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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. humongous2002

    WWE needs to keep the title on John Cena

    Keep the belt on him as long as they turn him heel, a babyface champion that gets booed out of the building all the time is not going to do any wonders for his career. The hatred Cena is getting from the fans right now might turn into X-Pac heat, just ask Hunter about that.
  2. humongous2002

    WrestleMania 22 Matches You'd Like To See

    Are you being serious? While were at Kevin Nash & Scott Hall can come out in NWO shirts and attack Heyman, until Sting drops from the ceiling with a baseball bat and chases everyone out of the ring. Then suddenly the lights go out and when they come back on Sabu's in the ring and it's covered with barbwire. Sting and Sabu are about to square off until Austin's truck comes flying to the ring and he gives them both stunners. Austin cracks a beer and celebrates while we hear Joey Styles yell "Oh My God" followed by Schivane saying "Its the greatest night in this sport" all while JR's still screaming "Stone Cold, Stone Cold" This show would rule.
  3. humongous2002

    Seriously, I have got to know

    As of now I only watch RAW and TNA, SD is just too painful to watch and it has gotten worse w/o Eddie. I used to watch the ppvs for free but since my cable box is not working anymore then I'm going to have to rent the dvds or download them from the net.
  4. humongous2002

    Shelton Benjamin

    I agree with Canadian chick 150%, RVD has been out with an injury for about a year and he's still more over than any babyface in the WWE. Shelton is a great athlete but he just doesn't have that main event charisma yet, maybe someday he'll be ready to take that next step but as of now he is still midcard material.
  5. humongous2002

    Joey Styles Signs 5-Year Deal With WWE

    This is great news, Joey Styles is the only reason I watch RAW w/o falling sleep.
  6. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - Dec/5th/05

    The Edge segment was great IMO but everything else was pure crap.
  7. The smart thing would be for RVD to either make a big impact when he returns (Since he is going to be the most over face) by either winning the Royal Rumble or winning a #1 contender match for the WWE title, just have him beat Edge at NWO on a match for that money in the bank briefcase so he could face Cena (or whoever wins at the New Years revolution ppv) at Wrestlemania. If WWE drops the ball again then they deserve to go out of business just like WCW did back in 2001.
  8. humongous2002

    Stupidest/Worst/Most Offensive Smackdown (Special)

    All I know is that WWE is trying so hard again to get Orton over as a heel that they would use Eddie's memorial low rider to "kill" the Undertaker. How many times are they going to push this sorry excuse of a wrestler until they finally realize that he is not capable of carrying the company on his own?
  9. So the Orton push continues in 2006, I guess WWE want their fanbase to only consist of little teenage fat girls and gays.
  10. humongous2002

    Observer News & Notes

    If this is the case then WWE should've just have Randy vs. Eugene and Cena vs. a random SD heel at the Tribute show. I personally can't see anything special about Orton, the guy bombed as IC champ until Foley got him over but then he couldn't keep his overness when he became a World champion.
  11. humongous2002

    Smackdown Title situation updated

    Logic Check: How can something be a reason SD is considered the B-show when it hasn't actually happened yet? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You must be from another planet if you don't think he is getting another World title reign.
  12. humongous2002

    Smackdown Title situation updated

    Orton getting another undeserving title reign is one of the many reasons why SD is considered the B-Team show.
  13. humongous2002

    Favorite Eddie match?

    My favorite Eddie match was non-televised, Eddie vs. RVD ladder match @ MSG back in 2002.
  14. humongous2002

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    I still find it very hard to believe that Eddie is gone, a man that was so full of life is dead at such a young age and I still can't accept it. I remember seeing Eddie for the first time in WCW, hating him as a mark for his Rudo tactics, laughing my ass off when he had his feud with Chavito, being shocked when he left WCW for the WWF in 2000, being entertained by his Latino Heat and Chyna storyline, being amazed by his matches with RVD, Benoit, Jericho, Angle and Rey, and experiencing one of the greatest moments in Pro-wrestling history when he beat Lesnar for the WWE title. Descanza en Paz Amigo, Eddie Guerrero. One more thing, I could care any less if Eddie died of natural causes or drug abuse my respect for the man hasn't and will never change, whatever he did behind closed doors shouldn't change the fact that he was a great entertainer and family man.
  15. humongous2002

    Eddy Guerrero passes away

    R.I.P. Eddie, I'm out of words.
  16. Well I'm hoping for Eddie to get a second world title reign since he deserves it for being the most entertaining guy on SD bar none, but most likely it'll be the heat killer Orton because he is over with fat chicks and gays.
  17. humongous2002

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/07/05

    I think Masters will be the 5th member.
  18. humongous2002

    The OAO RAW thread - 11/07/05

    Shelton is a good worker but he lacks charisma when he has a mic in front of him, he either needs a manager or more mic time so he could get comfortable with cutting promos. Overall last night's Raw was enjoyable and I'm glad that Joey Styles is part of the announcing team.
  19. humongous2002

    John Cena

    Cena's only sin is that he is still too green to be a main eventer, it takes a lot of years of experience in the ring for a wrestler to become a main eventer or a top level guy (Just look at Austin and even HHH) and sometimes a wrestler never gets the chance to be a headliner just because he might not have the right look or the charisma to get over with the fans. Also Cena's thug wannabe character is perfect for a heel not for the top babyface on Raw, WWE managent are so out of touch with their fans that they were expecting us to cheer for a gangsta wannabe from the suburbs just because he carries a spinning belt and makes gay jokes.
  20. humongous2002

    Future WWE Main Eventers

    My choices are: 1) RVD (He'll be extremely over when he returns from his knee surgery and his DVD was a sell-out with little promotion from WWE.) 2) Lashley 3) Burchill
  21. humongous2002

    Smackdown rating for Friday Oct. 14

    SD was good up until somebody came up with the idea of JBL as a believable long ass term WWE champion instead of just making him into a short term transitional champ.
  22. humongous2002

    Lucha stars (including Mistico) to WWE?

    Which just shows that JBL is nothing but a heel who can only get over on cheap heat/controversy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> JBL can't even get over with that, the guy has X-Pac heat.
  23. humongous2002

    Mr. Kennedy is a fucking lame ass

    Kennedy is doing a pretty good job entertaining the fans as a midcarder working his way up the ladder, he's way better than JBL in getting real heel heat and maybe 2 years from now I would like to see him getting a main event push.
  24. I think he was wearing false teeth when he was competing for TE, hopefully this bit of news is not consider a spoiler.
  25. humongous2002

    Linda McMahon has been stunned.

    Linda can't sell a Stunner but she sure as hell can bark like a dog for Ted DiBiase.