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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. humongous2002

    The RAW Midcard Disaster

    Shelton might be a decent wrestler but he has less charisma than Benoit and most likely he'll feud with the Arab guy for the IC title.
  2. humongous2002

    Michaels/Angle staredown in Japan

    WWE should make it a TLC match and the only one that's been due for a heel turn more than anybody else is RVD, Eddie is still pretty over as a babyface, Book has had so many turns is not even funny anymore and Rey is just like Steamboat as a face for life (Let's forget his forgettable heel turn in WCW as a member of the Filthy Animals).
  3. humongous2002

    For a low low price... you can own....

    I can't wait for the Snitsky bloody coat hanger auction.
  4. humongous2002

    SMACKDOWN! Thread

    Since this type of booking makes a lot of sense, that means WWE won't do it.
  5. humongous2002

    The New Era

    Is a shame that the audience is into gay bashing promos.
  6. humongous2002

    RAW Ratings

    Will WWE finally realize that Orton is nothing more than a failure?
  7. humongous2002

    Live Smackdown Report

    Eddie and Rey will be pretty good but anything else sounds like Wrestlecrap material, RVD (who's coming out with a DVD this month)jobbing for those unover Bashams shows me why WWE is so out of touch with the fans these days.
  8. humongous2002

    An open question

    Richards entertaining? A big YES. Main Event entertaining? Hell no.
  9. humongous2002

    Paul Heyman Released

    This sounds like a work to fool the internet smark crowd into believing that Vince is stupid enough to get rid of the man behind ECW, a company that's making Vince a lot of money just on DVD sales alone.
  10. humongous2002

    OAO Smackdown Night Of Champs Thread

    Funniest line ever.
  11. humongous2002

    JBL bashes Internet Writer Wade Keller

    Now we know why Crapshaw is the WWE champ, he loves to kiss Vince's ass even in public.
  12. humongous2002

    Is WWF building to Batista/HHH at Wrestlemania?

    Batista/HHH is the moneymaking match that a lot of fans will pay to see, Orton has been nothing more than a failure b/c WWE is building him as the next Rock, why would the fans care about "Rocky lite" if the real Rocky still shows up every now and then.
  13. humongous2002

    An open question

    Another problem with WWE besides the political BS is the fact that they are looking for the next Austin or Rock (just like they did in the early 90's by looking for a Hogan clone) instead of creating a completely brand new character. Cena and Orton are the Austin/Rocky clones of this generation.
  14. humongous2002

    An open question

    RVD could've been a great main eventer in my opinion since the crowd still loves him after being buried time after time until this day, the guy should've been WWF champ by the ending of 2001 or by Mania 18 instead of Jericho (Who should've been champ in 2000 instead of Kurt) or HHH (Who was at least the 4th top babyface next to Austin, RVD and Rock).
  15. humongous2002

    Brock Calls Vince

    Brock was the centerpiece in SD but the ratings didn't improve at all.
  16. humongous2002

    If TNA emerged as a threat to the WWE,

    I see Vince buying TNA by next year just for the hell of it, TNA is not a threat at all since they have Double J as their world champion, even JBL laughs at Jeff Jarrett.
  17. humongous2002

    to Real reason heyman was released

    Chunky Steph must really hate SD more than anything else in the world.
  18. Chunky Steph in a bikini? I'll pass.
  19. humongous2002

    Brock Calls Vince

    Let Lesnar come back and have him return jobs to RVD, Eddie, Rey and even Show, do not have him come back just so he could be use to get a Bradshaw or a Cena over.
  20. humongous2002

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    Vince loves the big hoss that's why he is going to push him all the way to the moon or die trying until he eventually gets over with a small minority of the fans(see Orton). JBL has improved a lot but not enough to be a top guy, his wrestling skills are still non-existent, that's why he always wrestles in tag matches or gimmick matches with more talented people. He is a ratings killer according to Meltzer(Eddie,RVD and Kurt are the ratings winners on SD), buyrates are very low and the majority of the fans think of him as a midcarder lame duck champion.
  21. humongous2002

    RVD trouble backstage

    If WWE wants to make this trip into a big deal then just make it mandatory, RVD did the right thing by standing his ground since he's not getting pushed either way.
  22. humongous2002

    Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.

    When RVD got sunset-flipped/powerbombed through a table by Jerry Lynn from the ropes onto the floor.
  23. humongous2002

    No Way Out Main Event to Feature New Gimmick Match

    The saddest thing is that JBL has been the longest reigning champion this year, even though he's not a draw, 90% of the fans think of him as a joke and the HTM gimmick only works in the midcard where Crapshaw belongs.
  24. humongous2002

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    2 words: The Wave. That's how much the fans care about Crapshaw.
  25. Lesnar is a big time roid user there's no doubt about that, he even got arrested once b/c he had steroids and HGH with him. RVD and Y2J are not as freaky looking as a Batista or a Snitzky, but they seem to cycle every now and then.