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Everything posted by Sass

  1. Sass

    Movies that pleasantly surprised you

    Euro Trip. I second Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle too.
  2. Sass

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    It's totally intentional on my end though. I don't believe there was a God so I just substitue his name for another being of higher power...GRODD! Plus, isn't it a bad thing to use God's name in vain?
  3. Sass

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    Thank Grodd... Now go pick up a decent outside shooter.
  4. Sass

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    Wait, who wins the Division and gets the wild card: Falcons or Panthers?
  5. Sass

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    TO will not *ever* be playing in Oakland as long as Randy Moss is there. Moss does not like TO and Al Davis is not going to upset his #1 WR. Plus, Porter's younger than TO and will give the Raiders more longevity at the position. TO's too big of an ass for even Oakland to deal with. Maybe that Gatorade commercial with him and Mike Vick playing will come true...
  6. Sass

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    With this TO news, my prediction of the Cowboys making it to the SB just saw it's chances improve. Nice going TO...
  7. Sass

    Ultimate C**** S***?

    The words "Bendis", "good" and "continuity" just don't mix.
  8. Sass

    WCW in 2001

    Had Fusient managed to purchase WCW and had Jamie Kellner not cancelled wrestling on TBS and TNT, certain plans were in store for WCW in 2001. The promotion would have been dark during April 2001 and then relaunched in May 2001 with a PPV called The Big Bang. At this show Goldberg, Sting, DDP, Kevin Nash and possibly Hulk Hogan would have all returned. Cyrus would have debuted as heel announcer and there was talk of bringing in Road Dogg and potentially Rob Van Dam down the line. During late 2000 and early 2001, WCW had done a great job of positioning Scott Steiner as a strong heel World Champion. Terry Taylor has said that the plan was to keep Steiner strong by feeding him babyfaces through out the remainder of the year. Meanwhile the plan was to have Goldberg mow down heels on a march to title contention. Goldberg and Steiner would be kept far apart in the storylines for much of the year to create maximum impact for a showdown match Starrcade '01.
  9. Sass

    Ultimate C**** S***?

    For real??? That is one of the biggest misconceptions I have read here all year. Bendis is anti-continuity and ignores everyone elses work aside from his own. The New Avengers #2 jail break saw a lot of dead guys alive and kicking...like the Purple Man. JasonX can give his two cents here...I hope. But, wow, Bendis...good...with continuity...
  10. Sass

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Because then DC would be forced to fold or create and entirely new generation of super villains to fill the void left by Luthor, the Joker, Darkseid, Brainiac, etc. It's a realistic and *smart* idea but the execution of said idea would completely cripple the DC rogues ranks. Comics run into walls like that all the time. I'm pretty sure there's someone in the MU or DCU who could cure cancer, AIDS and every other disease under the sun but then there would be no stories left to tell in that area. Sometimes comics *do* have to keep shit "dumb" in order to keep chugging out stories. Just don't make the stories a complete insult to the intelligence.
  11. Sass

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Batman should not kill the Joker. No one should until DC is ready to go out of business. He's still one of the best super villains in comics. His resume (killing Jason Todd, crippling Barbara Gordon, killing Sara Gordon, and murdering *thousands* of people) is one of the more impressive in comics (or...it use to be anyways). Fuck DC for teasing us all with Jason Todd's return. That was a notch the Joker could hang his hat on in the DCU. Hacks. The Spectre should be the one who smokes the Joker once and for all though. Let their spirits fight it out in Hell or something. Batman should never kill. He's supposed to be the thorn in the side of all of the meta humans since he doesn't have any super powers. He's that voice of reason they need to listen to (sometimes, and vice versa). On that note... Batman needed to be mind swapped if he was going to let Dr.Light back into the public too. If he wouldn't comply then...so be it. The JLoA did the right thing but they also did the wrong thing.
  12. Sass

    Ultimate C**** S***?

    Comics are as bad as the movies today. Everyone seems creatively bankrupt and hoping to re-invent the wheel. Every fanboy writer wants to recreate their favorite characters in their vision. What a bunch of hacks. They should be able to work with (or against) whatever they are given without going the re-start route. Buncha shitdicks.
  13. Sass

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    Isn't Coach B *calling* the offense this season when he's really more of a defense coach???
  14. Sass

    NBA schedule for 05-06 released

    Heat/Rockets would be good.
  15. Sass

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    I feel bad sometimes for Hawks fans...you guys can't catch a break. No wonder no top FA's want to play there. The arena always looks empty whenever I see them playing on TV.
  16. Sass

    NBA schedule for 05-06 released

    Kwame vs. Washington, Chucky Atkins vs. Kobe Bryant and Caron Butler shows his former team what they gave up in him. Kobe vs. Shaq is played out.
  17. Sass

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    Rule of thumb is to always bet on the defending champs. This year though, I think the Pats train will come to a halt in the 1st round of the playoffs. Losing two heads off their 3 headed coaching hydra *is* hard to overcome and is one of the factors for why Dallas fell apart in the mid 90's after they lost all of their great coordinators (along with losing their head coach Jimmy Johnson sometime later). Someone convince me why the Vikings could make the SB this year too. I just don't see it.
  18. Sass

    Unable to reach Control Panel

    No more gimmick posters are allowed outside of HD. They are horrible for the most part.
  19. Sass

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    Hey, if the Chargers don't do it then my 2nd pick is the Raiders. The AFC West will be packed with talent this season. The Broncos are the only whipping boy team I see in the division (unless the Offense-eccentric Raiders and Chiefs both implode on defense). AFC West > and then some...> NFC West
  20. Sass

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    Have faith in MARTY~!~!~!...(to fuck it all up somehow) It's time for San Diego to finally win something.
  21. Sass

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    Not even. I always thought Oakland was more well known for their chronic rather than the coca too. All of the Raiders fans I've ran into over the years were either drunk and/or stoned. I'm sure there were a few crackheads sprinkled throughout the arena here and there. They never bothered me anyways...aside from stealing stuff out of cars or the car itself. Grodd bless LA
  22. Sass

    NBA schedule for 05-06 released

    Wait until LeBron hits NY, the number of games will skyrocket...
  23. Sass

    Peter Jennings dead at 67

    But Eric S. *did* have a psychiatrist and still does. Maybe you're not too far off from being right jig.
  24. Sass

    The NFL Offseason/Pre-Draft Thread

    Hater. Don't be blue just because your Seahawks will get swept by the Cardinals this season. At least they aren't the 49ers (although they could use their WR core).
  25. Sass

    NBA Offseason Stuff

    YOU FUCKED UUUUUUUPPP!!! Just like your Sonics will next season when they get beat down in the playoffs.