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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. humongous2002

    Taboo Tuesday Buy Rate

    Actually RAndy was in the main event, but to be fair even a flea could outdraw the sensible one any day of the week.
  2. humongous2002

    The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

    And where did excitement get RVD and Big Show in their careers so far this year? The only reason RVD is not getting a push is because HHH has enough stroke to keep him down, Rob is the most over face in SD next to Eddie or that untalented Cena. Wrong series, the correct answer is Christian. Booker's feud with Cena showed me how unmotivated and old he is, that feud was brutal.
  3. humongous2002

    Taboo Tuesday Buy Rate

    How is that successful when WWE is still wasting a lot of money on producing these p.p.v.s? They could just do one p.p.v. per month and get those 2 buyrates combined.
  4. humongous2002

    The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

    As much as aI like Book, he truly is very overrated and I could count in one hand all the *** or plus matches he had in his single carrer(They were all with Benoit). His matches will bores the crap out of me. RVD would make a better choice for a champion because number 1: He is still over as a face with the fans w/o having any type of push whatsoever and number 2: he could have better matches with Angle, Eddie and Taker compare to a Booker T or a Bradshaw. Well considering the man got a good / decent match out of NASH, I think that alone should speak for itself. I've seen the match and it blows, but to each their own.
  5. humongous2002

    The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

    Sorry to burst your bubble but the reason JBL's title reign sucked was because................ he just plainly sucks as a main eventer, just like he did when he was a Hardcore champion.
  6. humongous2002

    The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

    As much as I like Book, he truly is very overrated and I could count in one hand all the *** or plus matches he had in his single carrer(They were all with Benoit). His matches will bores the crap out of me. RVD would make a better choice for a champion because number 1: He is still over as a face with the fans w/o having any type of push whatsoever and number 2: he could have better matches with Angle, Eddie and Taker compare to a Booker T or a Bradshaw.
  7. humongous2002

    Raw rating

    But the ratings were doing good until the second hour of RAW, the sensible one can't catch a break.
  8. humongous2002

    Raw rating

    A decrease in the ratings at the end of the show? The rating killer strikes again.
  9. humongous2002

    Chaos strikes backstage RAW

    The show was awful and WWE is turning more and more into WCW, instead of the inmates running the asylum, we got the morons ruining the asylum.
  10. humongous2002

    Chapters and Match Extras for ECW DVD

    I'm definitely buying it or renting it from netflix.
  11. humongous2002

    Went to the RAW house show last night...

    That's the only type of heat he's been getting in the last 2 years.
  12. humongous2002

    Your WWE Changes

    First I'll let Heyman become the head writer for SD and have the following wrestlers as my main eventers: RVD, Eddie, Book, Show, Rey, Carlito, and Taker. Depush Bradshaw back to Velocity where he belongs. Trade Benoit to main event on SD for Kurt. Trade Cena to RAW for Kane or Batista. Demote Gertwitz from head writer and try to bring back Kreski, force HHH to share the spotlight with Edge, Y2J, Snitski (my monster heel), my new trades Kurt and Cena. Depush Orton for being nothing but a failure until he's ready to be a top guy.
  13. humongous2002

    WWE News & Notes from the 10/18 Observer

    Here I'm crossing my fingers for a WWE heavyweight title reign.
  14. humongous2002

    Raw rating

    It's Orton's fault but WWE will blame it on Jericho.
  15. humongous2002

    Cena in the nightclub

    So how many Marines did it take to beat up Cena?
  16. humongous2002

    Patterson gives notice?

    Triple H has been killing RAW since 2002 and it seems the killing will never stop.
  17. humongous2002

    John Cena

    Cena is almost as bad as the Ultimate Warrior and his promos are getting on my nerves due to the lack of creativity he puts into them.
  18. humongous2002

    Full Smackdown spoilers

    RVD gets second on the crowd reaction list but he's stuck in Velocity duty while Crapwhore Holly gets a shot at the pathetic WWE title, and then WWE wonders why are the ratings down the crapper.
  19. humongous2002

    Raw Rating

    Well when WWE keeps on pushing Stone Rocky Randy Orton down our throats as a laughable #1 babyface this is the kind of rating they are going to get.
  20. humongous2002

    Randy Orton may not be all that over

    I can't wait for the Randy Orton: unover t-shirt or his classic Suckbag tour cap.
  21. humongous2002

    WWE News & Notes from the 10/04 Observer

    After reading on what's going on with the WWE backstage all I want to say is that it's not getting any better, Orton getting push down our throats over and over, JBL still WWE champion, RVD stuck in a tag team, Booker being turned face after he was a heel for a few months, Angle and Trips being assholes backstage, and Luther/Jindrak getting a push? I truly hate the WWE.
  22. humongous2002

    Notes from Taboo Tuesday Press Conference

    Edge gets a title shot after he was booed out of his own country and bombed as a babyface? The double standards in the WWE never ends.
  23. humongous2002

    The Torch posts Best Ever Mania card...

    Now this is a card worth watching instead of the one that idiot Keller thought out.