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Everything posted by Sass

  1. Sass

    NFL's top 100 players

    Didn't Pennington miss playing time last season because of his injured wrist? This season, him and the Jets, should be very hard to beat.
  2. Sass

    So... Zsasz was banned

    Go to stupid hell.
  3. Sass

    So... Zsasz was banned

    ^ "And they caallled it, PUUUuuuuPPPPPPPPYYYYY LOOOOVVVVEEE!" Someone looks like they've got a crush on a certain Batman officianado.
  4. This story made the front page of the LA Times today. I spoke to two of my friends about this and they said they had no clue this was going on until it hit the paper.
  5. The terrorists forced parents to choose between their kids when they "freed" them: one lives and the other(s) die. As a parent of one, this sickened and disturbed me. I also saw a father trying to run away from the school with his daughter only to get shot in the back. The girl was in tears and looked like a toddler. It was one of the most heart breaking things I've ever seen. Choosing between your children with their lives on the line...I just couldn't do that to one of my babies. Fuck these motherless fuck's.
  6. Sass

    Charges against Kobe to be dropped

    Yeah I felt sorry for Vanessa to until she suddenly wasn't mad at Kobe anymore after the new car and diamond ring and then decided to be by his side..... Kobe has all the keys to her life but Vanessa has him by the short and curlies. No pre-nup was signed when they married. They're both relatively young and I imagine they'll be like Magic and Cookie. She will never be able never to trust Kobe again when he is on the road. That will be her punishment for staying with him. If he ever screws around on her again and it becomes public then she'll look like an utter fool for giving the love of her life a second chance. The basis for them not signing a pre-nup was because they trusted one another (both are very good looking and could get on anyone they'd want too). Her and Cookie, Magic's wife, should have lunch.
  7. This is the type of news that should be getting coverage on the major networks. Not the negative bi-partisan bull that continues to turn off potential voters from voting. This is the second time in two years that a major terrorist attack has happened in Russia. The last situation where these same terrorists were holding people hostage in a movie theatre was botched terribly, Waco style, and that got barely any mention on the news mediums when I was looking around for details on the situation at the time it happened. Hell, I couldn't even get an exact body count and still don't know how many people were killed in that debacle. I feel so bad for the innocent families involved in this catastrophe.
  8. Sass

    Charges against Kobe to be dropped

    Kobe is still a God here in LA. He'll get cheered at every game. The only thing he has to worry about is if his wife Vanessa decides to divorce and sue his ass (she has the firepower). Losing certain endorsement deals has hurt him along with the lawyer fees but his $130 + million contract he signed with the Lakers earlier this summer should pick up the tab on his lawyer dealings at least. I feel for Vanessa though. She put all of her trust along with her family (her parents live down the street from the couple) into Kobe's hands and he spit on her. Young and too fuckin dumb Kobe is.
  9. Sass

    So... Zsasz was banned

    No, that's pretty much spot on.
  10. Sass


    It should tire you out since you're going for shutdown or "dead zone" as some of my jockier friends call it. It works for me if I can't get some good sleep.
  11. Sass


    Banky, lay on your back and place your hands underneath your ass and raise your legs (held together) 6 inches above the ground for 2 minutes. Repeat this as many times as you can until your stomach feels like it is about to slip out of your ass. This should tire you out enough and it'll also work out your gut. Try it.
  12. Sass

    Hey Loss...

    Jesus tap dancing Christ.
  13. Sass

    Smarks like Naked Girls?

    What if the head were covered in blood? Abby likes to bleed, a lot.
  14. Inc's death would probably make him a trend setter and a martyr.
  15. Sass

    Smarks like Naked Girls?

    At least it's not Jeff Garcia's head.
  16. Sass

    Carlito Carribean Cool

    Carly is going to get laughed back to Puerto Rico. He's atrocious in the ring. His brother Eddie is the better worker and he should have gotten the contract to wrestle in the WWE. Hell, his sister can work a crowd better than him. Carlos is going to end up with egg on his face once the PR fans see Carly work his lame latino gangsta gimmick. He isn't hard enough to pull something like that off and nowhere near as greezy lookin as Scott Hall.
  17. Yes. IIRC, she did an interview on ECW's old TNN show where she admitted to having a coke addiction, which kept her from working. Several months prior to this Sammy had been detained by her mother after having multiple fights with her over money and drug problems. I'm sure there's more detailed accounts about Tammy's drug problems somewhere on the net: I believe I heard that the two patched things up so at least she's made progress there.
  18. I'll take the money and buy a pie. That sounds better.
  19. Sass

    Best Ninja Game Poll

    I voted for Ninja Warriors, but I know that Ninja Gaiden is the superior template for Ninja whooopin.
  20. Sass

    NL MVP: Who is it?

    Adrian Beltre, especially after the grand slam he hit against the Expos. Incredible moment for the team after getting their ass's hammered by the Braves earlier.
  21. Sass

    Mod vs. Mod

    I made the set-up so easy. C'mon Pete, you know you want to...
  22. Sass

    Mod vs. Mod

    You make a great dick. Keep it up.
  23. Sass

    Mod vs. Mod

    Can I carry a 4x4 around and shatter it over someone's head?
  24. Sass

    Mod vs. Mod

    I'm *so* renting that this weekend. Awesome. Bingo. The ending was funny to me. I wasn't sure what the movie was going for at the end with the guy waving his gun around and laughing but when the gun went off and blew his brains out I couldn't help myself. It was just such a kooky ending to me after the tone of the movie had been sadistically dark for most of the flick.
  25. Sass

    Mod vs. Mod

    Is Chopping Mall the movie where the kids stay the night in a mall but there is some crazy robot(s) after them? I don't think I've seen Maniac Cop unless the ending has the guy laughing while playing with his gun and putting it near his head and blowing his brains out (accidentally?).