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Everything posted by Sass

  1. I just owned up to one I made to you above. "Crucify?" Please don't be melodramatic here since no one is calling for your head but rather asking you to talk out your problems with Tom since it's clear you have one with him that should be sorted out. If neither of you two find a way to resolve the issue, then you'll at least be able to say you tried rather than coming off as someone who wants to grind the axe and hold onto it. This is news to me. But when someone is flaming the beejezus out of another person without having an actual point for the basis of the attacks then that's when name calling is frowned upon and looked at as sour grapes by folks.
  2. Mods are posters too, hence we're just as accountable for our actions and are willing to own up to our mistakes that we make like myself, Tom and other members of the staff have done here before. We've just got the shiny blue name tags that look cool that make us different from everyone else. I see that now and I apologize for jumping the gun on you there GM. Take the problems you have with Tom though to PM or AIM since he'll answer you there.
  3. You just completely ignored what I said above and this wasn't made for show: Now you're trying to argue with me and the others mods and in the process you are getting nowhere with Tom over the issue you have about him suspending you. As I said in my response above to you, either drop this or take it up with Tom. The issue you have isn't with me or any of the other mods since Tom was the initial person you voiced your displeasure with so handle things directly with him there.
  4. Certainly seems that way. Basically the idea that BPS is giving off is "don't argue with anything the mods do. Don't disagree with anything they do, or say, for the matter, because, if you do...you'll be dealt with in a way that a lot of people aren't going to like." Again, I have no issues with any of the mods here on a personal level. I find you all to be great guys. The only thing is that Tom is the perfect example of mods showing favoritism and hypocrisy. I hate to keep kicking a dead horse here, but every time Tom claims not to do something and examples are brought up proving otherwise, he resorts to petty name-calling and one-lined insults as well. Nevermind, though. If Sass says stop, then I stop. That's how it goes. Bps isn't out of line with what he said in his post but the way he said it I see now might have rubbed some folks the wrong way but that's something you can take up with him in PM if you want. B's a pretty level-headed fellow himself so if you have anything you'd like to discuss with him or the other staff members JSYK then go for it. We'll be more than happy to field your concerns or questions.
  5. Depends on how you give your answer. If you wanted to show that you're the better person in this deal between you and Tom then don't fire off on him when you see some blood in the water but rather take your beef to him directly in PM or on AIM where he'll address you instead of seeing you take shots at him while others are kicking him too (which I just mentioned above is a possible banning offense of trolling). This post doesn't need you to respond any more GM because right now Tom is online and will be more than happy to address anything you might have for him. Thanks.
  6. By complaining about Tom's board decisions in more than one folder (as well as not taking the issue with him to Feedback, the right folder, or PM) you are technically trolling him and that is a bannable offense. Either settle things with Tom once and for all by making a compromise with one another or else drop it. By saying how you'll "bask in the foreshadowed glory" after Tom makes some major screw-up, it undermines your argument and credibility no matter how valid your complaint might be. You don't have to "not remember" you got suspended since you were gone from the board for a short period of time but you also shouldn't be hording this over Tom's head since he did let you back onto the board when he could have just flat out banned you. This is not a warning but me just giving you some smart advice on this matter GM.
  7. What Bps was getting at was the way people have handled their problems with Tom over the last week or so which has brought drama to the board in a couple of the threads questioning him or the board policies in a condescending or inflamatory manner. Some mods have started to grow tired from seeing these types of threads just degenerate into petty insults and name calling. I'm more than willing to take the time to answer PM's or IM's from folks who might have a problem with me or the board which I'm sure goes the same for the other mods. If you or anyone else have a problem with Tom then take it to him directly through PM or AIM. He is more than willing to answer the PM's sent to him as long as they aren't just some long and drawn out flame that's letting him know he can go eat shit or something because those are the types of messages the mods will ignore since they aren't productive towards resolving the issue at hand and will lead nowhere. JSYK: No one said like Tom or get banned. What I said was that Tom is doing the best job possible that he can under the circumstances and that people should ease off a bit from him since he hasn't gone on a banning spree with folks he could have done so to. The thread was moved to HD because it degenerated into flaming and was no longer productive to the Site Feedback folder after like page 3 where everyone threw down with one another involved with nothing getting resolved or handled. That's all.
  8. Mike and Ghettoman: Either take this issue to PM or else I'm going suspend both of you for cluttering this thread up with your bickering. Thanks.
  9. Sass


    How exactly could you pull that off? Doesn't that defy laws of nature, physics and logic all at once? I created physics, therefore I can grant Flik such a power. Think Zack, think...
  10. Sass


    That's nice that you admit that you abuse your powers of moderation. It makes my organization of S.A.S.S. have a purpose. Of course, I'm still trying to get more than just myself as a member, but I'll work on that later. Detials, details. Get the member flyers up by Thursday and passed out or else you're GOHN Flik! I have spoken on the matter. ::trips on big red cape:: Fuck, I chipped a tooth! ::grumbles in corner::
  11. Sass

    MIA members of TSM

    It's cuz your black Rip. Whitey wants you to do all the work while they sit around and do nothing but bark orders. This reminds me of the Dave Chappelle joke (I think so anyways) where he talks about how white people say the black people are lazy but they're just as lazy since they make the black guys do all the work while they sit on their butts all day. Corrections on this are welcomed.
  12. Sass


    BWAHAHAHAHAHA~! OMG~!#% ABUSE POWA~!!! *stomps on Inc's wish* I'm sorry to sass you, Sass, but it's Squirtle! not Inc. Get it right. This thread will end someday. Just not today. Damn...I knew I should have added ~! at the end of Inc's name. Now I remember what I forgot to do. ::goes back to abusing powers::
  13. You can't make everyone happy as the head honcho of a message board, especially one as large as TSM, and so far Tom has managed to do his job which is lead the board. I just find all the sniping of late towards Tom to be unwarranted because he's the only one (myself included) in my view who can fill Dames' shoes while he is away (it was either him or Popick so pick your poison). I wish some folks here would realize that Tom *is* human and prone to mistakes like the rest of us and he doesn't need to be chided for them when he's just trying to do his job. When Tom is wrong about something (WWE folder change's premature launch) he'll own up to it and apologize without mincing words and flat-out say he was wrong for whatever it was he did and that's something I find admirable in him and other folks. It's also not something very easy for someone in power here to do since any sign of "weakness" can be like blood in the water where the sharks might come swarming over the body and that can cause some of us mods to feel like we need to have the brick wall held up in every post we make which can take it's toll on us after a while (as well as the posters who we interact with). But that's what comes with job of being a mod at a board the size of TSM and I wouldn't expect things to go any other way. Both Dames and Tom are different in their approaches to handling board matters. Tom is very hands-on while Dames isn't and would let the mods more or less handle matters unless something called for his direct attention. I know this ordeal hasn't been easy for some folks to handle but I can assure you this board is in good hands with Tom at the helm. If I felt otherwise then I would have said something to Dames instead of saying "best man possible" when he asked me if he felt Tom would be a good guy to lead the board while he was away. What I wish some folks would do is lay off Tom a bit because he's done the best job possible so far under the circumstances. He could have easily banned a bunch of folks for the way they've taken shots at him in different threads which could be construed as trolling if the issue was pushed but hasn't done so. My hat goes off to the way Tom has handled being the TSM leader so far. Oh and I chose "none" because TSM hasn't been around enough for me to feel that it's had a "great" or "awful" year since it still has many more years to go (I hope anyways). Carry on.
  14. I've dealt with suicide in both my family and circle of friends more than I'd wish anyone else would have to so I might be able to add some insight into this. Last February my girlfriend's older brother killed himself. He was just 27 years old and had a whole life still ahead of him. He had racked up a debt with a drug dealer which none of us knew about. To say we were all devastated by this would be an understatement. His death was especially saddening for me personally because he, along with my girlfriend, had been there to help me out with my own substance abuse battles and stuck by me when the times were tough and managed to help me beat my demons. After having time to mourn, I was upset with him over how he could leave a hole in our respective families the way he did. If he would have told us about his problems, like I did with him, then perhaps he'd still be alive today. But he's no longer here. I was angry at him since his younger sister, my girlfriend's younger sister, was the first person to find his body and no one in our familes are sure if she has really recovered from that ordeal and are still worried about her. But he's gone now. He was someone I felt close with who I thought could be a great inspiration to people since he was one to me after the way he helped me with my substance abuse problems as well as being a cool guy in general. But he's not around anymore. This guy was someone I thought I'd grow old with and would be able share jokes with over how Madonna still hasn't looked a day over 42 years old when we're pushing 50 and trying to find our old people pills. But I digress. Suicide does hurt those who were close with the person who did it and I hope no one here has or will have this happen to them. People should not jump all over MikeSC for his opinion on this matter because I can assure you he's not out of line with his way of thinking. Michael Lockwood left behind a beautiful young daughter who I had the pleasure of meeting when he worked in UPW and she thought the world about her dad. Suicide is a very selfish act in my view and the only way I find it even remotely acceptable is in the battle fields of war which is still a stretch to me. Other than that extreme, I think suicide is the easy way out for people who could have very well fixed their problems if they would have tried more or talked to the right people. Please don't turn this thread into a flame war. Everyone in here is going to feel differently on the topic of suicide and I'd hate to see things degenerate in this thread. Thank you for your time.
  15. Sass


    BWAHAHAHAHAHA~! OMG~!#% ABUSE POWA~!!! *stomps on Inc's wish*
  16. Based on the reports I've read, these are the Bat villains who appear to be in the running for the movie. Possible villains: Main: Ra's Al Ghul Lower-tier villains (possible henchman to main): Scarecrow and/or Reaper spin-off.
  17. Sass

    Eliza Dushku to be...

    Halle wearing what Eliza wore in J&S: SB with a Cat mask and goggles like Catwoman in the comics would be friggin' hawt. As it stands, the costume that she'll be wearing in the movie looks like it got taken through a shredder. Just a hideous S&M outfit gone wrong.
  18. Sass


    And he's right. If you make a post again with nothing but all CAPS then you will be banned. If your keyboard is broken then don't post until it is fixed. Otherwise you're gone.
  19. Destroyer was more popular than Vader was when he toured Japan. He had his own TV variety show, tons of merchandise to sell at shows (masks), and he also could speak fluent Japanese which helped him communicate better with the people he worked with. It goes like this: Destroyer/Hansen > Vader. Both the Destroyer and Hansen are bigger gaijin icons in Japan than Vader. Hansen was the top gaijin in All Japan for over 20 years and during that time he was veiwed as a demi-God by the fans. The fans there were so into the Destroyer that when he went to go unmask at his retirement ceremony in 1993, none of the Japanese press took a picture of him without his mask on. They wanted to remember him as the masked man, not the man behind the mask. There will never be another gaijin in Japan like Beyer or Hansen. Or even Vader for that matter. The landscape is too different now for something like that to happen.
  20. Sass


    The last line was meaning you'd tell us straight up and not bullshit us. I honestly thought you'd have got it plain as day. Apparently not. No loss. I was just joking around with my post, and I seem to have failed in getting my humor across. *sighs* No problem Flik. I wasn't sure if you were saying I do try to bs you guy's or if I did something good. Thanks for clearing that up for me though.
  21. Sass


    Personally I thought the Cock Shots thread was one of TSM's low light's but that's my opinion. If one of the other mods feel it's worthy of being made a part of the Classics folder then have at it.
  22. Sass


    I'm don't quite follow your last line. Loss did move the Molly/Ivory thread to the Classics folder which was made by mistake after I'm going to assume RRR told him it was a "classic" and should be "closed" while he was really just being fecetious. There was no cover up on my end since I've been told for a while the T&K and Erkel threads should be in the TSM Classics folder and since the topic was brought up here, I figured they might as well get in now. If he wants to Loss can come in here and add any comments (but note that I was the one who deleted the Molly/Ivory thread after it was moved to Classics, not him).
  23. Sass

    Eliza Dushku to be...

    I'd actually like to see what Eliza would look like with bleach blonde hair like BC's. Otherwise, casting her as a brunette in the movie goes against the original material which doesn't need to be changed since there are other hot bleach blonde haired babes out there who can play her. BC has always been the big-tit blonde haired bimbo type while also being able to maintain a strong sense of dedication to her work.
  24. Sass


    That *is* pretty good...original. Since I'm in a generous mood, I'll add the thread to the mix. No more today for the time being after this one though.
  25. Sass


    I've read enough. Consider the thread moved to the Classics folder.