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Cran Da Maniac

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Everything posted by Cran Da Maniac

  1. Cran Da Maniac

    Another request...

    I think they shut down, but I can't be certain.
  2. Cran Da Maniac

    Ask Incandenza

    Ok, I know this is an Inc thread, but I must ask Kinetic 1) Where have you been? Drug Rehab, Jail, stuck in a cave with sadistic rednecks, or none of the above 2) How do you feel that Inc is either compared to you, mistaken for you, or considered a clone of you.
  3. Cran Da Maniac

    Ask Incandenza

    Are you going to go become a hermit (ala Kinetic), go crazy (ala A***a) or wreck this board (ala Dames) since you decided to make another "Ask ____" thread? If not, what is your fate?
  4. Cran Da Maniac

    Buffet Mania!

    Golden Corral buffet rocks, especially when they got ribs. And Chinese all you can eat buffets do as well
  5. Cran Da Maniac

    Ok I know my job isn't the worst....

    On a related topic, I love it when a customer buys something at 10% off, which usually only covers the tax plus an additional 1-2%, and when their purchase is rung up they are shocked to find out that they're pretty much paying the retail cost of that item. This makes me wonder what kind of savings they were expecting -- 50%?... Oh god, you should of seen it earlier this month then. We had a tax-free weekend up here. The General Assembly set up guidelines that only clothes, school supplies, and computers were tax-free. I don't know how many people would buy a PS2, or a DVD player and bitch to me about the fact that I charged them tax. Even had a CSM get cussed out. Customer:Yes I was at your store today, and I got charged tax CSM:yes Customer:I thought it was a no tax weekend. CSM:It is, but that only applies to certain items. Customer:Well you had signs posted. CSM:yes but our computers take off the tax on certain items only Customer: Well your computers wrong YOU FUCKING BITCH! YOU'RE A GOTDAMN FUCKIN IDIOT! then she hung up
  6. Cran Da Maniac

    Ok I know my job isn't the worst....

    2 more dumb customer stories ------------------------------------------ I had a man bringing back a telephone one day. Our return policy is that you can bring back anything within 90 days. Sometimes I'm nice and if it's something we still carry, I'll let them exchange it. Well this guy had a phone that we didnt' carry, had his receipt which showed that it was purchased almost a year before. So I told him that we couldn't take it back, but if he wanted, we could print him out a work order so he could send it back to get repaired (which is what we do after 90 days). He starts screaming at me saying we shouldn't even sell phones if we're not going to warranty them for so long. I shrugged my shoulders, and went back to electronics. The man follows me, and when I get back behind the register, says to me. "Where does it say that you only warranty them for 90 days?" I pointed to the big ass sign hanging over my head, to which he replied with a defeated "Oh" and then "Well I"m still not satisfied, I'm going to write to Wal-mart about this. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Had this happen this past Sunday. A mexican man was buying a T.V. I rang him up and his total was $117. He pulls out $100 in $20 bills, then asks me if he can pay the rest with a check. I say sure. He then takes a check out of his pocket and throws it on the counter. I pick it up, look at it, see that it's already filled out with the amount and has a signature, which is a big red flag to me. So I ask the man for some ID. Me: Can I see some ID? Mexican: Mine! Me: I know, but I need to see some ID to verify Mexican: Mine! My Check! Me (getting irritated): You've said that, but I need to make sure. Mexican: My Check! Mine! Mine! Me (about to jump across the counter: YES, BUT I NEED TO SEE SOME ID! Well he finally produces some ID. I look at the picture, and look at him, and it's correct in that respect. Then I look at the address on the check, and it doesn't match. The signature on the check doesn't match the ID, and then I notice the signature on the check and the addressee doesn't match either. Realizing I'm dealing with a possible stolen check here, I tell the man I can't accept it, in which he pulls out another $20 and pays.
  7. Cran Da Maniac

    Ok I know my job isn't the worst....

    Here's one I can think of off the top of my head. I work at Wal-mart in Electronics, and our store is really small, so small that we don't have a photo lab, so hence we have to handle the customer's photos. So anywho, we have a sign posted on our film dropoff box that says a pack of double prints, 24 exp. is $4.94. After you add the 7% sales tax, it rounds out to $5.30. Well I rung up this one woman's pictures, told her the total, and she starts screaming at me about it. She's like "Well I thought it was only $4.94" I looked at her and said "It is, but that is before tax. If you add tax you get this". She argued with me for a good 2 mins, me still stating that it's tax, and there was nothing I could do about it, in which she finally states "Well that signs wrong and you need to change it!" Ok, here's another one. It's around Christmas, busy time for us. I had 2 black women come in there and ask me about an old display DVD player we had. Now our policy is that any displays can be sold at a reduced price if and only if they are the last one we have. If we still have box stock they are sold as is and at regular price. I tell them that, they say ok, and stand there for a minute, not saying anything. Well in that time, one of my co-workers, an older lady, asks me if I would get something down off the riser for another customer. I do that, get down off the ladder and go over to the line where the 2 ladies are and ask if they wanted one of the boxed DVD players. She looks at me and yells "I DIDN'T APPRECIATE YOU WALKING AWAY FROM ME AND THAT FAT HEFFER OVER THERE BETTER KEEP HER MOUTH SHUT" Turns out when I went up the ladder, she had made some smart remark about me, which my co-worker responded defended me in saying that she thought we was thru, and she was sorry. The lady said "Well you don't have to get smart with me" which ticked off my co-worker who responded back with a "well if you want to get smart, I'll get smart too!" I got more, trust me I do. My town breeds stupidity
  8. Cran Da Maniac

    Why is it that...

    New releases come out on Tuesday? Anybody have any idea behind this phenomenon (sp?).
  9. Cran Da Maniac

    The death of a post whore

    Yeah, but you'd be back at your old post count in a week.
  10. Cran Da Maniac

    Worst Acronym Ever!

    Yep, Vince is going over in this one. no way man, Mrs. Charisma Linda McMahon is so winning.
  11. Cran Da Maniac

    Is there anyway to..

    Make my post count be a decimal? Say decrease it down to 2074.3 or something?
  12. Cran Da Maniac

    An intervention for Choken One

    CWM is still more of a postwhore then Choken One, by 3 posts.
  13. Cran Da Maniac

    Should I Bring back The Gnomes?

    Do it, I'll buy it
  14. Cran Da Maniac

    Sports Heels

    Not quite... Newman is young so he is more of a Paul London or Spanky if you will... For a Benoit comparison...Bobby Labonte is the appros one... Always *RIGHT* there...gets a fluke forgotten title run but dropped down the card for others... How about this one. Kyle Petty=Kevin Nash. They both have long hair (obvious), both made a name for themselves being the cool rebel. Both have held down talented drivers (John Andretti in Petty's case) and both should obviously retire as they are nowhere near their former glory, and both don't seem to put in the effort to be a championship contender.
  15. Cran Da Maniac

    Is there anyway to..

  16. Cran Da Maniac

    Is there anyway to..

    Well they are now that I fixed it. Got nothing to do in this class anyways.
  17. Cran Da Maniac

    Is there anyway to..

    I would, but I'm too lazy. And I'm not saying they're all trash, just that 6.7 or so of my posts are.
  18. Cran Da Maniac

    8yr old Autistic boy dies at faith healing service

    Anybody else think it's stupid she was going to a church that's based in a strip mall for help with her son?
  19. Cran Da Maniac

    Ask Incandenza

    Serious music question here, but what's the one cd that you think everybody should own? The one that is a masterpiece.
  20. Cran Da Maniac

    Jamie wins diva search

    Shoulda been Julie
  21. Cran Da Maniac

    Sports Heels

    Going back to the Nascar wrestling comparisions, how about Ryan Newman as Chris Benoit. Neither is really flashy, both can hang with the top guys, and both can be seen as viable championship contenders. And I have to agree about Busch. Even my grandma said she wanted to punch him.
  22. Cran Da Maniac

    Ask Incandenza

    Which gets more ladies, telling them you're Incandenza or telling them you're Kinetic? Why do rappers want me to throw my hands in the air and not care about them?
  23. Why are sequels to movies always so bad? Why do good guys always shoot better than bad guys? What do you suppose gives Stephen King nightmares? Where are the toilets on the U.S.S. Enterprise? If Superman is so clever, why does he wear his underwear on the outside? How many Babies does it take to make a tub of Baby Oil? Do people who brush their teeth with baking soda cook with toothpaste? Why is Phonetic not spelt the way it sounds? Why is 'abbreviation' such a long word? And why is 'Big' such a small word? If Madness takes it's toll, do you need exact change? Wouldn't it be easier to get a solution, then find a problem? If one synchronised swimmer drowns, do the rest have to as well?
  24. Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is banned there? Why is there only one monopolies commission? If animals are not meant to be eaten, why are they made of meat? If 7-11 is open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, why are there locks on the door? If nothing ever sticks to Teflon, how does it stick to the frying pan? If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, what would happen? When using your computer why does it never say 'Good command' or 'Excellent file name'? In countries where they don't eat chicken, what do they say food tastes like? How many haemorrhoids does it take to make a tube of haemorrhoid cream? Do firemen smoke before sex? What temperature is room temperature? - Every room is at room temperature! Is there a do-it-yourself manual for midwives who get pregnant? Why is there never a film about a plane that gets there safely? Would anyone need an index in a dictionary? Why do pubs ask for driving licences for ID when you can't drink and drive?
  25. Cran Da Maniac

    Ask Incandenza

    Why can't I get no Tang here?