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Cran Da Maniac

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Everything posted by Cran Da Maniac

  1. Cran Da Maniac

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    With the 5th pick in the TSM All Time Wrestling Draft, Crandamaniac selects STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! I labored a bit thinking of who to pick at this juncture. Sure there are more talented wrestlers that could be picked before Austin, but honestly none that I could think of, save a select 3 or 4 that are just as popular or more. Austin may not have been the most technical of wrestlers, but could go that route if need be, as well as having some wildly entertaining brawls. He seemed to be able to work with anybody and suite a match to their style. His promo work was always top notch, able to portray a wild amount of emotion. His wrestling attributes, along with this mainstream media appeal, make him and ideal first round pick and one of the best to build a company around.
  2. Cran Da Maniac

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I'm so glad I have 2 other ideas on who to pick first (and I got a primo draft slot at #5), or I'd be really pissed at Garth right now.
  3. Cran Da Maniac

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I'd like to get in on this, what's the time frame for picks tho?
  4. Cran Da Maniac

    What's your honest reaction to this?

    He should pull a Beavis & Butthead? Strangely enough, when I first read the original post, I thought of the episode of Beavis and Butthead that you were referring to, but could not find a picture of Beavis with the beard, so I had to go with Cartman and the pube beard. Same thing really.
  5. Cran Da Maniac

    Let's Create '90s Mixes

    Around the Way Girl was in the 80's wasn't it? Looks like I was wrong, it was 1990 Here's another contribution name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>&"> name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350" />
  6. Cran Da Maniac

    Let's Create '90s Mixes

    *AHEM* *AHEM*
  7. Cran Da Maniac

    Middle School/Jr. High backtrack

    I was a beast at Dodgeball. If you could peg me with a ball then either I let you or you caught me off guard. Tho I did get injured in a dodgeball like game one time. We were playing a game called Assassination (tho the Christian Councelors at the Y changed the name to Elimination), the rules being that it was a free range dodgeball, and the only person who could not move is the one holding the ball. Well we were doing 2-Ball Assassination, with a kickball and a beach ball. This one kid throws the beach ball, everybody holds back except me to get the ball. I bend down to grab it, he throws the kickball. It hits my thumb, instantly jamming it. The only other thing I can remember about middle school was that in intramurals (played between homerooms) I won the 7th grade volleyball tournament, serving 13 straight points to the other team. I was on FIRE!
  8. Cran Da Maniac

    Let's Create '90s Mixes

    Czech, I couldn't find that option either, but here's the URL to what I was listening as a young lad in the 90's 90's Alternative I'll do a rap one later
  9. Cran Da Maniac

    Let's Create '90s Mixes

    Can't seem to get my seeqpod thing loaded
  10. Cran Da Maniac

    What's your honest reaction to this?

    Check out my beard guys!
  11. Cran Da Maniac

    Lets ask Google images questions

    Who is the highest paid wrestler? who is the smallest wrestler? Who does Vince McMahon Hate?
  12. Cran Da Maniac

    Lets ask Google images questions

    Best wrestling actor? Worst Wrestling Actor? Worst wrestling match ever? Who is the next WWE superstar to get fired?
  13. Cran Da Maniac

    Lets ask Google images questions

    In response to that, don't google who is the hottest diva.
  14. Cran Da Maniac

    Lets ask Google images questions

    What was Vince Russo's Worst Idea? What was Vince Russo's Best Idea?
  15. Cran Da Maniac

    The Master of Side Dishes Tournament

    Corn on the Cob. Fuck Garlic Bread for taking out Cheddar Biscuits and Fuck Cheddar Biscuits for taking out Corn Bread. White Rice. Fries only go good with Sandwiches, IMHO.
  16. Cran Da Maniac

    One Word Bandit

    Deep down, we are all gimmicks created by an autistic kid named Tommy.
  17. Cran Da Maniac

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

  18. Cran Da Maniac


    It was almost like Vince was trying to get it out quickly because he was uncomfortable, knowing he was 2 seconds away from getting his ass kicked
  19. Cran Da Maniac

    Regional Differences In Fast Food Joints

    McD's Angus 1/3 Pounder>Jack In the Box Angus Let me say when skimming over these posts, your mind reads angus without the g
  20. Cran Da Maniac

    Elementary Backtrack

    I remember when I was in I believe 4th grade, one of the assignments we did before the end of the year was we had to draw a picture of us in '93 (it was 1992). Well I misunderstood the assignment and thought it said Me at 93. I proceeded to draw a big picture of my face old and wrinkly, a picture of me in a wheelchair off to the side, and then a grave on the other side. My teacher was a bit freaked
  21. Cran Da Maniac

    Elementary Backtrack

    There's only one high school in Davie County, right? When I was in elementary school, it was K-6, but then by the time I got to 4th or 5th grade they had switched it to K-2 at one school, then 3-5 at another. There was one High School in Davie, but last time I talked to my parents they said that they are building a new one in the northern part of the county. It really angers a lot of the parents as they want their kids to go to the same High School they did, but they don't understand that the high school is starting to resemble a trailer park (at least it did when I was there) because of all the students.
  22. Cran Da Maniac

    Elementary Backtrack

    Man, the only good thing about Channel One is it gave you 30 mins to copy somebody's homework for that day.
  23. Cran Da Maniac

    Elementary Backtrack

    Don't remember him, but I remember seeing Anderson Cooper on Channel 1. Also Tracy Smith, who we thought was like 40.
  24. Cran Da Maniac

    Elementary Backtrack

    Ah man, 4 Square was the game when I was in school. I was in a before and after school program that the YMCA put on from 2nd to 6th grades. 4 Square was one of the games that we'd play. Did you guys use rules like double taps (or no double taps) and other stuff, or did you play standard. Also, like somebody said earlier in this thread, me and another kid was the defacto Bash Brothers when we played Kickball, being that if you had one of us on your team, we were guaranteed to be able to launch a ball all the way across the gym to hit the wall, which was a home run.
  25. Cran Da Maniac

    Elementary Backtrack

    Unlike some people, the grades at the different schools I went to were kind of weird. It went like this Elementary: K-3 Middle: 4-6 Jr. High: 7-8 High: 9-12 Though when I was in 6th Grade, the Middle School that I went to (Mocksville Middle) changed it's named to Central Davie Elementary, they moved the 6th graders to the Jr High (Which they renamed South Davie Middle School) and moved the 9th graders from the Jr High to the High School. I think now they closed Central Davie and the elementary school is K-5, Middle 6-8 and High School 9-12 Anywho, Like others here, I was really good with geography. I was always looking at Atlas's and memorizing the countries, or at a state map memorizing the counties of our state. I did when a few Geography Bee's in class, but could never get past the School Bee (I could remember where United Arab Emirates is, but not what it's chief export). I was once suspended from the Bus in 5th grade. Like Milky whenever I would wear a ball cap, kids would either hit the little thing on the back, making it loose or would take it off my head and throw it. This one kid pulled it off my head and threw it while on the bus, I told him to go get it. He said No. I punched him in the stomach an then started beating his back. We were both suspended from riding the bus, him for 3 days and me for 5 days. When I was in 1st grade, we had some concert outside that was put on by the High School Band. Nobody thought that having kids outside for a few hours while it was hot was a bad idea, nor did they think about the need for water. I remember that the concert was so long that we got to eat lunch outside (which I thought was a cool thing. Also remember being mad that the song they played from the Top Gun movie wasn't Highway to the Dangerzone, but that's not important). Anywho, I eat my lunch of Chips, PB&J (I was addicted to them at that point) and Kool-aid, go thru another couple of hours until the concert is over. Then we all walked inside, and they had us line up if we had to go to the bathroom, with one kid allowing any other kids that have to go in to the bathroom when a stall opened up. I was standing at the door, waiting to go in when I puked a red liquid all over the floor. I'm not exaggerating when I say the whole floor was covered. And one more outside moment in 1st grade. Remember the Dizzy Bat races, where you'd run down to a bat, pick it up, put your head on it and spin around it, then run back. Well one day we were doing that with the teachers, and my Teacher's Assistant fell down, and didn't get back up. She was still alive, but something happened and they had to take her to the hospital.