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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. humongous2002

    Smackdwon Spoilers for 8/03

    Evil Spike is something i've been dying to see for years since the ECW days and I hope it works. RVD jobbing to the unstoppable Hulk Cena means he won't be at Summerslam, get used to it Rob you still got 3 more years of being buried. OJ as the new Virgil? WWE creative and their fresh ideas.
  2. humongous2002

    Future WWE plans

    It's sad that they book this crap in advance, a HHH/Orton Mania match doesn't sound like a moneymaker but I guess WWE management think that the kid is ready to be a main eventer for some reason.
  3. humongous2002

    Scott Keith quits

    Spidey was molested?????????
  4. humongous2002

    SmackDown! *SPOILERS* 07-29-04

    Well he was a Velocity main eventer for almost a year or so.
  5. humongous2002

    The New Team Angle

    My team Angle would have Luther, Hass, Heyman and a heel RVD trying to undermine Kurt's leadership.
  6. humongous2002

    thoughts from RAW

    *Marks out for Dr. Doom sig.*
  7. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    *Directs you to Wrestlemania X7. I mean..he needed the help of Vince McMahon...while Vince is no retard, he's fucking VINCE MCMAHON! But that didn't really detract from his win. I meant when he was the top babyface, WM X7 was done for storyline purposes so Austin could turn into a heel.
  8. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    When did Austin ever had a retard or anyone for that matter help him out in any of his main event matches?
  9. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    This whole show sucked and Benoit is a weak champion b/c he needs a retard to help him in his matches.
  10. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Benoit needs a retard to win a match.
  11. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    The most over babyface on RAW has enter the building.
  12. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Benoit chants.
  13. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Benoit is doing a blade job.
  14. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    My prediction is going to come true.
  15. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    They are even.
  16. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    And he taps!!!!!!
  17. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

  18. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    This might make people realize...Benoit is in fact, not the most over man on RAW. No matter how good of a wrestler he is. And it isn't just Pittsburg. On RAW or SD in my opinion but I still think he is a better champion than JBL.
  19. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    That was so lame and this match is still dragging.
  20. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    HHH 2-1.
  21. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Where are the Benoit chants?
  22. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Internal injuries.
  23. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    More HHH chants.
  24. humongous2002

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    This is dragging.