Live Free or Battlenuts
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Everything posted by Live Free or Battlenuts
100 Posts of Solitude
Live Free or Battlenuts replied to Xavier Cromartie's topic in No Holds Barred
At this rate let's call it 100 posts of truckle. That's right kids, I'm bringing back truckle. Go look it up now. -
From the looks of it, sex, and I don't see that changing. Also, Mike shouldn't be trusted with sharp objects.
A giant hole filled with bodies next to a temple.... Religious, cultish overtones at times... talk by people in the know of the Island as if it were a god or diety, anyone else thinking sacrifices?
Definitely makes sense, but what separates people in the eyes of the smoke? Why did it kill Eko and want Locke? And of course, is it all course correction, or is this what happened? We've yet to see anything that would directly change the history of this show as we know it, and everything that's happening is falling in line with the history as we know it. Really makes you wanna go back, so kudos to the writers on a device that makes rewatching so much fun.
Hell of an episode, few interesting things. When Richard popped up out of nowehere, he looked dirtier than usual, almost covered in a soot, like what you would look like if you walked through thick, black smoke. He made reference to Charles and Ellie. Charles being Widmore, Ellie being the blonde we met in Jughead. Ellie seems short for Eloise (Hawkings) to me, and that explains Faraday's reaction to meeting her in Jughead. Of course how Widmore at that point is both on the Island and responsible for investing in the Dharma initiative is hard to understand. Maybe he only got involved with Dharma after leaving the island? Great episode, next week looks amazing and should be more insight to what the others are. Can't wait to learn what Richard did to save Ben, and how that results in the loss of innocence, and how all that connects to Walt and young John.
100 Posts of Solitude
Live Free or Battlenuts replied to Xavier Cromartie's topic in No Holds Barred
That's a wonderful way to say "the fat kid that nobody likes". -
Well, you are dreamy.
Yeah, I saw it, and I've since stopped fingering girls while they wear pants. Where do you think I got the idea for the analogy? That's not exactly a thought a man produces on his own. Not if he plans on masturbating that day.
I know what college kids want
Live Free or Battlenuts replied to {''({o..o})''}'s topic in No Holds Barred
Credit a source plz. -
I know what college kids want
Live Free or Battlenuts replied to {''({o..o})''}'s topic in No Holds Barred
The pics are too small to really feel whats going on there. Plus I was all jazzed for the gif. -
I once got really mad at my mom, but I didn't move out. I started pissing in her coffee, but I didn't move out. Plus, her health improved and she seemed to find more foods appealing. So it all worked out. I really do want love and peace for all of you despite everything though... except 909. I mean we can all agree he's about as useful as a vagina with teeth, right? But other than him I want you guys to be happy.
I know what college kids want
Live Free or Battlenuts replied to {''({o..o})''}'s topic in No Holds Barred
That's an old party trick, the real challenge is getting the second catcher to do a handstand and make a fountain. -
I found a secret way to ban yourself. See the browser on the top of your window. Change what it says, and poof!, you've banned yourself. It's not permanent or anything so feel free to see if it works.
Mikey from the life cereal adds? Mike of Mike and Ike fame? Mike, as in Michaelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Mike that guy I met at a bar who bought me a drink thinking I was gay but ended up being a cool dude despite me not letting him touch my penis? Let's be more specific as to not drag good people through the mud. It could become a trend, the internet is crazy like that.
Matt Young? I don't know if I should be happy or sad about that one. This one was easier than Stan Buttle too. Seriously though, you guys were all cool with Mike before, which would of been the first sign something was wrong with him, so go back to being BUTT-buddies so I can get my MMA news and talk about Lost. I mean shit Hereos just got good again too, and you guys have to go and have some lame ass board drama? Fuck... do it over the summer when we're getting re-runs, and then only on weekdays, or, better idea... don't act like this place is worth anything more than the effort spent on a 5 minute post about how cool Randy Orton is, made by a 13 year old kid, or the time it takes a 30 year old to find out what fights are coming up while he drinks his coffee before he goes to work. Because it's not. This is a wrestling forum, for wrestling fans to talk about wrestling and other subjects. It's not fucking Jerusalem. Stop the crusades and kiss and make up.... or spend the next year spamming and criticizing eachother's forum, either way. Just keep the MMA folder the way it is. And don't delete the Lost thread, that motherfucker is like a mini lostapedia.
And that's a fair point DrVenkman, it just seems not worth the headache of all this. I mean you guys can still chat with eachother on instant messengers and stuff right? It's just when the main focus of the board is that community rather than the subjects of the forum, you're sure to get a few pricks popping up who feel left out and want to make trouble. If they can do that by fucking with the board, they do. I'm not saying how dare all of you be friends I'm just saying that clique-ness can obviously be a bad thing too sometimes.
Yeah but some of these old threads from the mods showed the same problem. The board can never be more important than the topics it contains. Once it is, shit like this is bound to happen. Mods and admins are supposed to be janitors, not senators. Can't we just call for a people's revolution, go back to talking about the things we all liked to talk about without any concern of who's job it is to clean up? Regardless of who fucked up what, the board and topics are still here, and don't seem to be going anywhere. I don't see the need for this dramatic exodus, and it sucks because some of you bastards posted some good shit. Yeah I know I got 9 posts but still, I wanna see some love around this place, and there's like no actual porn in the LSD forum... so this is my only choice.
You know I've read a lot of these threads and followed all this drama and I have just one question... When did people stop just talking? That's all this place is, a place to talk about shit. How does that result in cliques and power trips and drama? I understand it's a wrestling forum, some people are into developing characters and take advantage of the internet's anonymity, but you just ignore those people, and go back to talking. Have moderators for the sole purpose of making sure people can talk without having to deal with spammers. That's it. We don't need an organized monarchy, we need janitors to clean shit up. I see this talk about "transitions" and "the integrity of the board" and I have to wonder when this place to talk was given such a greater sense of importance? The forums are still here, the threads are still here, what's stopping people from just talking, like you've all been doing, for apparently around 6 years? When you start getting into gimmick accounts and the mod staff is "working the board" and people are "retiring", something is seriously wrong. Just go back to talking about shit you like with other people who like it too. That was the plan of this place, that's the only integrity to be found here. A simple place to talk about shit. Nothing more. I mean think about it, the most popular subject around here is the board itself. That's the entire problem in a nutshell.
I've stuck with it since the beginning, and was really about to give up, thank god for Fuller. It's amazing how he just seems to know what these actors strengths and weaknesses are so much better than whoever was leading writers before. It really has gone from a show about events back to a show about characters, even just in the way it's presented, and that's what this show was supposed to be, X-men meets the reality of our world, not "find out what doomsday scenario won't be happening at the end of the season....". The worst thing these people should be preventing is each other, that battle of good and evil exemplified by people with super powers, the transition from a simple good or bad guy into a full blown hero or villain, and sure conflicts with normal society now and then is great, but please not numerous hiroshima-like events and the tricky ways to prevent them. I hope that's gone for good.
TUF 9: USA vs United Kingdom
Live Free or Battlenuts replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
Is this gonna be a fight to get on style like the last couple, or did they go back to the old format? I don't think this season's that interesting, the national pride thing works in a "hey remember the revolutionary war?" kind of way. There's no big talk like there was for that guy that got beat by Efrain , I haven't heard stories of any major shit and Junie's brother interests me about as much as Junie. So, not at all. Hell even Henderson/Bisping sounds like a boring fight. Hopefully the fights on the show make up for it. -
Rose and Bernard is a mystery, Faraday will be back this season and have a very important role. His notebook is basically a treasure chest of answers when it comes to the mythology of Lost. I think Rose and Bernard and whoever else survived that attack on the beach, are all together hiding out somewhere. I'm guessing Dharma/The Others finding them in this time period is going to cause a problem for the other castaways in terms of the lie. And Locke fans fear not, whether he comes back tonight or not until the finale, Season 6 might as well be named after the man. I can excuse a lack of him now for an abundance of him when it matters.
The Upcoming Shows/Rumored Fights Thread
Live Free or Battlenuts replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
Damn that's a long time. Not a great fight in terms of a styles match-up but can't say I'm looking forward to any fight more than that one. And that's a lot of time for one of them to lose, I can't see that match being worth it without them both still on streaks. Hopefully they stay this good. -
Hey quick question, has any of this nonsense resulted in the MMA posters leaving, because that's what brought me here and I'm gonna be sad if an imaginary turf war results in me not being able to get the latest MMA news. And you wouldn't like me when I'm sad!!! I eat and drink a lot and call you at 4 in the morning asking if you're really my friend or not. It's horrible and pretty embarrassing. So yeah is that place still good?
That'd be a neat idea but I'm not big on inter-league play and a throw-away 2 game series that ends up resulting in another shortened series later on and more traveling as a result. I just hope a nice new stadium doesn't take away from the fact that a WS title has never been more expected than it is this year. I'm against anything that's gonna make people take longer to say "yeah the ballpark's nice now earn the fucking money we just burned here". This spending money like a team who wins every year without winning every year is gonna comeback to bite the team quicker than people think if the economy keeps going the way it is. That said, I can't fucking wait to walk around with my over-priced, watered down beer soaking in the history and then tell Kevin Youkillus I'll never dislike him as much as Jay Buhner... even though I do, I just figure it's the best way to hurt his feelings.
The Upcoming Shows/Rumored Fights Thread
Live Free or Battlenuts replied to Lord of The Curry's topic in Mixed Martial Arts
Man everyone sure is writing off Leites, can't say I disagree but damn. Also, that gif of Silva and Leites in LordoftheCurry's signature might be the greatest thing ever. Any word on GSP/Silva by the way? I know that's gotta be happening if they both defend successfully in the coming few months.