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Everything posted by KanadianKrusty

  1. KanadianKrusty

    Album of Albums

    I don't get the Korn hate, the FANBASE hate I have no problem with, but I don't think they're THAT bad (and I'm NOT saying they're great either), I own the first album and Issues, both are pretty good IMO.
  2. KanadianKrusty

    Damn it's Cold

    Here it's -20C without windchill, but compared to what we'll be getting in the next few weeks it's not that cold, just slightly colder that average.
  3. KanadianKrusty

    John Titor: Time Traveller!

    I'm having way too much fun reading this, almost forgot it's a hoax, but if I was an American I'd start to look out for a 5 year old John Titor NOW
  4. KanadianKrusty

    What happened to the Shopping/Food folder?

    Brilliant, putting the quality threads in between loads of crap so they'll disappear after 2 days instead of having them in a single folder.
  5. KanadianKrusty

    the OAO what did YOU get for xmas thread

    - 220$ - way too fucking much chocolate - Iron Maiden: Iron Maiden - Black Sabbath: Paranoid - Metallica St. Anger - really cool medieval-ish lamp - bunch of little swords - medallion - Thermos - a big-ass gift my step-mom gave me with tons of stuff I needed (razors, shampoo that doesn't smell like ass, etc..., and of course, more fucking chocolate) Nice Christmas overall, got the 2 CD's I wanted and the stuff I needed, I should really get a DVD player 'cause I've pretty much ran out of stuff I want.
  6. KanadianKrusty


    Damn... once I cleared 3 rooms in a WEEK
  7. KanadianKrusty

    IZ Booking

    Damn!, should've checked the thread earlier, I'd have written some sort of "K-NESS is coming back soon" segment, as i'm oh-so very slowly recovering from a long-ass wrestling burnout. Oh well... next week I guess.
  8. KanadianKrusty

    What are you listening to right now?

    "Soldier of Fortune" by Loudness
  9. KanadianKrusty

    I gave in today...

    Off topic but Laz, greatest sig EVVVVVVVVVVVER.
  10. KanadianKrusty

    Top 500 Heavy Metal/Hard Rock Songs of All Time

    About fucking time they got some recognition, they don't get nearly enough credit for what they've done for heavy metal in the past 28 years.
  11. So I've been lookng for a Newcastle United jersey for a while but all the online stores are located in England and conversion + shipping gets the price to well over 100 bucks, so anyone knows of a good north american online store?
  12. KanadianKrusty


    I like mine medium-hot with LOTS of tomatoes.
  13. KanadianKrusty

    The Simple Life

    I watched for like 3 minutes yesterday but I had to stop, HOW IS IT HUMANLY POSSIBLE TO BE THIS FUCKING STUPID????????????, and they're just not capable of living with normal people, just stick 'em in their big-ass mansions and let them rot there so they won't ruin 30 minutes a week of our perfectly good, normal lives. But i'll watch anyway tonight, I love watching rich people being worse than me at everything.
  14. KanadianKrusty

    Do you own any guns?

    Me and my dad hunt quite a lot so we havequite a few guns at home: Handguns(we only use these for target shooting) : Colt Woodsman .22 some small-ass Colt .22 that's so small it's illegal to have one but my dad gets to keep it because he bought it before they made it illegal Rifles: My dad's - Winchester (Model.710 methinks) .270 w/scope Mine - Lee-Enfield .303 mk-3, built in 1915 and is good as new, shot like 30 rounds in 88 years, plus 10-round magazine(I think the legal limit in canada is 3 or 4 nowadays) = FUN FOR ALL~! Shotguns: Mine - Winchester-Cooey 840 single-shot .12 gauge My dad's - Soviet (don't remember the brand but it begins by K, Kostka?) over/under .12 gauge both of these are 35 years old and like new. That's about it
  15. KanadianKrusty

    Smarks EZBoard alumni roll call

    I've been around since mid-2001, but only started to post stuff that people could actually read when TSM started, before that my written english was pretty damn bad so posting was useless.
  16. KanadianKrusty

    How many pairs of shoes do you own?

    2 pairs of shoes 1 pair winter boots 1 pair hunting boots that's it
  17. KanadianKrusty

    I Now Fear IceLanders

    I have a viking chick from Iceland in my english class, pretty fucking scary indeed. oh and I'm back, yay.
  18. KanadianKrusty

    To hell with Ticketmaster

    Wow... that really sucks, thank god I don't have to deal with ticketmaster.
  19. KanadianKrusty

    Book it up

    Maybe a title defense against a member of the Lightning Crew?
  20. KanadianKrusty

    D&D parody

    http://www.cliveblackledge.com/8bit/8bitDandD.html I found that on fark.com, quite funny.
  21. KanadianKrusty

    Book me up Scotty

    Maybe K-NESS's 'ol buddy JOB Squad?, ask him. EDIT: maybe I could write a segment for the K-NESS/PRL feud, I'll talk to you about it when I catch you on MSN.
  22. KanadianKrusty

    IZ Feedback for 9/9/03

    Awesome show, great effort by everyone involved, and THANK YOU LPYC for writing the match (first days of school are quite busy so I don't have much time), I'll try to make up for it next week and FINALLY write something really good, 'cause I'm fully aware that my title reign has been really disapointing so far.
  23. KanadianKrusty

    Thursday Night OAOAST Chat

    I'll probably be there.
  24. KanadianKrusty

    IZ feedback

    DAMMIT!, I didn't finish my match in time, anyway I PM'ed it to you in case you'd want to edit it in.
  25. KanadianKrusty

    Magic: The Gathering fans

    I found this a few hours ago: http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?id=1550 It's the original Magic: The Gathering game for PC plus the add-on, the sequel, and a multiplayer patch (I'm getting an error when trying to download it but I'll try to get that fixed), all for FREE~!. Of course it's outdated but it's a good way to play MTG for free if you're broke OR if you're a stupid fuck like me who gave damn near 500$ worth of cards to your brother years ago. Anyway I thought that we could play against each other or maybe even have some sort of tournament if the patch works, what do you guys think?