. Live Free or Battlenuts

    For those who still have questions about this board

    Most of the people who used to be here take the internet WAY too seriously. That's pretty much the entire story summarized.
  7. Live Free or Battlenuts


    Don't worry by the end of Lost we'll find out Dharma was bad and Ben did the right thing all along.
  8. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Wanna be in a heavy metal band?

    Wow. Usually the band comes before the ridiculous song names. Slayer of Mercy? Mutilator of Nobility? Are you a hardcore D&D player that just discovered cocaine?
  9. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Squash Matches

    The WWE has one problem with squash matches; The smaller guy never even manages his offense. In a proper squash, the squashee unloads his offense to no avail. Either blocked or not as effective. It gets over the fact that even though guy A is 5 feet taller than guy b, guy b still has credibility for his size. If he uses those moves on smaller people they work, but because guy A is a giant, they don't. The WWE has trouble making anyone look good through losing. Which is odd because they made Flair look god-like in asking to be super-kicked and yet can't give me one reason to wanna see Kendrick on SD in a loss to Kane.
  10. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    So as of right now, Smackdown has 2 titles.... both womens titles. Yeah I sure am gonna watch that.
  11. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    I had no idea V2 was gonna be a pirate.
  12. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    That was a pretty cool time to go to commercial. Would of been better if they faded out as Cena was flying into the camera. And what's all this talk about Mickie being chubby? Bitch could gain 20 more pounds, just in her stomache, I'd go belly to belly and superman that any day.
  13. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    If they cared about ECW at all, you would think that would be the smart choice. But since the idea seems to be "put everyone on Raw and have them show up on the other shows anyway" I doubt it.
  14. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE Raw Discussion- 4/13/09

    Josh Mathews nose bleed was hilarious. I think it'd be great if every time they showed him he was progressively getting worse and worse, losing teeth and hair, until the main event where they show Striker holding him in his arms telling him to "hold on little buddy". Sick, but tell me that wouldn't be hilarious! And seriously, this seems like a the first step in phasing out SD and ECW, but since this has happened for like the last 3 years, I doubt it. Mickie is fucking hot by the way. Her and Lady Hart(I don't know her name) should have a KY wrestling match in nothing but wife beaters.
  15. Live Free or Battlenuts

    WWE 2009 Draft announced

    Wow, when you guys are done can you start arguing over the difference between shoes and sandals?
  16. Live Free or Battlenuts

    TSM Rapture

    This is like the rapture. A bunch of self-important assholes who think they know better than everyone else have up and vanished. I can only hope the one with christians is this successful.
  17. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Pictures I Like

    Fucking ouch. Is that thing pierced closed?!
  18. Live Free or Battlenuts

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Frank's done. That was really a poor performance. I thought Nick would probably get a decision keeping in grounded, but he just made Frank his bitch. It was really sad to watch, especially because the last thing Nick Diaz needs is a reason to feel good about himself. Smith/Radach was fucking awesome. I knew he was waiting on that right but I didn't think he was gonna get it, not even until a full second after he had already hit him and he was on the ground. Just incredible, out of nowhere finish to a great, great fight.
  19. Live Free or Battlenuts

    If TSM is dead

    I'm ________/Battlenuts here, Shooter in a Wedding Dress, or Nelly's Bandaid. Each name successively banned by any admin or friend of I happened to disagree with, spare the blank one. They thought the internet was hard but it's not. I post elsewhere mostly and use this place for news and to make fun of people when I feel like it. I'm over at therealtsm too, but I can't share that name because I may or may not of stole it.
  20. Live Free or Battlenuts

    If TSM is dead

    I can see us being brothers if this were Sparta... and we could throw our brother off a cliff if he sucked at life.... But otherwise no. You know what this place used to be? The same exact thing it is now. There just happened to be a lot more people who used the place to compensate for what had to be a seriously lacking social life. The last time I openly admitted to being in a clique I was 9 and the leader of the Ninja Turtles. I think it was Halloween. This is the modern age, the internet isn't for hermits anymore.
  21. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Covering Coverage

    Yeah but it will always be more useful when thrown at someone. Thanks again for that zhangmeielfjjs, I'm gonna go look at the definition of relevance and that post at the same time, and see how long it takes for smoke to come out of my ears.
  22. Live Free or Battlenuts

    If TSM is dead

    ITS A WRESTLING FORUM. Have you fucked a donut before? Did you whisper sweet nothings to it? And zhangmekjeueie, if I weren't so sure you were having trouble reading due to poor eye-sight, I'd call you a chinky bitch and tell you to go suck on a blurry cock. But I'm not gonna do that. You wanna know why TSM is awesome now? Because the only people posting here are treating this place like it's supposed to be treated, as a wrestling forum that holds no more importance in a persons life than the toilet they shit in. Not some fucking imaginary castle worth fighting over.
  23. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Covering Coverage

    That's wonderful. Let me know how that applies to anything.
  24. Live Free or Battlenuts

    If TSM is dead

    I fucking hate everything about you. Why not call yourself Ed!? WHO ARE YOU TRYING TO FOOL!!!!??? TSM hasn't been this awesome in a while. I'd rather read nothing new than 40 new posts from retards like 909 and Inc who seem to think people give a shit what they say. TSM- Now with no self-important retards.
  25. Live Free or Battlenuts

    Covering Coverage

    Wow. I knew Glenn Beck was a little off the deep end, I had no idea he was a fucking idiot.