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Everything posted by brokentusk16

  1. brokentusk16

    Victoria's Secret Show Scrapped

    Oh for cryin' out loud, when is America going to get over this Janet Jackson thing!?! Just look at MTV, we see women with their breasts hanging out ALL THE TIME!!!
  2. brokentusk16


    I read all four issues last week and loved the whole damn thing. Best crossover story I've ever read (SOOOOOOOOOOO much better than Crisis). Busiek and Perez had a big hype to live up to and they did it.
  3. brokentusk16

    Joss Whedon's FRAY

    I got the issues when they came out (yeah, yeah, joke's on me) and I thought it was a great read. I was a fan of Joss Whedon's Buffy and Angel stuff, but Fray seemed a bit better. It wasn't bogged down by an overabundance of humor (like Buffy). The art fits the story to a tee, Karl Moline is just fantastic. I've actually been debating whether or not to buy the TPB as well.
  4. brokentusk16

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    Man, Shane is SO off his game it's screwing everything up! I wouldn't blame Vic for putting Tevon in as the second in command of the Strike Team. The Decoy Squad is an interesting addition, they obviously don't mind taking the glory for the work. Should be interesting to see how Vic deals with them on the next episode.
  5. brokentusk16

    Wrestlemania XX DVD

    I just want them to rerelease Wrestlemania X7 on DVD, a great show that I didn't get a chance to buy when it was in print. Hell, I hope they rerelease ALL the ppv's on DVD!
  6. brokentusk16

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    You like your stories to just drop plotlines at various times and duck away from payoffs?
  7. brokentusk16

    The Shield, season 3. Official Thread

    I think that it would be more likely (and cooler) to see a Shield/24 crossover. Terrorists and drug dealers working a deal in Farmington, Vick's tied to it, the Strike Team and Jack Bauer clash. Good season opener! This new undercover team has my interest the most; what will be the dynamic between the teams, what the members will be like. Acevada is no longer the offical good guy, Claudette is. All Acevada is concerned with is his image, how he'll look going into office. If anyone, besides the Strike Team, deserves to go down, it should be him. And hey, Nip/Tuck teaser!! Tuesday night's just started to kick ass again!
  8. brokentusk16

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    In the one episode (First Date, IIRC), the demon Xander went out with brought him down to the seal to bleed him to make another Uber Vamp, so it would seem that there are some regular demons who are helping the First. Maybe the First got something to be there and be all poltergeisty, but then leave so it would seem like Dawn won so then the First could pose as her mom. That's what I thought at least Yeah, too bad they didn't try to, like, EXPLAIN what the hell was going on all seventh season!
  9. brokentusk16

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    Or they could, oh I don't know, make a NEW character!
  10. brokentusk16

    Greatest Comic Artist

    Alex Ross (Batman: War On Crime, Marvels, Kingdom Come) Mark Bagley (Thunderbolts, Ultimate Spider-Man Jim Lee (Batman, X-Men) Steve Dillon (Preacher and the second Marvel Knights Punisher mini-series). George Perez (Avengers, Teen Titans, Crisis, some Marvel/DC crossover) Jack Kirby (Avengers, FF, X-Men, New Gods) Darrick Robertson (New Warriors, Transmetropolitan) John Romita, Jr (Amazing Spider-Man, Inc. Hulk): Curt Swan (Superman) Joe Madureira (X-Men, Battle Chasers) Ed McGuiness (Thundercats, Superman) Barry Windsor-Smith (Conan, Rune) Greg Land (Sojourn) Tom Grummett (Superboy, Power Company, Robin) Berni Wrightson (Swamp Thing) Wally Wood (Daredevil, lots of EC stuff) Frank Miller (Daredevil, The Dark Knight Returns) Dan Jurgens (Superman) Eduardo Risso--100 Bullets, Batman Neal Adams - X-men, Avengers Steve Ditko - Spider-man, Dr. Strange Mike Wieringo (Flash, Tellos, Fantastic Four) Joe Kubert - Hawkman, Sgt. Rock John Cassaday (Capt. America, Planetary, Desperadoes) Todd McFarlane (Spawn, Spider-man)
  11. brokentusk16

    Firefly on DVD

    Ok, so is the movie a continuation of the series, or is it a rehash of the series?
  12. brokentusk16

    Big Show argues the office

    What happened on the flight? I totally missed that; was it another Europe flight disaster?
  13. brokentusk16

    Firefly on DVD

    Heard a rumor the movie might just be called "Serenity."
  14. brokentusk16

    The 10 Ten Canceled TV Shows

    Where's the love for Farscape and Titus? Two OUTSTANDING shows that were ahead of their time!
  15. brokentusk16

    Annoying extra on Foley DVD...

    Ok, I finally picked up the Foley DVD (hope to get the Flair one in a couple weeks), and it has some good stuff on it, but WHY IN GOD'S NAME did they put the Mick/Coach commentary over the Sting/Cactus Jack match?!??!? Couldn't they have that as an option, a la HBK's DVD?? Sorry, but it's just so annoying!!
  16. brokentusk16

    Picked up the Mick Foley DVD tonight...

    Sounds like a good DVD. I think I'll use my Best Buy gift card to help pay this sucker off. Maybe pick up the Rey Mysterio DVD while I'm at it. Got a question: what's the deal with the Cactus/Vader match? Did WCW not have all of it and WWE used fan-cam for the rest of the match?
  17. I did a check on Amazon and every WWE video product pre-2002 is no longer available! Anybody got the scoop on this?
  18. brokentusk16

    What, no more old WWE DVD's or VHS's?

    ......well that sucks! Have they taken them off the market for good, or is it just a limited time while they make adjustments?
  19. brokentusk16

    What, no more old WWE DVD's or VHS's?

    Yes, but they just used the WWE logo instead of the WWF one on their cases. That was part of the deal, wasn't it? I'm wondering why ALL pre-2002 video's are no longer available.
  20. brokentusk16

    LatinA heat coming soon

    Doesn't look like she has the Trish/Molly/Victoria body type. This is not good.....
  21. brokentusk16

    DVD Releases for Jan and Feb...

    The Austin DVD have any extra matches on it? Hollywood Blondes matches maybe???
  22. I got another question on the Flair DVD, is the Flair/Windham match on disc 1 the cut (30 min) or uncut (45 min) version?
  23. brokentusk16

    Nicole Ritchie = Fat, Ugly Swine

    I'd do either of them, or both if the opportunity presented itself. Paris is a bit too thin, but I don't mind Nicole, think she has a decent body. Both have average faces though. Still, their show is terrible.
  24. I already have the Cactus Jack Best Of on VHS, but I've been considering buying it on DVD now. Anybody know how long the ECW DVD's will be "in print"? On a similar note, I've noticed that all WWE videos before 2002 are no longer "in stock" according to Amazon.
  25. brokentusk16

    Anyone know how long the ECW DVD's are "in print"?

    What, could not get them on DVD anymore? I have most of the ECW viedos on VHS (got them before I got a DVD player), the Cactus Jack one included. I'm just thinking about picking it up on DVD before it goes out.