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Everything posted by Sass

  1. Sass

    Super Bowl XXXIX discussion thread

    Eagles. I picked the Eagles to go to the SB before the season started and I stand by that.
  2. Sass

    NBA All-Star Starters Announced

    Eric Dampier > Yao Ming. He should be starting. Damp is the only center in the league right now that can handle Shaq underneath the basket. Yao is too soft still.
  3. Clive Owen appears to be the (current, anyways) front runner to play Bond next.
  4. Sass

    DC Comics' Next Big Event after Identity Crisis

    Donna's death was lame. I mean, she got killed by a clone for fuck's sakes... I like the Outsiders but only certain books. The latest arc with America's Most Wanted was something...different. At least Grace's past was somewhat fleshed out okay.
  5. Sass

    Wondercon 2005

    If this had been held in September then I would have gone.
  6. Sass

    2005s Comic Movies

    The Watchmen should never be made into a movie. There's no director out there that could cover the little nuances about WM that Alan Moore was able to cover in 12 issues. Leave it alone.
  7. Sass

    Rico lands on his feet in All Japan

    RO&D is *gasp* being built up well? I'm shocked. RO&D build-up > Dark Agents build-up. I'm impressed that Muto hasn't fucked these guys over yet. Amazing. Sure they're WWE rejects but the fans seem to be marks for the "former" WWE "superstars" from the US. Good deal for Rico.
  8. Sass

    It's National Signing Day.....

    Good article about USC's recruiting: Sanchez got major pub in the area last season and him being the potential successor to Leinhart, and possibly Booty, makes the QB situation look real good for SC in the upcoming years. Huzzah.
  9. Sass

    2005s Comic Movies

    Batman, FF and Sin City are the flicks I'll go see. Star Wars is such a piece of shit but I've seen the last two in theatres and I'll probably not break that for the 3rd one. It's too bad about Constantine. I feel bad for anyone who is a big fan of the book. This movie is garbage and spits and shats on the original material it was based on. I hope the Punisher get's a sequel. I mean, fuck, the Punisher should be like one of *the* easiest movies to tell. Instead the 1st movie was filled up 2/3's of the way with his origin while getting to see John Travolta mugging for the camera. At least the 1989 movie got it right with how to insert the origin.
  10. Sass

    DC Comics' Next Big Event after Identity Crisis

    The new Adam Strange mini-series is very well written. Everyone should pick it up. The first issue set-up things very well for the series.
  11. Sass

    Fuck you.

    This thread ranks up there with the time Witty "retired" from posting at WDI only to come back like a week or so later. Witty's a legend. This thread just enshrined him as one. Oh yeah, fuck you!
  12. Sass

    Happy Birthday, teke184

    Happy birthday Teke. My present to you is LSU getting creamed next season while USC continues to roll onto greatness. Oh, and the Saints will finish 5 - 11 next season as well. Enjoy man.
  13. Sass

    RVD has knee surgery today

    I can't believe RVD goes under the knife *now* instead of during his days in ECW. The guy is the real iron man in wrestling.
  14. Sass

    The Drug War and the erosion of rights

    Weed is a gateway drug. It will make people want to do harder drugs after they develop too strong of a tolerance for the high from weed. Then, people will go seek harder drugs to get high off of. That will then lead them into doing cocaine and other harder drugs. At least that was the explanation I got from Reefer Madness. Should weed really be classified as a drug?
  15. Sass

    DC Comics' Next Big Event after Identity Crisis

    DC needs to start telling great stories again. Not going for crappy giant crossovers that are meant to change *everything* about a character only to see all the changes revert back to nothing a couple months later.
  16. Sass

    The Spiderclone Saga

    Everyone should click that link. The Clone Saga was one of the best and worst things to ever happen to Spider-Man. For like the first year everything worked out well. Then Marvel's front office took over and everything went to crap.
  17. Sass

    Ok, I'm done being suspended

    I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but click if you must. I'm starting to wonder if TSM is too heavily modded for everyone to be on the same boat about things. Yeah, you might be right X. What a dumb post though. Still, I wouldn't ban anyone for that.
  18. Sass

    Since the mods have gone crazy

    Who's to say we weren't already crazy when we took the job?
  19. Sass

    Fix "General Chat" Subtitle

  20. Sass

    Fix "General Chat" Subtitle

    Shut up.
  21. Sass

    Shibata Leaves New Japan!

    He'll probably be heavily coveted by promotions because of his affiliation with New Japan. I doubt he'll have trouble finding work or milking promotions top dollar for his services due to his affiliation with NJ. U-Style won't pay him as much as he could probably get for working with NOAH or Zero-Pro (whatever Ohtani is calling his company these days) but I'm sure he'll still make out well with paydays doing freelance based.
  22. Sass

    Smackdown NOT to be Cancelled

    AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Score one PWInsider. Douchebags. When's Bret Hart coming back to lead WCW against the WWE?
  23. Sass

    Regarding Name Changes

    The LWO Kid.
  24. Sass

    Another Jason Todd scare

    If Marvel brings back Bucky then just end the Marvel Universe then. Next up will be Uncle Ben.