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Everything posted by brokentusk16

  1. brokentusk16


    I think the preview is all hype. Doubtful that we'll get all the big questions fully answered next week, maybe something like "the plane crashed to get Walt on the island," but we won't find out what's important about Walt until next season. Something like that. And yeah, that's what Walt meant by "they're pretending"; the Others are actually DHARMA people in disguise. Miss Clue is yet another interesting character. Obviously a step up the ladder from Mr. Friendly, but not the "him" that Henry (and Desmond?) was referring to. What is the room she mentioned that scared Walt? Good character development for Charlie and Locke. Locke has lost his "faith" and Charlie is working through his dependence issues (drugs, his brother, Claire, and recently Eko).
  2. brokentusk16

    Crappy Basic Cable Channel Lineups

    I have pretty much the same channels here in rural Minnesota, except that our provider no longer has WB and we never had Insipration. We have never gotten Comedy Central, E!, MTV2, or Bravo, and the last new channel we got was FX a couple of years ago. I've been meaning to look into digital cable, might be better.
  3. brokentusk16


    Everybody else see the Hanso Foundation commercial in the last ten minutes? Anybody call the number to see what it's about?
  4. brokentusk16

    What DVDs would you like to see the WWE release?

    They should make that and show it every year at Christmas.
  5. brokentusk16


    Zeke (aka Mr. Friendly) and Ethan are a part of the same group. They were together in Claire's flashback to the medical hatch. I do think it's possible that they aren't one of the barefoot Others though. I think that we are meant to think that the island is one of those energy points that Isaac talks about. Perhaps that's why DHARMA chose the location. BTW, Isaac was played by Wayne Pygram, who played Scorpius on the show Farscape. I got to thinking about something the other day. When Desmond is talking to Locke in the hatch, he asks if he is "Him". In Claire's flashback, Friendly asks Ethan what he is going to tell "Him" about Ethan not making the list. Could Desmond and Friendly be talking about the same person?
  6. brokentusk16


    Man was that good! Random observations/theory stuff: 1. After finding out that the Others are nice, clean cut people, I think that they are not the only group of Others. The group that Jin and Eko saw in the jungle must be the "real" Others, the savages on the island. Perhaps the DHARMA group (Friendly, Ethan, Goodwin) are trying to pit the Losties against the savage Others? Eliminate two birds with one stone? 2. After hearing about the list, I agree that Goodwin was a member of the DHARMA group. 3. Gale is definatly sowing seeds of distrust amongst the Losties, and I'm disappointed that Locke is falling for it. I think Sayid or Eko will call Gale on it.....and then promptly slit his throat. 4. The medical hatch was another of the five DHARMA stations? So now we've seen three (the countdown hatch, the Tailies hatch, and this medical one). Should be two left. 5. How do the DHARMA people get all this stuff? Methinks they still have a connection to the outisde world. Or a really, really, really big storage supply! 6. Did Desmond run to make contact with Friendly and company? How else would Friendly know that Locke opened the hatch?
  7. brokentusk16


    Honestly, I was surprised that we got that out of the timer. I thought it would hit 0, then Locke would reset it. When the symbols started to show up, I freaked out! The arrow symbol was on the Tailies hatch, so I think each symbol does represent each DHARMA hatch. What does it trigger though? An explosion? Something to do with the monster/security system? Either way, I think it was designed as a "clean-up" for the island, so it's not good for whoever is living above ground. Henry is definately an Other, he just hasn't broken down yet. Remember, Goodwin didn't confess until Ana Lucia had him 100% pegged. LOVED Clancy Brown! The guy can still deliver the bad ass lines. And that was a picture of a young Kate near the end. Glad to see the writers are still connecting the characters in little ways. It would be interesting for the survivors to learn just how much they are connected. It'll never happen, but it would be cool.
  8. brokentusk16


    GREAT episode! Outside of this one, The Other 48 Days and the 23rd Psalm are all competing for best episode of the season. I'm now convinced that Charlie will become one of The Others by next season. He's isolated from the group, and has become highly skilled in hiding and stealth (which The Others excel at). Think about it, at the start of the season, Locked knew Charlie was following him to the hatch. Now Charlie trailed him stashing the guns without Locke knowing at all. That said, the survival of these people looks pretty bad. They are not trusting each other or working together, and that will prove to be their undoing. The Others will totally take advantage of their mistrust and will be able to easily pick them off. I'm predicting at least one major character death by the end of the season because of it.
  9. brokentusk16


    Regarding the whole Locke thing: After finding the hatch, Locke seemed to undergo a change. Before discovering it, he seemed to be content to just be on the island. Afterwards, he started to change, he became obsessed with it. He sacrificed Boone to open it, ignored Hurley's warnings about the numbers, and hasn't really seemed to care about much else. He's obviously playing up to Claire for a reason, whether that's to get the baby or just give Aaron the father figure he never had. Either way, the Locke of today to the one of beginning season one does not seem like the same guy. I think that Hurley saw Libby at the mental hospital as a fellow patient, not a doctor like she claims to be. We don't know how Hurley got there, maybe Libby plays a part in that somehow.
  10. brokentusk16


    I have a feeling that Sayid will come back into the forfront when the "army" training starts. Ana has had it as a cop, but Sayid was an actual soldier. Perhaps if Sun is kidnapped, the survivors will get serious and start to strike against the Others. The backstories are good, but the rest of the season should be focusing on the Others. BTW, when are we getting the "island flashback" episode that Lindelof promised?
  11. brokentusk16

    The WWE has spirit! Yes they do!

    To everyone who wanted the gimmicks back in wrestling: Hope you enjoy!!!
  12. brokentusk16


    I'm thinking that there are only one set of Others on the island. The "leaders" which would include Zeke (can that be his offical name? It fits no nicely.), Goodwin, Ethan, and Alex. The shoeless ones are most likely some sort of soldiers, sent out to patrol and abduct. I think Jack was onto something with the Others not being as strong as once thought. Zeke wanted the guns pretty badly, so it could be that they only have a few guns and rely mostly on stealth and numbers. Having all the guns in the hatch and guncase could be the edge that the 815 survivors need. Where did Michael go? I think he's either with Danielle or Desmond. Don't know why, it's just a theory. And they both have guns. The army training is a logical and essential step for the survivors. As far as troops go, we know that Eko, Ana, and Sayid have been trained; Locke and Sawyer also seem to be able to take care of themselves pretty well. If they did recruit Danielle, that would help their stealth factor. I could totally see Jin becoming a badass! The survivors vs. The Others! I get goosebumps just thinking about it!!
  13. brokentusk16


    Great episode last night. Eko continues to edge out Locke as my favorite character. Last night gave more support to my theory that the monster is some sort of psychic entity by pulling the memories from Eko's mind. Whether the monster was on the island before DHARMA or was a by-product of the incident that has been referred to, we will have to see. Danielle said that it is a security system, so it has obviously found Locke and Eko to not be threats. Glad to know that the Others are going to be explored more next weekend. I have the suspicion that Charlie will become one of the Others by the end of the season. If that's not planned, then it should happen, because Charlie is much less interesting this season and needs some good story to work with.
  14. brokentusk16

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Torrid sex? They sure didn't waste time making this title change look ridiculous.
  15. brokentusk16

    Which is the best TNA DVD?

    I'm looking to buy a TNA DVD at the local Best Buy, either the Best of the X Division or Final Resolution 2005. Any recommendations from the long-time fans?
  16. brokentusk16


    I watched the Jin/Sun flashback ep last night, and noticed something. Eko "throwing" the sword to Sawyer was similar to Locke's throwing the knife at him in Walkabout. Just a cool little similarity between Locke and Eko. And DAMN if Sun couldn't get a hard-on out of any living man! The woman is fine!
  17. brokentusk16


    As far as Ethan goes, I don't think there are just one group of Others on the island. I think that there are two forces on the island fighting each other. Some of the Others (like Ethan and the ones on the fishing boat) were dressed in regular clothing, but the Others that took the tailies were dressed in what seemed like used or handmade clothes. That strikes me as odd that the same group would be different in that way. Whichever sides Ethan and Goodwin were on, I don't know. I got to thinking about this after rewatching "Exodus" last week. Danielle said that she saw black smoke before the Others took her child. And in the first season's finale, we see Jack & co. encountering a sort of living black smoke and the monster. After rewatching the scene, I don't think that the monster was the living smoke. The monster has always been invisible before, why would it take a visible shape at that point? Maybe the monster was fighting the black smoke, which is a force that is controlling the Others. Danielle said that the monster was a security system, maybe it was doing its job.
  18. brokentusk16


    I can see Ana getting along with Jack, but Kate I think will piss her off quick or vice versa. I'm really interested in how Locke and Eko will get along; either really well or really bad, seeing how they seem so similar. I do get the feeling that Eko will be the first--besides Boone--to know about Locke's "condition" prior to coming to the island. Maybe that will make Eko suspicious of Locke, sense his connection to the island somehow. Without seeing this week's ep, I'm sensing some similarities between fronties and tailies. Jack = Goodwin (just a guess) Kate (or Sawyer) = Ana Locke = Eko Hurley = Cindy
  19. brokentusk16

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    I just got back from work and it took a minute to process this. A sad day. It's strange how you never personally know the wrestlers you see on tv or live, but it still affects you nontheless. I only say Eddie Guerrero perform live once at a Raw house show against RVD. For what it's worth, it was by far the match of the night. I was just glad that he got his chance to shine last year in the main event scene. God knows he deserved it. He was a very gifted man who will be forever missed.
  20. brokentusk16


    I was thinking that the child holding the bear was an infected person from the tail section. Echo is definately an interesting character. Maybe it's because of the whole tracker aspect, but I can see him either getting along really well with Locke or the two becoming mortal enemies.
  21. brokentusk16

    Y: The Last Man

    Great series! I'm waiting on the 6th trade right now, and the story does not show signs of detereorating any time soon. Vaughn has said that the series has an end (somewhere in the 50-60 range, IIRC), so it'll be interesting to see how it all wraps up. I'm also a regular trade reader of Fables and 100 Bullets, which don't come out often enough for my tastes. ESPECIALLY 100 Bullets!
  22. brokentusk16

    People you have to read

    I've read the two graphic novel collections they've put out and have enjoyed them both. If they release more, I'll buy them. Sadly, DC does not seem to be in any big rush.
  23. brokentusk16

    It's Emmy Time.

    If LOST doesn't take at least two awards, then it will be a dark day indeed. Personally, I'd like to see Terry O'Quinn take Best Supporting and David Fury for Best Writing. Of course, Best Drama would be great too. And I'd like to see The Shield take Best Actress or Best Supoorting Actress.
  24. brokentusk16

    The death of VHS is coming very shortly.

    Until the DVD recorder becomes affordable (meaning less that $100), I will gladly hang on to my VCR.
  25. brokentusk16

    What non Marvel/DC comics do you read?

    I've been getting into the Image and Dark Horse comics more and more. Here's a short list of stuff. Invincible: A fantastic comic! If you like superheroes, then you should enjoy this title. Something actually happens in each issue. No decompression here! Noble Causes: It's like a soap opera with superheroes, but it's still pretty good. The Walking Dead: Like Vyce said, it's a good book. I've only picked up the first trade, but hope to get more soon. Powers: I only have the first two trades, but from what I've read it's a solid book. Bone: The One Volume Edition was an awesome read! You get the entire series in one shot. Conan: Again, I only have the first trade but it impressed me quite a bit. Fallen Angel: This was originally published by DC, but will be going to IDW Publishing this winter. So technically, it will be a non Marvel/DC book.