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Everything posted by Sass

  1. Happy Thanksgiving Shoe!
  2. Sass

    Look at this picture.

    She looks like a cokehead.
  3. Sass

    Who amongst you all

    I STILL do not like you.
  4. Sass

    Who amongst you all

    You're just sying that because you want the Bible thread in the Classics folder.
  5. Sass


    LA caters to some odd ass things. There are books sold in stores that are about names for crap only.
  6. Sass

    Favorite promotion?

    WWF - 1997 WCW - 1996 ECW - 1995 New Japan - 1992 All Japan - 1993
  7. Sass

    Lets Get Retaaarded in here

    I've been subjected to hearing this song whenever the Lakers played. Goddamn, the song got atrocious after a while. I never liked it to begin with either.
  8. Sass

    Who amongst you all

    I like ME.
  9. Sass

    A MikeSC

    Mike's run as a board hit ended this summer. No one cares about him anymore. He's a hasbeen and a joke.
  10. Sass


    I thought a meatwad was what you called a turd.
  11. Sass

    Who amongst you all

    I DO not like you.
  12. Sass

    Who amongst you all

    I do NOT like you.
  13. Sass

    Who amongst you all

    I could not give a shit.
  14. Sass

    Dan Rather stepping down

    Rather got his dick caught in a bear trap the size of Texas. He needed to go or else the station would have no chance at smoothing things over.
  15. Africa is a lost cause. We just better hope the disease doesn't mutate or something. On the topic of women, Africa just ended apartheid like 15 years ago so things might take a while to improve for them.
  16. Sass

    ESPNews: Ricky Williams to be Reinstated!

    The Raiders have had guys with waaaaaayyy more baggage come in and play for them. Just saying. He'll do okay with the silver and black attack.
  17. Sass

    INXS or C-Bacon...

    I think Mike's post has had the best reason for keeping them around, or at least C-Bacon. Why? Shit, it's *Mike* coming in to defend them. That alone should says something.
  18. Sass

    INXS or C-Bacon...

    LA PARKA~!!! Or INXS if he is fact hunger.
  19. Sass

    Current Events

    Bitch, kkk, quit bein a cunt and THROW DOWN~! Loss isn't gonna take "no" for an answer. Tell us what you *really* think. I double-dog dare you son. And Rant's *not* a conservative. If anything, he's an independent who just does not give a shit about the stupid politics of the world. In otherwords, Rant's the smartest guy in the CE folder.
  20. Sass

    OaO Oklahoma Football Thread

    You know what? I take it back. Notre Dame are the Yankees. OU? I'd say they're closer to the Cardinals or the A's.
  21. Sass

    Best Sportscenter Anchor?

    ScootyVP is cool with me. Patrick's fuckin worthless nowadays without a guy like Keith-O.
  22. Sass

    Current Events

    Ooooohhhh, the plot thickens. I love a good suspense story.
  23. Sass

    Current Events

    That's cuz you're not a steer Loss.
  24. Sass

    Current Events

    I've heard that's the reason why Tom wouldn't support a ban on INXS. It'd tear some folks a new asshole for the bile they spew, even if they do buy into what they're passing along to folks. Nah, you're right though. I think both us know how trolling can go and INXS hasn't fallen into that category.
  25. Sass

    Current Events

    Really? How long ago was this?