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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. RVD had the crowd eating from the palm of his hand, the guy could put out matches like the ladder match every week as long as he is being pushed as a main eventer, the fans were so into him that i had 2001 flashbacks, that's how pumped the crowd was, let's see Goldberg or HHH keep the fans on the edge of their seats throughout the whole match, i guess last night's main event will finally shut up those pesky RVD haters.
  2. humongous2002

    Anyone else think

    HHH and Steiner do not use roids and also in other news the sky is not blue.
  3. humongous2002

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    This is funny coming from a guy that has RVD in his poster image.RVD is over w/o any push, so imagine if he was actually being showcased as a true main player with a world title reign, if that happens and RVD fails to meet any of the fans expectations then i'll be the first one asking for his ass to be put back in midcard or undercard level. And by the way he's got more credibility that HHH has right now, putting good matches for one year doesn't make you a true franchise.
  4. humongous2002

    Which is the better Show

    Neither show is better, but a lot of smarks love SD for the wrestling, while on RAW is more about cutting goofy promos which the average tv viewer loves.
  5. humongous2002

    Smackdown rating slowly slipping

    The one who deserves the blame is always the one that's being pushed as #1, and i'm talking about good ol' Brocky, he still hasn't done anything to make the tv fans care for him and can someone please get him a manager, his mic skills are worse than Sid.
  6. humongous2002

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    Drugs aren't cool????????lol, who's this Nancy Reagan or a pimply teen-age virgin?LMAO. Wow, very relevant and compelling argument you offer there, Humungous. I think you single-handedly just destroyed your and any other RVD fan's credibility. Kudos to you. Kudos. Thank you Sweedish Chef.
  7. humongous2002

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    You got that right, it's nothing motre than a popularity contest and RVD is overdue in becoming the prom king.
  8. humongous2002

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    Drugs aren't cool????????lol, who's this Nancy Reagan or a pimply teen-age virgin?LMAO.
  9. humongous2002

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    This has to be the worst argument I've ever seen in my entire life. Do you understand the fundamentals of debate? Ok...I'll break it down for you. You stated "Now i laugh my ass off at some of the comments the RVD haters come out with for not giving Rob a main event push(As of right now w/o counting his Kane angle, RVD hasn't gotten any type of push period, either as a main eventer or a midcarder, it's like the writers got nothing for him), the RVD haters say that he is too sloppy, he is one dimensional, he is not a ratings draw(even though when he first join WWE the ratings were still 4.0 and up) and his workrate sucks, if anything it sounds to me that they are describing Goldberg, who is by the way, RAW champion." First and foremost, Goldberg is one of the most hated workers in the company on this forum. So, how does this confirm/deny any of the arguments against RVD? You didn't address the issues at hand in any form. You just showed your blind hate for Goldberg. Make points to prove your opinion. It usually helps if they are facts. (As of right now w/o counting his Kane angle, RVD hasn't gotten any type of push period, either as a main eventer or a midcarder, it's like the writers got nothing for him), You mean his IC Title feud with Chris Benoit wasn't a push? I believe he even went over at a major PPV to bring the Title back to RAW. That constitutes a push in my book. Sure, it's not the top of the card, but there are only so many spots at the top. the RVD haters say that he is too sloppy, he is one dimensional, he is not a ratings draw Well, can you look me in the eyes and tell me you think RVD is a crisp technical worker without laughing? Every RVD match has at LEAST one botched spot. Look at the PPV match with Jericho and Christian. These guys are veterans in the ring, and spots were blown left and right. RVD is sloppy. His style is sloppy. It's the nature of his style. He uses high-spots, and those are "high-risk maneuvers" as the commentators would say. They are just that, the chance of a slip and or miss are high. RVD is one-dimensional. Do you think that RVD could wrestle a match without the top-rope? Does any of his offense (other than the 5-star or split-legged moonsault) look like it could get a pinfall? He's a spot wrestler with little-to-no psychology. He has bad transition moves, and he couldn't sell water in the Sahara. RVD has all the tools to be a main eventer, the only thing he is missing is Vince's approval RVD lacks almost everything it takes to be a main-eventer. His skills on the mic are poor, maybe even worse than Chris Benoit's. Do you think RVD could go to the ring like HHH and cut a 5-10 minute promo? Be honest, there is no way in hell. He has the charisma of Linda MacMahon. His ring work leaves tons to be desired. He has a great finish, and the crowd pops for it, but that doesn't make a match. His matches seem to lack continuity, and psychology is near non-existant. Let's not even get into selling. His character doesn't relate to fans. What made Austin's run as Champ so great? Everyone could relate. We all have some sort of issues with an authority figure, and we wished we could kick the shit out of our boss. Fans related to Austin. Who's gonna relate to RVD? What does RVD represent? Stoners? Drugs aren't cool. Bottom line. Hey nitwit that's why i said that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, i got my opinion and you got yours. I'm not going to sit here and try to change your mind about RVD, he might not be your favorite but that doesn't take the fact that he is very over with the fans. You talk about my blind hate for Goldberg, but you fail to mention about your blind hate towards RVD,i got nothing against Goldberg but it doesn't make any sense for Vince to push him since he won't be around much longer.But we could argue all day long and i'll be wasting my valuable time, i rather go pick my boogers.
  10. humongous2002

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, some people love those highspot matches and there are those that love the normal wrestling matches, you can't never have 2 people agreeing which one is the best. In my eyes if a wrestler or wrestlers have the capacity to get the fans into a match and make them care for it then that makes it a good match without relying on jumping from Titantrons or practically almost killing yourself just for the sake of doing your bump of the year routine. Now back to the topic of HHH and RVD, it's obvious that HGH felt threatened of loosing his spot to Rob, a guy that got over w/o any fanfare from WWE. There were talks of making RVD into a main eventer when he got over in less than a few weeks, but it seems someone made Vince change his mind. If HHH didn't have any problems with Rob he would've done the right thing by jobbing for him last year, and at least give him the chance to either shine or fail as a main eventer. Now i laugh my ass off at some of the comments the RVD haters come out with for not giving Rob a main event push(As of right now w/o counting his Kane angle, RVD hasn't gotten any type of push period, either as a main eventer or a midcarder, it's like the writers got nothing for him), the RVD haters say that he is too sloppy, he is one dimensional, he is not a ratings draw(even though when he first join WWE the ratings were still 4.0 and up) and his workrate sucks, if anything it sounds to me that they are describing Goldberg, who is by the way, RAW champion. Lesnar is another guy that comes into my mind, he is not a ratings or a buyrate draw , he might have better workrate than Goldberg but with the way he is being push, he hasn't delivered any increases in ratings or ppv buyrates. RVD has all the tools to be a main eventer, the only thing he is missing is Vince's approval , the fans are dying to see him get treated like the superstar that he is, hopefully Vince realizes that he could make money with Rob by pushing him, not by burying him and pissing off all the RVD fans out there.
  11. humongous2002

    Feuds that never Die!

    His mic skills aren't bad, is the shit they write for him that stinks like Big Show's crapper. The only ones that keep on using the bad mic skills as a reason not to push Rob are those sad RVD critics.
  12. humongous2002

    9/24 in the W/WWF/E

    Man, I guess I missed that match. I've always wanted to see a Rock vs. RVD match. Do you remember how the quality of the match was and everything ? If someone has a CRZ recap, it'd be greatly appreciated. And man, that was an awesome Smackdown last year. Eddie and Edge in that No-DQ Match, as well as the Triple Threat between Rey/Angle/Benoit. Hmmm....call me crazy but.....I don't think Smackdown will be that good tomorrow night. Just a hunch. I personally liked the match but i would've like to see it on ppv. RVD chants were drowning out those Rocky chants, the good old days w/o HHH, sigh.
  13. humongous2002

    Why can't EVEN MARKS......

    Get me a specially made air matress like the one Shane-O had and I'd do it in a heartbeat. No shit, with shit like that even my grandmother would do it. ShaneO's sheeps out there want to see a real diving bump? Go check the one with New Jack and fat Vic Grimes jump from a scaffold onto the floor w/o any type of padding. Like it or not Shane is still a pussy that just killed any monster heat Kane had.
  14. humongous2002

    It's official: HHH on HHHiatus

    HHH leaves RAW, after killing all the potential main eventer's heat, without putting anyone over except for Goldberg: a part time wrestler(not a real threat to his spot) that won't be in WWE by next year since his contract expires and Vince isn't too fuckin' dumb (i hope not) to renew it. I just wish he would never come back, let Steph waste all of daddy Warbucks' money on making a movie just for HHHomo, hell, let her buy him an oscar for biggest nose in showbiz.
  15. humongous2002

    Raw rating

    Shitberg=low ratings. How come all of us saw this coming, except for Vince of course.
  16. humongous2002

    Another RVD Radio Interview

    Austin also has a neck that is in crap shape, so he has a bit of an excuse --- yet he's STILL more over than RVD could ever dream to be. HHH is terrible right now --- but in 2000, he was one of the best workers out there. And he can still claim he drew once. RVD was ECW's biggest "star", yet it was Vince's money that kept ECW afloat for a while, not RVD's drawing prowess. At this point, they're trying to find ANYTHING that might keep the fans engaged. Austin always generates huge pops, deservedly or not. RVD does not. If you're trying to give the fans "what they want", who would YOU push? If you'd give RVD more air time than Austin, you're as bad as HHH pushing himself more than he probably deserves (then again, outside of Booker T, he hasn't faced A SOUL who would do better for business than him this year). -=Mike This guy is a good example of an RVD hater, people will come out with plenty of good reasons for RVD getting a push, but this guy will shot them down every chance he gets. In other words trying to have a reasonable discussion with this guy is out of the question, but believe me if for some rerason WWE decides to let RVD carry the ball Mike will be the first one to jump into the bandwagon, but right now his biased mind won't allow him to listen to reason.
  17. humongous2002

    Question about SK Raw Rant

    How did you do it to stay awake for the Lame's promo? I was knocked out after the first um.
  18. humongous2002

    current top 3 favorite wrestlers

    You almost had me there.
  19. humongous2002

    Golberg steals HHH's movie roll

    Brock could be that dumb ass vulture, the one that says :Which way did it go George?
  20. humongous2002

    current top 3 favorite wrestlers

    Eddie RVD Angle Nuff said!!
  21. humongous2002

    Goldberg vs TNA fans

    By "paying any mind to those TNA fans", do you mean NOT signing their fliers? Considering that Goldberg signed the fliers NONETHELESS, I think that makes him more of a stand-up guy than a internet smark who's claiming he's an "asshole" and a "jackass" for doing the right thing (knocking on the hypocritical and mighty lonely TNA "heel section"). Well look it here, we got a Shitberg fan. I guess he should get a medal of honor for signing up fliers, wow, why don't we just make him a national hero. The right thing is to act like a fucking adult and ignore the hecklers, simple as that, but anyway here's to you and Shitberg .
  22. humongous2002

    Goldberg vs TNA fans

    You are comparing apples with oranges, but anyway i feel that Shitberg should've been the better man in this situation by not paying any mind to those TNA fans. By acting like the jackass that he is, he made himself look like a bigger fool than those heckling fans. Mc Donalds=
  23. humongous2002

    HHH's pathetically bad Pedigree

    They both suck, problem solved.
  24. humongous2002

    My plan for Benoit

    This is the smartest thing i've ever seen on this forum, ever.
  25. humongous2002

    Goldberg vs TNA fans

    Shitberg sucks.