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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    That is like hoping KFC will be extra greasy. It always gives me the shits. Do you mean Lita or KFC?
  2. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    Estrada's mic work is the only good thing about Umaga.
  3. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    Vengeance is this sunday?
  4. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    So we waited 3 months for this pay-off?!!
  5. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    HHH showed his fat ass which is full of needle marks.
  6. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    What did I miss? I just came back from the bathroom.
  7. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread- 12 June 2006

    I can't wait to see the dissapointment on the fans' faces when they realize that the new DX will be a rated G version of it.
  8. humongous2002

    ECW One Night Stand 2 Thread

    All I got to say is that I'm glad that RVD has finally become a (WWE/ECW?) world heavyweight champion, he has earned it and I wish him a long title reign. The ONS 2 p.p.v. was everything that I expected, there were some things that were good and there were a few minor things that were WWE crap like Eugene, JBL, Sandman's new entrance music, and Show squashing the ECW cruisers for no apparent reason. These are my personal 3 matches of the night: -RVD/Cena was a decent match with a huge amount of heat which made the match even better than it was, the finish made booking sense and made both guys look good and strong w/o doing a clean job. -Rey/Sabu was great and here I'm hoping for Mysterio to get traded to ECW right after FNSD gets cancelled by UPN. -Foley/Edge vs. Dreamer/Funk was a pretty entertaining hardcore brawling match and all the participants did a great job in shocking those crazy ECW fans.
  9. I thought this show did what WWE should've done weeks ago, which is to promote the ECW p.p.v. -RVD/Rey was a good free TV match and hopefully they get to have a long feud after SD gets cancelled. -Sabu/Cena was ok and these 2 need to have a longer match to see what else they could do. -Angle and Show in ECW doesn't bother me as long as WWE doesn't turn this into the NWO with everybody and their mother trying to join the cool stable. -Taz/Lawler did a great job promoting their match by making some people think that they were truly fighting each other, after all these years Lawler still has that wrestling psychoogy on how to control a mark and smark crowd. My only problem with this whole ONS thing is that WWE hasn't given us any reason to care for ECW guys like Dreamer, Ballz, Sandman, and Snow, the majority of the fans don't know anything about these guys.
  10. humongous2002

    Animal Released

    Happy now?
  11. humongous2002

    ECW vs DX

    WWE had plenty of time to book the ECW p.p.v. since Backlash but they decided that HHH's old stable is more important than a dead promotion, RVD has been booked poorly since he finally came back in January, being stuck in the midcard feuding with Shelton over the IC/MITB and jobbing to HHH's pedigree (@ the 3 way #1 contender's match and at the match with Cena against HHH/Masters/Shelton) won't do any wonders to the guy that's suppose to carry "ECW" on his shoulders. -Angle/Orton at ONS 2 is a bad idea since (I hope to God) the ECW fans will shit all over 2 WWE wrestlers. -Edge/Foley is another example of senseless WWE booking. -The real ECW guys like Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu and Ballz are only extras in this p.p.v. and the non-ECW fans don't know/care about them. I was a big fan of the old ECW and as far as I know Vince is not going to fool me into wasting my money for an "ECW" p.p.v. with 75% WWE wrestlers in it.
  12. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    Welcome back Chuck, the guy has only been back 4 weeks and he's alrerady doing jobs.
  13. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    Vince can't let go of the 80's.
  14. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    The Highlanders???
  15. humongous2002

    New luchador on Smackdown's roster page

    Most likely Rey will do the job for Nacho on SD.
  16. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    So I guess the ECW p.p.v. will be 70% WWE guys and 30% ECW guys wrestling each other.
  17. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread - June/5th/06.

    Well as long as the place is not full of little kids and chunky women then RVD will be playing the part of the top face tonight.
  18. humongous2002

    WON News and Notes 5/29

    Well the sad thing is that HHH won't be blamed for the low buyrates or bad ratings, it'll be the fans fault, Cena's fault, the weather's fault, 9/11's fault, or Jericho's fault.
  19. humongous2002

    State Your Unpopular Opinions

    The Regal/Benoit match took place in 2000 and here are my onpopular opinions: -Vince should've let RVD carry WWE back in 2002 instead of choosing Lesnar. -Rey and Benoit didn't deserve to win the WWE/WHWT at Wrestlemania(maybe at a small monthly p.p.v. or an episode of Raw/SD) -Orton is an untalented and useless excuse of a wrestler. -Brock Lesnar is overrated. -JBL is a midcarder for life and never deserved to win the WWE title.
  20. humongous2002

    OAO Raw Thread - May/29th/06.

    It's official, Smackdown is dead.
  21. humongous2002

    RVD vs. Shelton at Backlash

    To make ONS II a big success then RVD must win the WWE title, no ifs or buts. WWE wants to milk ECW dry and it will be very counterproductive to do something stupid like jobbing Rob to Cena/Edge/HHH @ ONS, and if they do the ECW crowd will probably riot the Hammerstein ballroom.
  22. humongous2002

    What DVDs would you like to see the WWE release?

    Best of Kevin Nash.
  23. humongous2002

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    I just hope Vince doesn't fire him, he should keep Orton just to bury his uncharimastic ass by jobbing him constantly.
  24. humongous2002

    Had Eddie not died...

  25. humongous2002

    RVD vs. Shelton at Backlash

    RVD should just win the IC title since he needs to look very strong for ONS II, he would make a great double champion and it will make him look like an instant main eventer to the fans.