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Cran Da Maniac

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Everything posted by Cran Da Maniac

  1. Cran Da Maniac

    Ok, not that the LOTR trilogy is over...

    I haven't seen RotK yet, so I can't comment on the full trilogy, but so far I've liked Ian McKellan's performance as Gandalf, follwed by Viggo's Aragorn. With Gandalf, The scene that gets me is when Bilbo has the ring, and won't give it up. Gandalf turns really big, and gets really loud, then he changes and goes soft and friendly.
  2. Cran Da Maniac

    Rob Van Dam as Glacier

    I truly loved that angle towards the end of WCW. I remember when me and my brother went to Nitro, and it was Norman Smiley v.s Mike Awesome. Glacier ran down the ring, and shook everybody's hand, even had my brother take a picture of him and some old woman. Then after the match, he runs in the ring and starts doing his little poses, then when Norman was trying to get up, he'd knock him down and continue posing.
  3. Cran Da Maniac

    Watch Super Mario Bros. 3 get beat in 11 minutes

    I think somebody said it was by using the Game Genie
  4. Cran Da Maniac

    Bradshaw goofs during USO meetings

    Technically we didnt' lose Korea either. It's been one long cease fire, but no winner has really come of it, or any treaties of any kind.
  5. Cran Da Maniac


    Who wants to make some Wood-Davers? I got pinecones, I got peanut butter. Let's make some Wood-Davers. Get aboard the Wood-Daver train!
  6. Cran Da Maniac

    The Heisman trophy........

    I so hope that Perry gets it, being from the same hometown as me, but I know White's probably the shoo-in this year.
  7. Cran Da Maniac


    They never really make mention of it really. Kind of a goof on the WWE level if you ask me. Unless they just had Wolverine think it was a coincedence that this guy smells like Magneto, a person they believed was dead.
  8. Cran Da Maniac

    Parental care gets out of hand

    Parents just don't understand!
  9. Cran Da Maniac

    Strange things you eat

    Onion Rings and Ranch Dressing is quite tasty. And I've eaten many of those poverty sandwiches (ketchup and bread).
  10. Cran Da Maniac

    OAO Greatest Comic Book Artist Nomination Thread

    Will Eisner--The Spirit Eduardo Risso--100 Bullets, Batman
  11. Cran Da Maniac

    Um can someone catch me up here?

    Last time I watched wrestling, Bruno Sammartino was champ, has anything significant happened since then?
  12. Cran Da Maniac

    One Trick Pony wants to know if he got banned

    Over a year ago, Superstar's AIM name was Game something-or-other. So odds are you could have talked to him. He hasn't used it in a looong time, though. I remembered that, but it was actually Game that IM'ed me, as he IM'ed me 5 mins after I made my above post.
  13. Cran Da Maniac

    Where's Waldo?

    The first time was when he put one of those links for a hit for pay site, and used his real name on it. And who did smarkzone come back as anyways?
  14. Cran Da Maniac

    Bale To Be The New Batman; Caine To Be Alfred

    Wasn't that how it was set up in Batman: The Killing Joke? That Joker was some 2-bit thug before he first met Batman and became the Joker. I would have to agree with the fact of not having the villian involved in the death of Wayne's parents tho. Having the villian involved means they have to have a motive, and the reasoning for the thugs killing Bruce's parents was it was a simple mugging. Am I the only one who really doesn't want to see 2 villians in this movie tho? I like to think Batman Forever would have been a better movie if it dealt with either The Riddler or Two-Face, but instead it crammed them together and, with the little character development they had because of this, they both came off as the same character. I think if this movie just dealt with Ra's Al Ghul, they could spend the 2 hours building him up as a major threat in either this movie or perhaps in a sequel.
  15. Cran Da Maniac

    One Trick Pony wants to know if he got banned

    I must be lucky then. I think I've only talked to him once on AIM. It was a only a couple minute conversation, and for some reason I kept thinking he was "The Superstar"
  16. Cran Da Maniac

    If you can get away with one murder

    Dames, it's just time for him to go. The above post was a joke. Actually, I don't really want to murder anybody, well not yet anyways.
  17. Cran Da Maniac

    Bale To Be The New Batman; Caine To Be Alfred

    I'd really hope that you wouldn't base one movie off of another sort of related movie. I'm curiously optimistic myself about Nolan's Batman, and would hope that it is a good movie. Time is just going to have to tell if it is tho. So be patient kemosabe. And what happened to the rumor of Dennis Quaid playing Commish Gordon?
  18. Cran Da Maniac


    Here's Ric Flair's Hulk Hogan's Eggs HBK's WMXIX Couldn't find any for Backlash 2003 tho
  19. Cran Da Maniac

    Punch Out Me Too!s

    In the NES Punchout (never played the SNES one), I always liked knocking down Glass Joe after he backed up and taunted me. Felt so satisfying. And wasn't there a sequel to Punchout on the NES that had Little Mac going to space to fight monsters?
  20. Cran Da Maniac

    Quote of the Year! thread

    Yeah, it was either in GC or Current Events. Can't remember where.
  21. Cran Da Maniac

    Weird workplace situation

    I'd keep my mouth shut. If you get busted for the fact that you knew and didn't say anything, just say that all you knew was "office rumors" and didn't want to stir the pot over something that may or may not be true.
  22. Cran Da Maniac

    Quote of the Year! thread

    BEST.QUOTE.EVER~! There was a quote that Marney said that had something to do with a gangsta version of the bible that was quite funny.
  23. Cran Da Maniac

    One and Only Bitch about Black Friday!

    I think that as long as you can pretend you know what you're doing, you'll be fine. All people want is for you to tell them which camera is the best choice, and even if you know jack shit about cameras you can probably just read the info labels while chatting them up, and then look like a godhead when you talk about how this one has a macro setting for extreme close-ups. Eh that's what I do anyways. I just can't stand big big crowds of people, and getting up early
  24. Cran Da Maniac


    "Look at these morose mutha fuckers here"