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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. humongous2002

    What should HHH do

    Keep him off the world title picture for a lont time (min. 2 years), have him as a tag team with Flair.
  2. humongous2002

    WWE starts aplications for Second Diva Search

    WWE should just fire all the wrestlers and just have 2 hours of HHH cutting boring promos and dumb divas being harrased by the "future" of WWE, Randy and JBL.
  3. humongous2002

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    The point was that Hunter got chance after chance after chance to try and get over, even when the fans still weren't taking to him at all. If everyone got that kind of effort, things would be a whole lot better. And right now they are doing the same thing with Randy, but after Foley got him over at Backlash 2004 poor Randall couldn't follow through because he still lacks that main event charisma.
  4. humongous2002

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    Goosestepping=An 8 month WWE title reign. Harrasing divas= Still getting pushed down our throats after 2 and a half years of not getting over as part of Evolution. (If the wrestler is a WWE guy)Breaking a flower pot= World tittle push. (If the wrestler is a WCW/ECW guy)Breaking a flower pot= TNA hell.
  5. humongous2002

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    This is another good example of WWE's double standards with WCW/ECW guys, they are always being treated like 2nd class citizens in Vince's world.
  6. humongous2002

    This week in horrible t-shirts

    I think WWE get their art designers from the same place they get their creative writers.
  7. humongous2002

    Stephanie McCleavage From The Hall of Fame

    It seems like every year she gets chunkier and chunkier, damn, and that's one of the worst boob jobs i've ever seen.
  8. humongous2002

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    Randy and JBL get to harrass WWE divas but Rhyno breaks a flower pot and he's the one with major heat with management?????????!!!!!!!
  9. humongous2002

    Somewhat SmackDown! Spoilers

    "Makes mention that much like how the US title was "re-made" that he will do so with the WWE title" Cena is not that much of a big draw to have a customize WWE belt, but since the bookers are trying so hard in making him into a big superstar then they might go forward with this dumb idea. And I can't wait for Carlito's cabana next week.
  10. humongous2002

    Shelton Benjamin

    I COMPLETELY disagree. That's the only reason why Benjamin *is* getting cheered. When he's in the ring, he can connect to the fans very well. Exceptionally well even. He has no personality, definite angle/gimmick (directionless IC Title reign doesn't count) or very good mic skills. If he wasn't able to connect with the fans, there would be no way he'd be getting any reaction right now, which he certainly is. He might connect with the fans in certain towns but overall I hardly see anyone caring about Shelton's IC reign.
  11. humongous2002

    Shelton Benjamin

    Benjamin is a good athlete but he still is lacking that connection with the WWE fans, a big feud and an improvement on his personality (which he has none at this time) would make him into a potential main eventer.
  12. humongous2002

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    Besides Batista winning the big gold belt, the ladder match with the RAW 5 and Kane, and Rey versus Eddie, this Mania has all the hype but none of the show. And why in God's green earth is Show/Akebono's match taking place on the biggest stage of them all???!!
  13. humongous2002

    John Cena copying Jadakiss...

    No he is not. Have you read his other posts? Well I was being ironic, nimrod.
  14. humongous2002

    Another Nameless Diva Quits

    Randy "the Diva Killer".
  15. humongous2002

    John Cena copying Jadakiss...

    Who cares about Cena?
  16. humongous2002

    Orton's RAW promo

    Batista might not be a Benoit in the ring but he has that main eventer charisma just like Goldberg, as long as he doesn't start believing in his own hype and continues improving his in-ring skills (which he will) he will stay as a top guy from years to come.
  17. humongous2002

    HHH's Raw Promo

    HHH has cut the same promo over and over since 2002, he has never been a good promo man to begin with and all he talks about is the fact that he has beaten every WWE superstar and that he's the diamond in this business,blah, blah, blah. He tries so hard to be Flair but he's more like Dusty Rhodes.
  18. humongous2002

    Why all the Orton hate?

    Orton could be a decent upper midcard heel but he's still not ready to be a top main eventer, he was given too many chances to get over as a top guy and has failed over and over. Maybe 2 years from now he might be more seasoned as a character to get to that next level.
  19. humongous2002

    No Way Out buy-rate

    JBL hasn't draw a dime yet, he's always having the worst ratings for his segments, his p.p.v.s have the lowest buyrates (I think Armageddon had a decent buyrate but that was because the fans actually thought that either Eddie,Book or even Taker was going to win the title), and besides having top midcard level mic skills the fans don't buy him as a main eventer.
  20. humongous2002

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    The main lesson we all learned from this is that you can never leave your girl alone with one of your male friends, they are both human and anything could happen.
  21. humongous2002

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    I'm done arguing too nikjohns (is a total waste of time trying to reason with kids who say is pointless to argue with me, but keep on doing it constantly). I still feel that the JBL/Cena parody bombed just because they try to make it way too serious.
  22. humongous2002

    The good streak of WM 21 Promo's has ended

    No, Taker is a bad actor. And since this wasn't funny, it had to be a good acting job for it too be good. JBL and Cena were very good at acting The rest were funny. Taker sucked ass. Great explanation nimrod, at least Taker's parody was kind of funny at the end when he rolled his eyes before he shot that guy.
  23. humongous2002

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Talk about a great comeback, there might still be some hope for you as a stand up comedian and then you'll be able to move out of your parent's basement.
  24. humongous2002

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Well you killed it by trying to start a pointless arguement for no apparent reason.
  25. humongous2002

    Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

    If this is a shoot then I feel bad for Matt Hardy, since he requested to be traded from SD to Raw to become a Heat jobber just so he could be with Lita and this is how she repays him.