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Everything posted by Sass

  1. Sass

    Louie Spicolli

    Did it happen to be on a site in German?
  2. Sass

    Starting fresh

    I think one of the big problems is that sometimes people will not think about the wording in used in their posts and how it will look to the intended audience since I felt the same way as Chave did when I saw the title of that thread at the WWE folder's section listed. I mean, using all CAPS like that immediately sends a red flag to me that someone might be spamming the board or trying to start a flame war since using all CAPS like that does have negative connotations to it. Oh well. Carry on.
  3. Sass

    Starting fresh

    I'm going to make this clear: If you have an issue with Loss personally than take it up to him in PM. Calling him names and questioning Dames' like this isn't going to fly here.
  4. Sass

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    I don't think anyone else, poster or mod, is capable of handling the CE folder like Tom has done. Both liberals and conservatives are fortunate that Tom is a level-headed guy and can see things from both sides of the coin because I have seen posts from people from both ends of the spectrum that could be considered ban worthy in some circles but don't end up getting banned due to how heated political discussions can get sometimes (albeit the personal attacks can look childish). Oh and JMA, get a sense of humor about yourself. Seriously. ::buggers off::
  5. Sass

    Starting fresh

    Loss, the real People's Mod~! Oh and issuing warnings via PM to both Bionic Redneck and Besus because of their actions in that thread is a good idea instead of publically berating them. That one goes to FS so good work. Chave also makes some good observations (when he isn't kayfabing everyone with his heel turn).
  6. Sass


    Only in 13 states.
  7. Sass

    The Goodear Wimp

    *with tear in eye* Sass, is this your way of telling me you're pushing for me to have mod powers? OMFG I LOVE YOU <3 *jumps in your arms like Cousin Larry did to Balki on Perfect Strangers after The Dance of Joy* Heh, that was a funny show. I missed the episode in question though. ::delivers mod contract to FS's inbox:: It's an offer you *can't* refuse...
  8. Sass

    The Goodear Wimp

    ::shakes head:: I approve. Telling a mod to "lay off" at the end of your posts isn't the best way to get your point across to them if you have one. Now saying "bugger off", that's whole different story. ::buggers off::
  9. Sass

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    Real World: Black People Skit < Blind Black man who is a Grand Wizard in the KKK skit Those two skits own hard. I love the ending line about why Clayton divorced his wife.
  10. Sass

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    I disagree with you, Sass. I thought the joke I quoted was pretty darn funny. Eh. After watching 4 hours of Dave Chappelle's show on tape this morning, maybe I'm just burned out on all things funny. The Real World: Black People skit is one of the funniest skits I have ever seen.
  11. Sass

    Anti-French Sentiment In C.E.

    I don't care for the French jokes only because the material that I've seen brought up in the past couple months isn't nearly as witty or funny as some might believe it to be. Other than that, unless someone says "All French people should be erradicated" and is being deadly serious about it, then I see nothing wrong with the French comments/jokes that have been put into question.
  12. Sass

    Happy Birthday Dr. Tom

    Alas, I was thinking about doing that but then I realized things would have never worked out between us. I think my better half might interject as well too. So sorry Tom, maybe in another life.
  13. Sass

    KidKrash: Which PBP is he?

    KidKrash was in fact the Game. The POLL~! results have it right.
  14. Sass

    Happy Birthday Dr. Tom

    Tom, you are one of the best mods/admins I have ever had the privelage of working with here at the Smart Marks and that's one of the highest compliments I can give. You are at often times the blunt voice of reason in situations as well as being one of the most articulate people I know. Happy birthday Tom, you deserve it.
  15. Sass

    The WWE Folder

    I told you to no longer badger myself or Loss in this thread. Dames told you and Anglesault to be quiet to in this thread. You made your point known and stopped being productive or remotely helpful like you intended to be to Loss or myself pages ago.
  16. Sass

    The WWE Folder

    Both DH and AS posted their grievances pages ago. In the last 2 or 3 pages of this thread they've just been going back to the well.
  17. Sass

    The WWE Folder

    I've read enough and this has gotten out of hand. Downhome, you have done nothing but badger and hound Loss and myself throughout this entire thread without offering anything positive to this folder change. None of your "help" has been helpful to Loss or I because anytime we try to make a compromise you manage to find something else to complain about when we haven't even posted the rules. We still aren't sure if we are even going to keep the rules that were posted last week since both Loss and I are aware that some of the rules might not work in a folder as large as the WWE folder. So right now I'm telling you to back off or else you will be issued a warning for trolling in this thread. Anglesault, acting like the doomsayer and predicting that the folder change won't last past April is a stretch since Loss and I are taking things on a day-to-day basis while you've already managed to predict when Loss and I are going to give up when we are both strongly committed to seeing the folder improve. Both of you are on thin ice right now in this thread and if you each continue to pester both Loss and I the way you have in this thread (and continue to do so this same way in any other thread), both of you will be getting a warning. I appreciate your the good intentions you have to help out DH but there's an old saying about how "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions" and so far you have managed to do nothing that helps Loss or myself with the WWE folder which we will be working on tentatively here. Make no mistake, if anyone here has something they'd like to say about the topic of this thread then go ahead. But if you follow suite with DH or AS then don't be surprised if your post is no-sold by the mods because that will lead us nowhere.
  18. Sass

    The WWE Folder

    What in the world does that have anything to do with someone being a good mod or not? That was not meant to be a slant against you DH but I can see where you might see it as one and I should have indicated to you that it wasn't something meant against you. Myself and the other mods along with Dames would beg to differ on this. One of the things that was discussed before we looked into who would make a good mod is the baggage they would bring with them and it was deteremined that we could not pick someone who defended the WWE at every turn or criticzed them at every turn because then that could create a massive conflict of interests. Angle fanatics, HHHaters, WWE apologists, and Goldberg defenders would seem to deafeat this theory since all of them have been around at TSM since it's inception yet they are probably just as equally despised by people as they are liked by their contemporary's who share their same views.
  19. Sass


    Thank you. Just so you know, don't think your work at WDI's wrestling folder has not gone unnoticed. You have done good work over there CWM.
  20. Sass

    The WWE Folder

    This is where we felt someone like CanadianChick would make a good mod. She's not quite an elitist but she's not an apologist either. This was a balance that all the mods were seeking when we were looking at people who would could be balanced in making judgement calls on matters concerning the WWE folder and simply put, do a good job as mod and not cause the other ones headaches.
  21. Sass

    The WWE Folder

    That entire paragraph comes off as very condescending and your choice of words like "hell bent" holds a very strong conotation with people, myself included which is why I singled that one comment out. I had no problem with the rest of your post since you are trying to help out and I appreciate that. Well take it however you want, but just understand that whatever I post here I never mean anything in a bad way. When I DO mean something in a bad way, you'll know the difference, heh. It's been a very tedious time at TSM behind the scenes here so if I sound like I'm snapping at you or anyone else, I apologize since that's not how I believe a mod should act when posters ask questions about things they have a concern about.
  22. Sass

    The WWE Folder

    Everything is cool on my end DH. I hold nothing against you since I was the one who acted out of line in our AIM convo. Don't worry, you're not going to have to worry about being banned at TSM tomorrow... Or will you?
  23. Sass

    The WWE Folder

    That entire paragraph comes off as very condescending and your choice of words like "hell bent" holds a very strong conotation with people, myself included which is why I singled that one comment out. I had no problem with the rest of your post since you are trying to help out and I appreciate that.
  24. Sass

    The WWE Folder

    RRR has told me he has no current intention of wanting to be a mod and likes just being a poster.
  25. Sass

    The WWE Folder

    That was one of the main complaints that Loss and I have read over the years here at TSM. Those as well. They haven't become a problem during the last month or so but I have seen many threads in the folder simply degenerate into gimmick posts where people try to be funny and beat a joke dead into the ground and making it unfunny (while going on for pages). Some people already believe the WWE folder is a garbage folder so not everyone is going to agree on this. The WWE HiJinx folder hasn't even gotten pass the starting line so as of right now we do not have a set criteria for what would constitute a thread's immediate so right now this is all speculation. Again, this is speculation since neither I nor Loss have any set criteria for what would lead a thread to be moved into the sub-folder. Right now Loss and I are taking everything by a day-to-day basis so I imagine that would be how we'd also handle the WWE HiJinx folder if one was ever created. I suppose you could say the same about the TSM Classics folder but I don't think the folder is a mess by any means since it has served it's purpose well. This is also debatable as the TSM Classics folder seems to indicate that a WWE HiJinx folder would not fall apart immediately. If we were to create a WWE HiJinx folder, like in other classic threads, I'm willing to bet that there would be posters who would say "move this to HiJinx" just like how people have asked for other threads to be moved into the Classics folder. Here's where I think we differ. You don't see a problem with the WWE folder yet you're telling the mods that they might be tackling the problems the wrong way when you yourself arent sure what the problems are. It's off-topic threads in general that are one of the problems and those do encompass humorous posts as well. Humorous posts specifically were not the problem. Going off topic and hijacking a hot discussion and turning it into pages of material that is not related to the topic is what we're looking to curtail. I fail to see how making jokes in threads that go off-topic does not follow your first point made about topics that leave no room for discussion. I would imagine that most posters in that folder/thread would rather continue discussing whatever it was they were talking about before their discussion was taken over and left with no room to talk about the original topic because a group of posters turned it into a joke fest. Everything else you mentioned has been a problem as well. I'd imagine that's because they are the current topic of discussion in this thread that is ongoing. If you want to discuss the other problems you brought up above then I'm game as well.