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Everything posted by humongous2002

  1. humongous2002

    RVD, out by WMXX?

    I don't get this. From my view, many of the guys in the X Division is doing better stuff than what RVD is doing. I think even a few of the spotmonkeys there sell better than he does, too. Hey guy, just go watch some old ECW tapes with RVD on it and you'll realize how wrong you are about him.
  2. humongous2002

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    Angle has been given the ball as a champ plenty of times already, i'm a big fan of him but i do admit he is nowhere near Austin's or Rock's level, he's truly the Bret Hart of our generation, he's over but not enough to take wrestling to that next level like Austin and Rock and even Hogan did. Now back to RVD, lets give the man his props like him or not, he was truly super-over when he first joined in in the WWF at the time, i can't even remember if that has ever happened before or not, if him giving promos was going to be a problem Vince has the loot to get Fonzie or even Heyman to talk for Rob and actually do something with him, but he decided to listen to other people *coughHHHcough* and just drop the ball with RVD. RVD might still have a chance to be a breakout main eventer since the fans are still dying to see him with the world belt, they were chanting his name after he was buried on that cage match, if that's not a wrestler who's over with the fans then i don't know what is.
  3. humongous2002

    Raw Rating

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, i guess that Kane is only watchable when he sticks jumper cables on someone's testicles instead of his non-existent wrestling skills, also about the cage match, what the FUCK is WWE thinking in booking a match without giving RVD any type of offense, no wonder people changed the channel including me. Keep on burying your promising marketable young stars and RAW will be lucky to get a 0.1 in the ratings.
  4. humongous2002

    What's wrong with these 2 reports?

    2 different reports from last night's monday night RAW: Jeff Spencer's report: Biggest Pops: 1. Stone Cold Steve Austin 2. Goldberg 3. J.R. 4. Trish Stratus Most Heat: 1. Bischoff 2. Jericho 3. Christian 4. Jonathan Coachman Ward Presley sent this one: Biggest Pops: SCSA Steiner Goldberg Flair Lance Storm ???? Ladies match (at least I popped they do a great job and I wish their matches could go longer) Most Heat Bischoff HHH / Evolution Cain Test La Resistance Shane McMahon (the crowd really didn’t care what he had to say) credit:1wrestling.com Was i the only one that heard those loud RVD chants for the opening match?Since he wasn't even mentioned in the loud pops category for any of these reports, a lot of biased marks out there.Same show but 2 different reports, believe dat playa.
  5. humongous2002

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    Take it easy......the guy was VERY popular but to say he was as popular as Austin or Rock in their prime is a little overboard.............Austin and Rock were in a different stratosphere from everyone else as far as popularity. For those few months back in 2001, RVD was as over as Rocky or Austin were in their peaks, the guy was over after his first match, he main evented for the wwf world title a few months later, he was more over than Y2J,Angle and Taker even though he was a heel for the Alliance, and after he's been misused and almost buried by the powers that be he's still over with the fans while Kane's monster charisma is getting stale. RVD could still make it as the next Austin but it's up to Vince to finally decide that he wants to make money or just be a jackass and have HHH run his company to the ground.
  6. humongous2002

    WWE Notes From The 9/8 Observer

    Bob, your problem is that you are a mark for wrestlers that will never ever main event a ppv for a world title, i'll be bitter too if i was a Regal or a Goldust mark too, so i kind of understand where you are coming from. But i'm not going to waste my time here arguing with you b/c i got better things to do like picking my nose.
  7. humongous2002

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    All i'm saying is this guys, don't buy that ppv.The matches are shitty, RVD might not be on the ppv since he might be "nursing" his burial...ahem, i mean his injuries, HHH is still injured so he won't be able to have his ** match with Shitberg, Orton is still being pushed down our throats and Shane v. Kane will suck worst than Shane v. Bitchoff. If you want to watch a good ppv just order the NWA/TNA 1 cent ppv, is more than worth it, you'll be happy after watching this ppv on Wed,sept,10th 2003 @ 8:00pm.
  8. humongous2002

    WWE Notes From The 9/8 Observer

    Considering he's one of the best workers on RAW, is MUCH better then he was from 96-2000- I think it's pretty absurd to claim Dustin is over the hill. Carry to back that up with any evidence? The BookDust team was very very over and I hate to say it but the Tourette's stuff is over too. That's why it gets pops when he does it. So you don't think good workers who almost always get over should get pushes? And his dad makes a bunch of money working on the indy scene- So calling him unemployed is a pretty stupid and ignorant statement to make LOL, Goldust=best worker? Bad touette gimmick gets pops? Bob you are one delusional guy, if you feel that a wrestler should get a push just because of being over with the fans i agree with that, but Goldust is on the bottom of that list since there are other wrestlers that are: a)More over and b)More talented Wrestlers like Benoit,Eddy,RVD and Jericho are more over and they're still stuck in mid-card limbo. Goldust gets Hurricane heat, meaning that he is funny and the only push he might get is as a comedic midcarder instead of a main eventer or an IC title contender. And the only stupid and ignorant statement here is the one about Goldust being over enough to get a PUSH, lol.
  9. humongous2002

    WWE Notes From The 9/8 Observer

    Yeah, he's over..........the hill that is. That stuttering gimmick never caught on. He should get a push .... but off a cliff so he could join his father, the son of a plumber back in the unemployment line.
  10. humongous2002


    You mean Kane's storyline=ratings.
  11. humongous2002

    triple h face turn

    I hope to God that this will ruin Orton's career, he doesn't deserve it.
  12. humongous2002

    Kane/Kurt Angle trade idea

    If RVD gets traded to SD i will definitely not have any reason to watch RAW.
  13. humongous2002

    HHH's bachelor party

    You're right, being a christian doesn't mean that you lead a boring life just look at Shawn for example, he practices his religion by stealing and plotting against young deserving wrestler backstage. The Clique is a new religious brotherhood.
  14. humongous2002

    Vince has really done it now

    It's a work, Vince is trying to hard to get heel heat just like Triple Fey.
  15. humongous2002

    PWI 500 2003

    Ladies and gents, it's time again for the PWI 500. And here are the top 25: 1-Brock Lesnar 2-HHH 3-Kurt Angle 4-Keiji Muto 5-Jericho 6-Big Show 7-Booker T 8-Kenta Kobashi 9-Eddie Guerrero 10-RVD 11-A.J. Styles 12-Cena 13-Benoit 14-El hijo del Santo 15-Jeff Jarrett 16-Shinya Hashimoto 17-Matt Hardy 18-Taker 19-Rey Mysterio 20-Christopher Daniels 21-Hurricane 22-Raven 23-Kane 24-Koji Kanemoto 25-Charlie Hass
  16. humongous2002

    Lance Storm's thoughts on Stiff Workers

    Lance is just bitter, he needs to stop worrying about other wrestlers' styles and start thinking about his career as Goldust's new lil' buddy.
  17. humongous2002

    Non-wrestlers dominating Raw

    Well i'm glad you enjoyed RAW, more power to you.B ut as much as you try explaining the reasons why we should enjoy it as much as you did, it's not going to work with us, Shane is a non-wrestler, how is this going to help elevate Kane to the next level? We all know he is going to win, but why do it on a ppv instead of a RAW? Kane is looking weak just by getting his ass handed to him by a non-athlete, how believable is that??Might as well have Spike Dudley get the upperhand on Kane, at least he is a wrestler and bumps way better than Mr. One spot Shane-O.
  18. Screw Brock, never liked him to begin with, after getting that huge push it took the fans a long time to pop for this guy, but i agree that Taker shouldn't be the one to pin the vanilla gorilla, give somebody new a chance and i don't mean Atrain or Nathan Jones.
  19. humongous2002

    Let's list all the reasons...

    Biggest problem on RAW has always been: PUSHING THE WRONG PEOPLE(Since now they are pushing non-wrestlers too)DOWN OUR THROATS!!! The fans pop for RVD, they truly jeer for Jericho, they chant for Book, they even cheer for ....gasp...Tommy Dreamer, why aren't these wrestlers getting a push, an angle, something. Kane's psycho act is going stale, seeing him wrestle again reminded everybody that he is not main event material, give him a transitional reign and give the belt to Rob. Orton,HHH,Austin,Shane,Coach,Vince,Nash and HBK , what all these names have in common? That the fans don't care about them anymore or in Orton's case they never did. So why do something counterproductive instead of doing good business and push the right people.
  20. humongous2002

    Official Kane Horribly Burnt/Dead Threat

    You see Mada ,that's what we all want to have RVD on SD instead of being stuck in the HHH show. But since we want that so much Vince will be there to make our dreams into nightmares.
  21. humongous2002

    Non-wrestlers dominating Raw

    It doesn't matter how popular Austin was(he isn't anymore), he still can't wrestle or be the top guy anymore. His promos suck and the fans still cheer for him because he's still being booked strong even though he is a non-wrestler now. Shane is another non-wrestler who's being booked stronger than the actual wrestlers, who's going to take Jericho and even Kane serious if they get their asses handed to them by a pudgy dorky looking McMahon, even my 80 year old grandmother could kick his ass in real life. Why couldn't they have RVD help out Shane to at least make it look that they needed 2 people to throw Kane into the burning dumpster, i know he is out selling the injury but the fans were chanting for him to help Shane and it would make him look strong by returning back so quick after being tombstoned onto the metal steps, but this is the World McMahon Ego-tainment.
  22. humongous2002

    Smackdown has a paper champ

    As long as he stays away from RVD then i'm a happy man.
  23. humongous2002

    Official Kane Horribly Burnt/Dead Threat

    If it takes cheap-ass special effects for you to cream all over yourself more power to you, to me that ending killed Kane's undestructible monster character.
  24. humongous2002

    Scott Keith's Summerslam 2003 Rant

    SK is a jackass, Eddy has always been having great matches, it's just that now the fans(marks) are realizing how good this guy is.