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Cran Da Maniac

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Everything posted by Cran Da Maniac

  1. Cran Da Maniac

    This shit just speaks for its fucking self

    Why don't we allow people to give Leena treats, food or toys?
  2. Cran Da Maniac

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
  3. Cran Da Maniac


  4. Cran Da Maniac

    Who's had the same avatar forever.

    Who are you?
  5. Cran Da Maniac

    Booker T's New T-Shirt

    Put it in really small print on the tag or something
  6. Cran Da Maniac

    Say hello to the newest IT Employee!

    When you drive 5 hours to replace a signature pad, and then find out that it's been working all day, let me know
  7. Cran Da Maniac

    Cell Phone Accessories

    Anybody have a good website that sells Cell Phone Accessories?
  8. Cran Da Maniac

    What is your pro wrestling name?

    s/n: Brooklyn Blade Real Name: Master Snake
  9. Cran Da Maniac

    Stoner Music

    Say man....... Say man you got the key?
  10. Cran Da Maniac

    Secret Shopping

    You can't fudge the purchases, that is a given. The questions can be fudged tho. I don't need to ask too many stupid questions if I don't want to
  11. Cran Da Maniac

    Secret Shopping

  12. Cran Da Maniac

    Secret Shopping

    Me and the misses have done it before. It's nothing to hard, tho we didn't get any discounted stuff. Mostly we were told that we would be reimbursed up to a certain amount for any purchases we made. Honestly we just fudged a lot of it
  13. Cran Da Maniac

    Going on Exchange to the US

    Towson is a nice area. It's not "on the coast" as in beach area, but it's still a nice area nonetheless. If it comes down to Towson or UVA, I'd still say UVA tho
  14. Cran Da Maniac


    Wasn't that his actual name for a while? I was all over that one at first too. Cyrus' "Ayatollah of Rock and Bowla" was so bad it was good. It was "Ayathollah of Rock and Rolla
  15. Cran Da Maniac

    Can we stop...

    Damn you spiff, you owe me a new keyboard!
  16. Cran Da Maniac

    Can we stop...

  17. Cran Da Maniac

    Worst X-Men Character?

    Maggot, even he knew how bad he sucked
  18. Cran Da Maniac

    Five best villains

    Spikes They're in every game, and hitting them means instant death.
  19. Cran Da Maniac

    The Old School questions thread

    Supposedly, when he was injured, him and Christian had an answering machine thing, where they would leave each other insanely long messages. It was born from there
  20. Cran Da Maniac

    Can we stop...

    I thought we always blamed Hoff
  21. Cran Da Maniac

    Why I am stupid

    Next Time, hit the person. Would have got your point across and you'd have felt better about it
  22. Cran Da Maniac

    TSM Frappr Map

    I'm on there now
  23. Cran Da Maniac

    Four Square

    Assassination (Or Elimination as it was called when we played at summer camp because our religious head counselor didn't like a name that glorified killing people) was a fun game that I loved. You basically played in an enclosed area (A Racquetball Court in our case) and it was like dogdeball, except it was a free for all. And whoever had possession of the ball could not move. Anybody ever play a game like that?
  24. Cran Da Maniac

    Star Wars Trilogy coming to DVD (again)

    Just wait til he releases the THX edition
  25. Cran Da Maniac

    I can't get on to specific websites

    What are you using as a browser?