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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. humongous2002

    Randy Orton/Shelton Benjamin

    Benjamin might get it pretty soon, but the wrestler formerly known as suckbag is making the IC title shine again, so he might keep it till Summerslam.
  2. humongous2002

    Smackdown Spoilers...

    Shine what? Somebody's boots??
  3. humongous2002

    Raw Ratings Jump

    Benoit wrestling, Rock's return and the Battle Royal are all reasons why RAW had a good rating. Now if they would allow SD to have the same chances as RAW......
  4. So it's official SD is the redheaded stepchild of World Wrestling Entertainment, since they have the 1) Less marketable, 2) non stars and 3) non athletes compared to RAW, I wonder how Eddie, Rey, RVD, London and most of the SD locker room feels about this negative comments?
  5. humongous2002

    Smackdown Spoilers...

    Where's the RVD heel turn??
  6. humongous2002

    Konnan Backstage At The PPV Last Night

  7. humongous2002

    Who does Eddy fight after Bradshaw

    Not for nothing but I've seen great ideas by guys from this forum that would make me really get into SD again, Vince is wasting money on those untalented writers that are not even smart enough to come into a forum like this one and steal some ideas from the average WWE fan.
  8. humongous2002

    Who does Eddy fight after Bradshaw

    I think Rey could face Eddie as a babyface versus babyface for the WWE title, at least it would make an amazing SD main event if Vince is too much of a douchebag to make it into a ppv main event. But I'm pretty sure that RVD is getting a heel turn soon, probably by Summerslam with Heyman as his agent.
  9. humongous2002


    I think it is a joke, a very unfunny joke.
  10. humongous2002

    Eddie's Blade Job

    Eddie is crazy, but at least he tried his best to get a good match out that no talent Crapshaw.
  11. humongous2002

    Who does Eddy fight after Bradshaw

  12. humongous2002

    Do we know what's on the Benoit DVD yet?

    How did Benoit lose his mask the 1st time?
  13. humongous2002

    The Official Judgment Day 2004 Thread

    There was a ppv yesterday and I have no regrets missing it, and this is from a guy that has a black box to watch free ppvs.
  14. humongous2002

    Bradshaw's latest column...

    I'm from New York City so that must be why I never heard that cornbread reference to Mexicans(which means people from Mexico, while the word Hispanics means people from Latin America). And forgive me for my typing but that's b/c i'm typing too fast since I'm still at work.
  15. humongous2002

    WWE Smackdown!

    I agree with this comment, Rey makes a believable contender for the WWE title against Eddie, if it was Lesnar or Taker then it would be very hard to suspend my disbelief but since Eddie is only 5'7" and Rey is 5'4" then it's not that hard to believe that. Put them both in a cage match and you'll see fireworks. RVD is ready for the WWE title, anything less than that is beneath him and him winning the US belt doesn't do anything to elevate him or the midcard title. The US/IC title were made for young upstarts and it should be a stepping stone to get them to the next level , just look at Orton doing wonders with the IC title on RAW. Rob needs a world title push, but WWE would rather bring back Shitberg instead of passing the ball to Van Dam.
  16. humongous2002

    Bradshaw's latest column...

    Real deal hispanics????? Hispanic/Americans are not the real deal????What the hell are you talking about? You sound like a racist ignorant talking like that. When I meant Hispanic, I meant english and non-english speaking Hispanics, some of them are born here and some of them are not but they still know how to speak english. Real deal Hispanics? Who sounds like a fool now?
  17. humongous2002

    Bradshaw's latest column...

    I know plenty of die-hard WWE hispanic marks and smarks and they give 2 shits about the Eddie feud, so you are sadly mistaken.
  18. humongous2002

    Holly/Gunn - Convenience or Potential?

    Hey rookie, stop it with these bombardment of markish threads already.
  19. humongous2002

    Cena to RAW?

    And hopefully by then Cena won't be as lame as he is right now.
  20. humongous2002

    Bradshaw's latest column...

    Thanks for pointing out the only way Smackdown could get worse. At least if I don't have to watch Smackdown anymore, I'll have more time to play checkers with my mom. And don't forget to do the captain of the football team's homework. By the way I won't be wasting $35 for this p.p.v., and i'm not boycotting WWE but I'm doing this because is just a waste of my time and my money doing it, since it seems they don't care about their "B" show, then why should I?
  21. humongous2002

    Bradshaw's latest column...

    Poor JBL, he is so pathetic is not even funny.Well eventually JD will have the worst buyrates ever and Vince decides to make Crapshaw into a Velocity jobber for life(but most likely he will make Eddie take the blame for it).
  22. humongous2002

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Too bad Eddie is not 6'5", 295lbs and a homegrown WWE wrestler otherwise Vince would've care more about SD.
  23. humongous2002

    Raw ratings takes a dive

  24. humongous2002

    Bad Blood and Great American Bash Promo Posters

    Torrie should just stick to being a poster girl instead of bad acting on SD.