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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. humongous2002

    Miracleman Alan Moore Run

    Thank you sir, this is one fanboy's dream come true.
  2. humongous2002

    JBL Reaches Modern Day Milestone

    2 reasons why JBL will not ever get over as a WWE champion: a) The Summerslam 2004 wave. b) The No Way Out RVD chants.
  3. humongous2002

    The OAO SmackDown!'s No Way Out Thread

    In other words the fans don't give 2 shits about anybody else besides Cena, Kurt, Eddy, Rey and Batista (oh, yeah and the RVD chants).
  4. humongous2002

    The OAO SmackDown!'s No Way Out Thread

    Those RVD chants broke out because the fans would rather pay to see Rob walking around in crutches than that brutal JBL/Slow cage match.
  5. humongous2002

    The Watchmen

    Can't wait.
  6. humongous2002


    Check the dash...Bat-man. Ro-bin?
  7. humongous2002

    Superman is a dick

    Super-Deadbeat father.
  8. humongous2002

    SmackDown!'s No Way Out predictions

    No he doesn't. He has to go away. I wish that was true but Book has been jobber to the stars since 2001.
  9. humongous2002

    Eddy turning heel?

    Screw the Eddie heel turn and just have them team up for a while (since Eddie is midcard for life now) and have them face Benoit/Y2J at Mania. If anybody needs to turn heel or a tweener is RVD when he returns.
  10. humongous2002

    WWE newbits

    All they got to do is watch RAW or SD. That's true since HHH has buried every potential wrestler on RAW. Since Austin and Rock were big box office movie stars before they became main eventers ............. who are they f'ing kidding? Fire him and replace him with Heyman, who's got a real eye for talent. He could work the popcorn stand if he wants to and be more entertaining than a JBL versus Randy Orton ladder match.
  11. humongous2002

    A sickening feeling...

    I think it was ......... LESNAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. humongous2002

    JBL Reaches Modern Day Milestone

    This JBL long title reign reminds me why I stopped watching SD.
  13. humongous2002

    What a difference a year makes!

    But Orton lacks charisma, Batista is the most charimastic pimp daddy in WWE today.
  14. humongous2002

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    It will never happen, not enough money or status and he doesn't actually want to play football that much. Apparently the Vikings tried to refer him to coaches of other teams in Europe but Brock never bothered to try contact them. He'd have to move, accept a money offer under 100k, work hard to even attain the level of the European league, probably have to sell his jet and estates in the USA... so, never it is. But playing football is his "dream", that's why he left a million dollar WWE contract. I think you are confusing "dream" with "excuse to stop touring endlessly because he missed his daughter". So that's Brock's new excuse this week for quitting WWE? I can't wait to see next week's excuse.
  15. humongous2002

    Orton vs. Undertaker at WrestleMania?

    This is the kiss of death for Randall, midcard hell 4 life.
  16. humongous2002

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    It will never happen, not enough money or status and he doesn't actually want to play football that much. Apparently the Vikings tried to refer him to coaches of other teams in Europe but Brock never bothered to try contact them. He'd have to move, accept a money offer under 100k, work hard to even attain the level of the European league, probably have to sell his jet and estates in the USA... so, never it is. But playing football is his "dream", that's why he left a million dollar WWE contract.
  17. humongous2002

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers from Cleveland

    fuck off. thanks. And if they job Booker to that fool then I shall kill someone. He jobbed to JBL so it can't get worse than that.
  18. humongous2002

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    LOL, him getting "buried" is nothing compared to what Jericho and RVD have been going through all these years.
  19. humongous2002

    Big Show Rips Lesnar

    I'm not a fan of the Big Show but i do admit that he is more entertaining to watch nowadays and just the fact that he has matured as an individual so much since he first joined up the WWF/E. And just like he said WWE is better off w/o baby Huey Lesnar.
  20. humongous2002

    What the hell happened to HHH's beard?

    LOL, all he needs is those 2 blemishes on his face.
  21. humongous2002

    Post-WM draft talk on WOL

    Trade Taker for HBK. Trade Kane for Heidenreich. Trade Kenzo for Jericho. And trade Tajiri for OJ.
  22. humongous2002

    Post-WM draft talk on WOL

    Actually RVD and Edge were the 2 big stars to make the move from one show to the other, poor Book as always was treated like a joke when he was traded along with the Duds to SD instead of HHH.
  23. humongous2002

    Rob Van Dam DVD

    Ah, let's not get too outta control here. Cena would have the crowd response, honestly. He's the most over face by a long shot right now. Rob wouldn't get booed, but Cena would get the majority of the cheers. If we are talking about now then I could agree with you, but 6 or 8 months down the road when Rob comes back from his injury then I could predict a different crowd response for this match (RVD/Cena).
  24. humongous2002

    More info on the ECW ppv

    An ECW ppv without Heyman and RVD sounds like a winner to me.
  25. humongous2002

    Rob Van Dam DVD

    This guy is as delusional and foolish as HHH.